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  1. D

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Try out playing with 8 players difficulty via /players 8. I think that was the command right? It's very fun that way, at least to me.
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    Rate the avatar above yours.

    It ain't an ordinary skull. It's the most evil skull in the world! "Roll through the gates of hell!" Cool gif, I like it. 8/10 EDIT: I really should change mine. The World Cup passed so fast didn't it...
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    Multiphysics engine

    Red Faction Guerrilla has destructible buildings. It's kind of fun... for the first 15 minutes, then it's so repetitive, since every building seems to break in the same ways, a lot of structures are reused all the time. Might've been really fun for someone else, but it wasn't to me.
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    Multiphysics engine

    You sure about that? I mean... And what about the hype with NVidia PhysX? Physics still play an important role. It's a shame few people take advantage of something so useful for gameplay. And this kind of physics sure is extremely useful for movies. Particularly the adjustable...
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    Funny Gaming Related pictures

    Gordon Freeman asks himself why Nintendo keeps "evolving" the controller for imitating in the Metroid series the FPS gameplay style he has had long ago... Maybe? Wait, I don't think I get it after all. What are the little ducks doing there anyway?
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Minecraft is just sucking my life away. The free version isn't something very good to look at, but the constantly updated Alpha version(10 euros) is really(I'm going to say the unholy word) immersive. It's not graphics, it ain't realism, it's that the gameplay sucks you in so much you can spend...
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    Starcraft 2 will jump out of your monitor with 3D

    Maybe it'll be popular with some maps in the Galaxy Editor, considering it can deviate from an RTS like, totally.
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    Battle.Net 2.0 - With real names in the forum ?

    I like how the thread over at the WoW forums got more than 2k+ pages in only 3-4 days.
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    World Cup 2010 South Africa

    They gave some recipes for squid-related food on the local newspaper when he predicted Argentina would lose.
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    Gearing up for a Deus Ex replay

    Holy shit I love you, that was fast. ;)
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    Gearing up for a Deus Ex replay

    It's been a time since I last replayed Deus Ex. I did play most of those content mods, including The Nameless Mod. But now I'd like to give DX's campaign another playthrough. Question is, what mods should I use to enchance it? I'm not really looking for anything gameplay specific, I'd be more...
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    Tim Cain interview on Matt Chat, part 2

    Well, if we ponder about the point of the forum, we have lots of discussions here. Only by discussing with other people we come to realise and define what was wrong, what should be fixed. We narrow the problems down, we debate which could be left out, which are the most important. Then there...
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    World Cup 2010 South Africa

    Great goal by Forlan. I'm glad the Netherlands is getting pressured a bit on a semifinal now.
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    Tim Cain interview on Matt Chat, part 2

    It's feedback. Developers should listen to feedback, but considering BethSoft doesn't give a shit about us, maybe there's no point arguing. At least Obsidian seems to have picked up a clue of what we wanted. It is! , though I don't use to do it so much, but the comments are quite hilarious...
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    Tim Cain interview on Matt Chat, part 2

    Ugh, this analogy is getting me hungry.
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    The great feeling of new hardware

    Thanks for saying the same thing I said and trying to make me look like an idiot. :roll:
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    The great feeling of new hardware

    Indeed, AMD tends to be much cheaper over here. I've always liked AMD over Intel, and I'm currently using a Black Edition CPU. Which works very, very well.
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    How Success Killed Duke Nukem

    Conker's Bad Fur day is older and it allowed doing that in some parts as well. :)
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    World Cup 2010 South Africa

    Be careful, I heard they play with 3 goalkeepers. :P
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    The great feeling of new hardware

    Everyone loves buying new hardware. Some people keep up with the trends, others just stay behind and upgrade for what they need. Others, like me, just delay their next purchase to the level the transition between new & old will be just AMAZING. What's my latest case? I just upgraded from a...