Starcraft 2 will jump out of your monitor with 3D

It'll be a worldwide nerdgasm in 3D. Wouldn't be surprised if they tacked on a fee to play the game in 3D, people would probably be dumb enough to buy it.
Brother None said:
An RTS in 3D? That's retarded. But so is 3D gaming at this point in time tech-wise.
Depending on what you mean by that, I agree or disagree. If you're talking about 3D input then yeah, it's ridiculous and gimmicky. If you're talking about gameplay then I gotta say that Homeworld was quite impressive. It's very different and very cool to really have to think about a 3D environment in a strategy game.

Blizzard going for the cheap tricks. Way to go. I really hope that the 3D TV craze passes soon, it's funny in a sad way to see it pop up every 15 or so years.
The future of gaming is here…blahhhh

Maybe it'll be popular with some maps in the Galaxy Editor, considering it can deviate from an RTS like, totally.
Khan FurSainty said:
At first the game will be normal, but then a patch will be released to enable the people with Nvidia cards and right monitors to "enjoy it to the fullest" as i would expect them to say. So if you have the right card, monitor, glasses and game, you'll be in for experiencing... THE FUTURE!!!

i very interested to see this, i seen few FPS 3D stuff at my friends, some implementation was terrible, nothing but a gimmick and some where genius, really adding to the immersion and gameplay.

but SC2 would be the first RTS to implement this feature, i would love to see if they manage to innovate.
blizzard innovate?

what the fuck are you smoking? i might break my personal vow against drugs to try it.
considering i havent seen any other RTS doing it and the succeed, it will be innovation...

but if you dont like the word 'innovation' you may call whatever you call blizzard success to make diablo, starcraft and then WOW into world wide phenomena.
mor said:
considering i havent seen any other RTS doing it and the succeed, it will be innovation...

but if you dont like the word 'innovation' you may call whatever you call blizzard success to make diablo, starcraft and then WOW into world wide phenomena.

I would guess the term is "stealing other people ideas and implementing them in their games". True, their titles are very popular, and with good reason, but after WoW kicked in, the company is going downhill.
3D TV is a joke, so is watching it in the cinema is a major joke, I watched avatar, and wasn't impressed with the film or the effects, so we are now getting 3D TVs, which are selling for a bomb, but hardly anything supports it, we are still going through the high def craze, so yeah, a gimmick 100% don't see the point,
The problem is that the current 3d movies are all mainstream tripe. I wouldn't mind playing a flightsim with some kind of goggle device on my head. I don't know about RTS games, will never play Starcraft so I don't really care.
matthewfarmery said:
3D TV is a joke, so is watching it in the cinema is a major joke, I watched avatar, and wasn't impressed with the film or the effects, so we are now getting 3D TVs, which are selling for a bomb, but hardly anything supports it, we are still going through the high def craze, so yeah, a gimmick 100% don't see the point,
i thought that avatar was great in 3d and 3D TV's are no more a gimmick then HDTV's was few years back.

you know the rule, no content no deal and no matter how amazing the next tech is (natural led now, no?) buy always the average cost one.

we just had mass import of those natural led or something (who cares, very expensive shit) so all the regular LCD prices drooped, my friends and i just got our group buy new model of 52inch tv's for a RRRRidicules price, world cup never looked better 8-)

matthewfarmery said:
3D TV is a joke, so is watching it in the cinema is a major joke, I watched avatar, and wasn't impressed with the film or the effects, so we are now getting 3D TVs, which are selling for a bomb, but hardly anything supports it, we are still going through the high def craze, so yeah, a gimmick 100% don't see the point,
i thought that avatar was great in 3d and 3D TV's are no more a gimmick then HDTV's was few years back.

you know the rule, no content no deal and no matter how amazing the next tech is (natural led now, no?) buy always the average cost one.

we just had mass import of those natural led or something (who cares, very expensive shit) so all the regular LCD prices drooped, my friends and i just got our group buy new model of 52inch tv's for a RRRRidicules price, world cup never looked better 8-)

Khan FurSainty said:
mor said:
considering i havent seen any other RTS doing it and the succeed, it will be innovation...

but if you dont like the word 'innovation' you may call whatever you call blizzard success to make diablo, starcraft and then WOW into world wide phenomena.

I would guess the term is "stealing other people ideas and implementing them in their games". True, their titles are very popular, and with good reason, but after WoW kicked in, the company is going downhill.
well, the world is full of people who could have been the next great... whatever and those who are :lol:

and who said blizzard is going down hill?! what about SC2 and Diablo3?