Roflcore said:
Indeed, but that was a very short period. Too short for what they have showed so far. No doubt Spain played excellent, it just didn't feel like Germany gave 100%.
I think people had an overstated impression of how well Germany played because of the opponents they faced. Argentina and England sound like impressive opponents, but defensively they were shit, especially in those games. Argentina has a maximum of 5 people on defense at any point in time, and their defense is poorly organised. England had an absolute mess of a defense, which was dragged out of position oh so easily. There was never much of a chance Germany could repeat that performance against a well-organised side like Spain, or even Serbia earlier in the tournament. And Spain's constant early pressing helped a lot to disturb their build-up.
Sicblades said:
What? No. I just don't have time to retort and go into a break down with pics of the game to get into it. For the Dutch to not exploit that 3:1 cover the Uruguay team was giving was poor.
Again: have you seen *any* football this World Cup? At all? Switzerland-Spain? North-Korea-Brazil? Netherlands-anyone? Spain-anyone? Italy-anyone? Switzerland-anyone?
There's only been one side who really broke down opponents and that was Germany, but they did it against sides that did not defend in numbers and defended poorly.
Sicblades said:
Forlan was being given too much room, mostly. They contained him most of the time, but he was still being given the room.
This is pure fantasy. Forlan completed 39% of his passes, and passed the ball fewer times than anyone on the entire field except Van Persie and the keepers. He had room to shoot on goal a grand total of 1 time. How the fuck is that giving him room? If he had room, he'd have had the ball and done more with it.
Sicblades said:
And they did play unsound until they got their act together. They should have played the game that way the whole game, which is what I was saying.
They played unsound until they didn't play unsound?
You mean the Van der Vaart sub changed things? Because sure it did, the Dutch dominated midfield more and created more chances through combination football. But that that was a better option doesn't mean the initial tactics were unsound. An unsound tactic means a tactic is fundamentally flawed, but there was nothing fundamentally flawed about the first half tactics, it just wasn't as good as the second half tactics. Besides that, it wasn't as much a tactical change as it was a personnel change. Van der Vaart is a more offensive player than De Zeeuw, but he played in the same position and the formation didn't change courtesy of a tactical change but simply because Van der Vaart can't play as far back as De Zeeuw.
Sicblades said:
Spain managed to break the German 7-man defense pretty good.
They did? Because Spain didn't get that many chances either. Mostly long-distance shots and I think 2 or 3 chances through open play. They dominated play, but they didn't create much (until Germany started to attack in numbers after going down 1-0). Which has, again, been the story of their World Cup.