Fallout 5 to be the next Bethesda game after TESVI

We will probably not see Fallout 5 until the early 2030s, which is good. I hope I will have let Fallout go by that time.

With the next Fallout game taking so long, most likely seven to eight years, you would think that Todd's superiors would put another team on a project. Either a new mainline title or another spin off.
Todd can claim that is in Bethesda's DNA or something to handle the Fallout franchise themselves, but they don't have the time for it and since Bethesda has taken over the franchise FNV is still the title that has been best received by the majority of fans.
In this case I think Microsoft should get involved as this is an IP now (unfortunately) that helps sell Xbox consoles.

Of course I am not looking forwards to another Fallout game with 'Bethesda's DNA' as we have already seen what that has led to. Even FNV had to include some of it.

I am still struggling with letting Fallout go but I also have that problem with Star Trek. Both have been big sources of influence in my life. Through Star Trek (and Star Wars to a lesser degree) I discovered my love for science fiction, and with Fallout my interest in post-apocalypse and Western RPGs.
I really became invested in these IP's and their setting & lore, wanting to make stories set in these universe and come up with ideas I feel are as good as these two as I want to be a creator of worlds and stories myself.
Having to watch both go into decline because new people got to work with these IPs but want to reimagine it in their own vision, in both cases believing that these IPs rely on recurring parts and elements as well as tropes, was very difficult.
Then also finding out that a lot of people like these changes and think it makes these IPs better is even more frustrating as this audience previously did not care about these IP's at all.

I know companies are only about making profit but I feel that by mangling a creative IP with bad sequels or reboots that they are killing it's spirit.
I am definitelly a proponent that there should be a limit on how long something can be trademarked. F'you Disney for wanting to extend copyrights indefinitely.

The only reason I bought their games in the first place is because I didn't know any better and they were my first introduction to rpgs (as sad as that sounds).

I am not going to judge you on that, nor am I going to say that you finally 'saw the light' when you started to experience that the Bethesda games were not as good as you initially thought them to be.
My main frustration with Bethesda fans has been that some of them can be incredible a-holes to people who do not share their opinion, like it is some kind of religion.
I also feel that they are part of a group that thinks that all change in franchises are good, yet they could never bother with playing the original games because they found these boring looking and slow. So how is change in this case good. Because it finally appeals to 'your taste'?
We old Fallout fans are considered arrogant for wanting Fallout to be the way we like it. Well, the new audience is not any better.

Fallout is dead, I am past the point of being angry. We live in terrible timeline, when garbage like notFallout 76 and Diablo Immoral exist.

Heck, you are more likely to win in a lottery or at the stock market than for bugthesda to make a Fallout game that doesn't suck ass.

I noticed the changes that happened to both games and series/movies around the mid 2000s. There was this weird period in which I went from in general being enthusiastic for new entries in favorite IPs to becoming very cautious and skeptical when a new entry was announced, especially when it was handled by a new producer or director. Addition; even producers and directors who did work on these IPs for years could screw up because they felt that big changes were needed.
Because at some point I realized these newcomers were not all fans of these IPs, or felt that these IPs needed to be 'fixed', or that they depended on several recurring elements and ideas that need to return in every new entry, there being little room for new ideas and concept that could take away from this well established/fan favorite parts.
And often like with Bethesda and Fallout the people working on these IPs did not understand the lore or really reduced parts such as people, groups to a set stereotype. (BOS are heroric defenders of the wasteland, Super Mutants are human eating orcs, Ghouls are zombies)

And this was before we reached the current period we are in that popular IPs are platforms for 'the message', being handled by people who often dislike everything the IP was about or think that they should 'fix' it so it fits their ideology.

Bethesda makes games for a certain audience and they will not stray from the design philosophy they are handling until it becomes unprofitable.
That they still can get away with game breaking bugs that could be a financial disaster for any other publisher and studio shows the contradictic mindset of the audience.
Or expecting fans to fix the flaws Bethesda could not be bothered with because these people now claim that these bugs are 'features'.
Bethesda has basically taught these people to eat shit and smile about it, and defend Bethesda from anyone who calls the company on the half finished products it publishes.

I think winning a lottery, doing well at stocks all of a sudden, or Bethesda making a Fallout game I think is good both gameplay and content wise are now all impossibilities.
I wouldn't say I am a hater of Bethesda. Games over the years have always been ruined by the top brass. I played Vampire The Masquerade which even in it's buggy state I really liked, I mean really. Troika had been rushed to get the game out [Like they all are]. I always saw Fallout moving forward as either 3rd or 1st view, no big radical leap many must have expected it to. My gripe was like many they had shifted it their way. My biggest annoyance VATS was just arbitrary stimpaks drugs were lying everywhere. I liked the hacking. I liked Tranquillity Lane was ok. I did eventually buy F4 worse than 3. Fallout 76 I never considered. As for 5 who knows ? I think more and more older players will go retro. Why pay through the nose for overhyped so called AAA games when game you may have missed are still playable. The old type gaming mags were biased. Internet sites are biased so in a way word of mouth is still the best recommendation. Amen.
hypo- under
cracy- rule, government

hypocracy- rule of the underclass?

Yes possibly, maybe not. The hypocracy [junkies] sometimes called jackpots are high maintenance users. The Plutocracy are Disney characters. The Boreocracy ,rule by the middle class hangers on that work as critics in art literature and food and wine.The Oilygarths that fuel governments with munny bleed the majority of people called the mugginsocracy. Amen


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I sincerely doubt most people here will be eager to buy the game when it comes out. Unless it turns out to be a masterpiece, which is as likely as me winning the lottery. The only reason I bought their games in the first place is because I didn't know any better and they were my first introduction to rpgs (as sad as that sounds).
You don't know the people here.
I agree with most of the sentiments here, but I would only add, to anyone depressed over the state of the games industry: play more indie games. And for god's sake, don't watch any new Star Wars movies. That's a tangent, I just wanted to say it.

While you're at it, cancel your streaming subscriptions and pirate movies instead. Next time you have an urge to buy a new AAA game that's rebooting a 20-year-old franchise, slap yourself, fire up an emulator, and download the original. Fight the system, or something.

Why don't they just announce New Vegas 2 already?

After The Outer Worlds I'm not so sure if I'm excited for it anymore... But I do think it is a dumb idea to not outsource the Fallout IP for a spin off game, maybe even a isometric one by InExile that would be amazing!
After The Outer Worlds I'm not so sure if I'm excited for it anymore... But I do think it is a dumb idea to not outsource the Fallout IP for a spin off game, maybe even a isometric one by InExile that would be amazing!

I doubt they have much interest in funding isometric games. Just guessing, but even a critical flop like 76 probably pulls in more money. Personally, I think it's important to realize that both Bethesda and Microsoft don't particularly care about how excited the 'core community' is about the game, compared to having a mass appeal product that rakes in money. It may be dumb in terms of making a good game, but it's not dumb by the only metric that influences them.
You don't know the people here.
I kind of do. I've been on this site for over 4 years (not nearly as long as you but still). From what I gather most people here (except maybe C.T Phipps) despise Bethesda and definitely do not want to support them by buying their shitty games. You should have more faith in this community. We are the Resistance, fighting an endless war against the Empire that is Bethesda Games.
The Outer Worlds was fine.
Kinda wish I liked it more, I will still try to beat it now on pc, and try to force myself to get to the ending of it, but I really didn't liked it all that much, was expecting it to get better but when it stayed the same even in Monarch I decided to quit. Overall it wasn't bad just very mediocre, nothing managed to stand out for me. Also I didn't liked the story all that much the message about the corporations and especially the jokes became stale a bit too fast.
I kind of do. I've been on this site for over 4 years (not nearly as long as you but still). From what I gather most people here (except maybe C.T Phipps) despise Bethesda and definitely do not want to support them by buying their shitty games. You should have more faith in this community. We are the Resistance, fighting an endless war against the Empire that is Bethesda Games.

And I am saying you have no idea who these people are if you do not think 70 percent of NMA will not buy Starfield, Skyrim 2, and Fallout 5. Have faith in the community? You don't even know it if you think these hypocrites that talk shit about Bethesda all day will not then turn and shovel the game down their throat.
@The Dutch Ghost Since you bring up Star Trek, I think Strange New Worlds has been managed pretty good. Definetly better than Discovery and Picard.

It is still shit compared to the first four/five shows (I also dislike Enterprise).
Still too much fan wank like Khan's granddaughter which contradicts lore and does not add anything other than showing the writers/producers' boner for Wrath of Khan and plenty of other lore contradictions such as using the Gorn at this time or turning them into monsters that use humans as incubators for their young (basically contradicting the Gorn of the episode "Arena" which acted in self defense). A lot of the characters also act like a bunch of teenagers in space instead of professionals with proper respect for each other and their commanding officer. On a real military vessel some of the characters' attitude would violate protocol and would not be tolerated.
After The Outer Worlds I'm not so sure if I'm excited for it anymore... But I do think it is a dumb idea to not outsource the Fallout IP for a spin off game, maybe even a isometric one by InExile that would be amazing!

Agree on current Obsidian being shit, but Inxile isn't that much better. Wasteland 2 was trash and Tides of Numenera, which was promised as a spiritual successor to Planescape Torment no less, was average at best and suffered from subpar writing, uninteresting characters and a generally boring and underwhelming storyline.
And I am saying you have no idea who these people are if you do not think 70 percent of NMA will not buy Starfield, Skyrim 2, and Fallout 5. Have faith in the community? You don't even know it if you think these hypocrites that talk shit about Bethesda all day will not then turn and shovel the game down their throat.

I think I might get one of those when it's free on Epic Store. Sorry for being a cop out.
It is still shit compared to the first four/five show On a real military vessel some of the characters' attitude would violate protocol and would not be tolerated.
I'm not familiar with the other stuff, but pretty much all of Star Trek is like this. I just it was a better effort compared to all the other stuff since DS9.