Mildly Dipped

I'm happy it's going to dunk on the scam that is Star Citizen by actually doing what Star Citizen set out to do...
I very much doubt that.
I'm happy it's going to dunk on the scam that is Star Citizen by actually doing what Star Citizen set out to do...
I didn't mean that it would destroy Star Citizen, I meant that it would clown on it for the amusement of anyone who isn't in the SC cult. There's a bunch of space games out already that did the same thing, so Bethesda joining in would be icing on the cake.
You’ll be searching for you grandpa that lived before the war. You’ll wander around asking anyone if they’ve seen an old man. Here’s the twist: when you finally find him he’ll be a skeleton, having died over 200 years ago.Not again.. Todd have some mercy.. What now, searching for our grandpa?
Not again.. Todd have some mercy.. What now, searching for our grandpa?
Not again.. Todd have some mercy.. What now, searching for our grandpa?
The discussion over why old school fans buy the new games intrigues me. My favorite is F1, probably because I've played it something like a hundred times, assuming you count the first week I owned it where I kept dying and creating new characters each time. That counts as a playthrough right? 76 is the first game I haven't even considered playing (much less buying), because it clearly has no story to tell. Unless Bethesda hires, you know, a writer, I doubt you'd see much talk about Fallout 5 here even if it was shipping today.
- Grandpa, did you know what Bethesda are going to release Fallout 5 in this year?
- I heard that decades ago.