25 years of Fallout


Stormtrooper oTO

"In October of 1997, players first encountered Fallout’s post-nuclear world and its memorable characters, irradiated monstrosities, impactful conversations and stark reminders that war…war never changes.

25 years later, the Fallout series is a best-selling franchise that not only helped define PC role-playing games and spawned entries across multiple console generations, but also has made its way to tabletop games and even an upcoming television series. Join us as we ring in a milestone year for Fallout throughout the entire month of October!"

This celebration comes with a free play week of Fallout 76 as well as an update to Fallout Shelter. Not very relevant for most people here, but I feel it is worth highlighting the 25th birthday either way.

They tweeted that image with some caption about '25 years of iconic characters'. Some balls to call those F3 and F4 characters iconic. You're seriously going to put that oracle lady there over say Sulik or fucking Vic?
They tweeted that image with some caption about '25 years of iconic characters'. Some balls to call those F3 and F4 characters iconic. You're seriously going to put that oracle lady there over say Sulik or fucking Vic?
And Fallout 4 Dogmeat over the original Dogmeat?
Nothing says "fuck you Obsidian" more than the portrayal of that New Vegas sign there - alone, far in the distance, and with no other reference than one generic NCR Ranger and Rex. No Lanius, no Graham, no Ceasar.

Thank god that most-annoying-characters-in-gaming-history contest in the foreground makes up for everything.
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He served a role but his writing was pure crap. They might get it one day if they takes notes from better games but those games do not sell as well so I doubt it.
Every single Bethsoft character feels out of place to me in that image. :D
Kind of given that this would be a promotion piece of Bethesda's Fallout, and not the games that started it all.
You know, the games that actually established Fallout?

Makes you wonder. Had Fallout not existed, would Beth have gone after Wasteland instead?

Edit: were Fallout 1 and 2 such great selling titles back in the day?
I know it renewed interest in PC rpgs but I never looked into the sales numbers.
Not really. Fact is most of the games we loved sold like shit.
Not really. Fact is most of the games we loved sold like shit.

Not surprised on hearing that.
It actually now makes me want to look at my own favorites from 1990 (I started PC gaming in 1996, but I also played older titles) to 2002 and see which were really good selling titles.

Consoles still were the major platforms, right?

Edit: Oh I now noticed that Super Mutant Behemoth drinking down a barrel of toxic waste, because that is what Super Mutants do, they eat chemical and nuclear waste.
If they had some Tactics love there I might even stop talking shit about them but nah.
Hard to believe I was 12 when I first played Fallout and saw NMA/Interplayforums.
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Games in general sold less in the 90s, it was not such a big industry as it is now so it is moot comparing sales numbers.
Nobody wants to admit it exists but they will do that shitty zeppelin in 4. Buncha crackers.