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  1. Jabberwok

    Fallout: Bakersfield: red888guns teasing again

    I mean I wasn't implying anything negative about Ashes. It definitely is its own thing, with its own aesthetic. Some overlap in influences with Fallout, but diverges a lot, too, which is good.
  2. Jabberwok

    Shocker, but I wasn't actually born on Christmas in the year 1900. But I am a December birthday...

    Shocker, but I wasn't actually born on Christmas in the year 1900. But I am a December birthday in real life. It's meh.
  3. Jabberwok

    Fallout: Bakersfield: red888guns teasing again

    Revisiting these videos has me thinking about what I got from Fallout that I don't from other post-apocalyptic titles, but it's hard to describe. It has this unique, pseudo-gothic vibe, like the buildings aren't just destroyed houses and offices, but temples of a lost civilization. Sometimes...
  4. Jabberwok

    25 years of Fallout

    Threedog featured prominently, one of the most useless characters I've ever met in a video game
  5. Jabberwok

    Fallout: Bakersfield: red888guns teasing again

    Really hope it turns into a GZDoom mod. No need for a recreation, but a gameplay/asset mod and a map pack would be amazing. Best case scenario, an original campaign, Ashes style.
  6. Jabberwok

    slowly shrivelling

    slowly shrivelling
  7. Jabberwok

    Fallout TV Series Begins Production

    Tbh, Kyle Maclachlan being in it is a bigger draw to me than it being a Fallout show. Though I kind of don't like franchise media in general, so maybe that isn't saying much. I liked playing the game called Fallout and I liked watching the Mad Max movies; doesn't mean I want to watch Fallout or...
  8. Jabberwok

    Fallout 5 to be the next Bethesda game after TESVI

    - Grandpa, did you know what Bethesda are going to release Fallout 5 in this year? - locks grandson in basement, throws away the key
  9. Jabberwok

    Fallout 5 to be the next Bethesda game after TESVI

    "Polls show that our players don't care about our main quest lines, so we made this one boring on purpose."
  10. Jabberwok

    Fallout 5 to be the next Bethesda game after TESVI

    That may be true, I just don't think it's going to fulfill the Star Citizen promise any more than SC did, probably less so. Usually when people think that about a game, it's because they are ignoring what the game does NOT do, because people expected SC to do everything. So if you set a game in...
  11. Jabberwok

    Fallout 5 to be the next Bethesda game after TESVI

    I very much doubt that.
  12. Jabberwok

    Fallout 5 to be the next Bethesda game after TESVI

    I doubt they have much interest in funding isometric games. Just guessing, but even a critical flop like 76 probably pulls in more money. Personally, I think it's important to realize that both Bethesda and Microsoft don't particularly care about how excited the 'core community' is about the...
  13. Jabberwok

    Fallout 5 to be the next Bethesda game after TESVI

    I agree with most of the sentiments here, but I would only add, to anyone depressed over the state of the games industry: play more indie games. And for god's sake, don't watch any new Star Wars movies. That's a tangent, I just wanted to say it. While you're at it, cancel your streaming...
  14. Jabberwok

    Fallout 5 to be the next Bethesda game after TESVI

    Wait, does this mean Starfield is 3 games away? Or is it coming out before this stuff? Just curious, since I think it has a Steam page already. Have to admit, I do wonder what an actual new Elder Scrolls will look like, although I think I'm personally done with that series, barring some sort...
  15. Jabberwok

    Fallout Apocrypha - By Chris Avellone

    1:23:33 Oops, thought the link would go straight to it, but I guess not.
  16. Jabberwok

    Fallout Apocrypha - By Chris Avellone

    Whenever I think of people asking the pros for opinions on Bethesda Fallout, I think of that Josh Sawyer smirk that Hbomberguy pointed out in his video, that Sawyer said he was reading into too much. I doubt I will ever know what any of these guys really think.
  17. Jabberwok

    Fallout Apocrypha - By Chris Avellone

    TBH, I still play a lot of games. Probably too many.
  18. Jabberwok

    Fallout Apocrypha - By Chris Avellone

    My only experience of 4 and 76 has been watching videos about how bad they are, which I guess is something I do for fun now, instead of playing games.
  19. Jabberwok

    Fallout Apocrypha - By Chris Avellone

    I will not be watching the TV show, scout's honor, cross my heart and hope to die. This is why I don't trust the idea of "official" canon anymore unless it's only made by a single creator (like a novel). Once it becomes an IP instead of a story, it's essentially just a collection of disparate...
  20. Jabberwok

    Fallout Apocrypha - By Chris Avellone

    I mean, it seems telling to me that he barely touched F4. Feels like players shouldn't bother asking him for subjective opinions on Bethesda. And the comment on what is considered canon is really driving home for me what a worthless concept canon is in a world where IPs are always for sale.