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  1. Zerginfestor

    Even I have no fucking idea what Walpknut is squawking about. Conspiracy by WSJ? The fuck?

    Even I have no fucking idea what Walpknut is squawking about. Conspiracy by WSJ? The fuck?
  2. Zerginfestor

    How is what I said dumb? It makes sense that corporations will pull away from their competitors...

    How is what I said dumb? It makes sense that corporations will pull away from their competitors and cripple them with a hammer. Has nothing to do with 'muh emutionz', since, mind you, when Youtube was independent none of this shit really happened at such a huge scale.
  3. Zerginfestor

    You actually believe that shit? You do realize Verizon and AT&T, the 2 largest influx for...

    You actually believe that shit? You do realize Verizon and AT&T, the 2 largest influx for Google's youtube ad revenue, are also extreme competitors, right? Verizon owns Yahoo, they don't want to fucking work with their competition. AT&T Owns CNN, they don't fucking want to work with Google.
  4. Zerginfestor

    I doubt it'll happen. Ad Revenue didn't fucking leave because "muh wordz" or "dey scured, hurr...

    I doubt it'll happen. Ad Revenue didn't fucking leave because "muh wordz" or "dey scured, hurr hurr", they left because the two largest corporations that reluctantly used Google for their ads was Verizon and AT&T used WSJ as to point finger at Google for an excuse and pull out.
  5. Zerginfestor

    Things Fallout 4 Got Right

    In F4, they somehow made a Powerfist as a demolition tool (a friend and I discussed how silly this was and we just accepted it's stupidity in another forum). Personally, Power Fist would be developed alongside Power Armor as the top-of-the-line military technological marvel. It's literally a...
  6. Zerginfestor

    Things Fallout 4 Got Right

    It's mostly to cut on costs for unique animation, since all of them have the same retarded 'shove core into back and slam it in' motion. Logic wise, you wouldn't even see the fusion core outside, and would probably be within the chassis/sides/back of the torso armor and thus a bit harder to get...
  7. Zerginfestor

    Ahoy looks into one of the most prevalent video game urban legends: Polybius.

    At least Pyrocynical's cancerous shit is a bit more appealing than this. It just goes on and on..
  8. Zerginfestor

    Fallout 4 Creation Club is now live

    can't wait for them to even make DOOM Armor pathetic. That's a fucking leap to be sure.
  9. Zerginfestor

    Fallout 4 Creation Club is now live

    I don't know why, but I can't help but imagine these words spoken from Lieutenant in his beautiful voice.
  10. Zerginfestor

    Fallout 4 Creation Club is now live

    So...basically..from what I'm getting from this, is that the 'naughty' version of Fallout 4 is literally better than the legal version because you're not instantly getting CC bullshit mods suddenly filling up your storage with shit-tier mods. That's...That's just fucking hilarious.
  11. Zerginfestor

    Fallout 4 Creation Club is now live

    It'll be equivalent to a Mother Deathclaw who spotted Bethesda kicking one of her hatchlings. Better grab the popcorn because limbs are gonna go fucking flying.
  12. Zerginfestor

    Fallout 4 Creation Club is now live

    5 bucks for Power Armor?....Are you fucking serious?
  13. Zerginfestor

    Science jargon? Proton axe, protonic inversal axe?

    gonna say it's nothing but gibberish. Protons give off a positive charge, but to have them on their own is a bit 'wut' on its own. idea how that's supposed to electrocute people or do damage. Anyone got a clue?
  14. Zerginfestor

    Bad games you enjoy playing

    They're the ones who made Lords of the Fallen, to which people like Zero Punctuation quickly called it a Souls Wannabe or Souls-like game, but then it got shat on for not being Dark Souls, and the rest is history. Then the same guy played The Surge, and called it shit because of the third boss...
  15. Zerginfestor

    Bad games you enjoy playing

    I wouldn't call it a bad game, but because it was made by Deck 13, retarded kids tend to instantly call it a shit game without even trying or thinking, but anyways, I'd say the Surge is a ton of fun for me. Takes place in a futuristic world with high tech rigs and badass weapons. Combat is...
  16. Zerginfestor

    Some hero you are :C

    Some hero you are :C
  17. Zerginfestor

    Secondary Combat Skill For Melee Characters

    how are you having trouble with Unarmed in Fallout 1/2? Just like NV, it's potentially the most awesome skill to use. This question and such is really vague, man.
  18. Zerginfestor

    Does the super sledge make any sense?

    Bahhh, don't get my started on the GOD Hand, jesus lol. Also, Damn! I didn't even know you can use Flamethrowers like that, that's interesting, honestly.
  19. Zerginfestor

    Which Level 50 Perk Is Best

    I personally think The "Just Lucky I'm Alive" Perk is the best one out of the batch, it's got a 50% Increase in Critical Damage, and with Better Criticals, you get a x2.25 bonus to crit damage, which is absolutely insane. Thought You Died is for explosive builds, hands down, or Heavy-Handed Builds.
  20. Zerginfestor

    Does the super sledge make any sense?

    Ever tried finding a narrow corridor that's illegally constructed to be that narrow and with a low ceiling? The very idea that using this thing for a Demolition crew is beyond idiotic. A Sledgehammer can take care of legally made construction and buildings, but anything that stronger than...