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  1. aenemic

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    You're talking to someone who has the Angel Dust cover tattooed on the arm, who flew from Sweden to southern Germany to catch a re-united Faith No More in 2009 (and then back again to see them in Sweden again 2 days later). And who's shook mr Patton's hand and told him he's hotter than Britney...
  2. aenemic

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    You should listen to Faith No More as well if you haven't already.
  3. aenemic

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    10/10, cool to see another Bungle fan here.
  4. aenemic

    Nuka break is canceled :(((

    Yeah well, I'm not exacly invested in this. I had even forgotten about Nuka Break, even if I enjoyed what I watched. And Tybee Diskin is hot. But I also like some of what Geek & Sundry does, and I like Wil Wheaton and Felicia Day. So I'm just curious about what happened. But from what I also...
  5. aenemic

    Please help me understand Bethesda's decisions

    I see Bethesda (mainly Todd) as someone who grew up loving rpg's, but then grew out of it and started enjoying simpler more fast-paced games. They mistook that for everyone growing out of rpg's, and seeing action-oriented games selling better they simply thought they went with the times. In a...
  6. aenemic

    I think Nuka World and Far Harbor were quite good.

    You complain about the lack of RP in one sentence, then praise Nuka World for allowing you to play a raider. What if you don't want to roleplay a raider and still play the dlc you paid for?
  7. aenemic

    Nuka break is canceled :(((

    Why would these actors (who also founded the company) start a smear campaign just like that? From what I understand of the whole thing, the company has grown and now has new owners and partners, and these have essentially neutered the original creators, not paying them for their work while...
  8. aenemic

    Arrogant modders?

    Modders tend to take it to a whole other level...
  9. aenemic

    Arrogant modders?

    I'd love to see CDPR steal more fans from Bethesda, but I shudder at the thought of nude mods and anime hair mods for The Witcher games...
  10. aenemic

    Pre-Day 1 DLC has arrived...

    Maybe they're always looking for the next big title, just like how dedicated MMO players always try out the newest MMO in hopes it'll be the sacing grace of the genre. Besides, Minecraft is a different type of game as far as I know.
  11. aenemic

    Arrogant modders?

    I don't blame anyone, who is pouring hours of their free time into creating something, for doing it for selfish reasons. I've said it before: modders don't owe anything to anyone.
  12. aenemic

    Pre-Day 1 DLC has arrived...

    Most people who play these games seem to do it only to dick around with their friends and troll other players. I doubt they care that much about the finished status of the game, or the gaming industry in general.
  13. aenemic

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    After finishing Dragon Age: Inquisition (with the Trespasser dlc, which was very much worth it - not so much for the gameplay but definitely for the added story and ending slides), I went back to Origins since it's been a long time since I played it and I wanted more of the Dragon Age world. The...
  14. aenemic

    Fallout 4 costs $110 dollars, Witcher 3 GOTY costs $49.99 GG Bethesda

    What are the requirements for making a GOTY version anyway? Is it enough that one or two obscure gaming sites pick it as GOTY? Will F4's GOTY version have a quote from MrMattyPlays on the cover?
  15. aenemic

    Nuka World: No Review Possible

    None whatsoever, but as seen in the video it's a Chinese Officer Sword, which are prevalent in Fallout 3. But yes, it's a perfectly legitimate reason to criticize the reference to say that it doesn't fit thematically. But how many references in Fallout 2 fit in thematically? They don't...
  16. aenemic

    Porn Is Unhealthy

    Examples? I didn't mean to say that only women are treated poorly. I'm sure a lot of people are treated poorly.
  17. aenemic

    Nuka World: No Review Possible

    Yes I do, but that doesn't have anything to do with it either. Dark Souls is an extremely popular game series, which most likely several people at Bethesda enjoy. References like this are made to pay tribute to something you enjoy and to make others who enjoy it smile when they see and recognize...
  18. aenemic

    Nuka world one step backwards one step forwards ?

    Well, trying to see the positive side of things I guess this dlc proves that they understand that people don't always want to play the good guy. But the thing is, it also shows exactly how capable Bethesda are of handling that information. "Oh ok, you guys want to be evil? Sure, we can do this...