Search results

  1. Serifan

    Age of Decadence - the real crpg in the spirit of Fallout 2

    Does the game have dragons? It's not a proper rpg if it does not have dragons.
  2. Serifan

    GTA Online

    Good times were had. Bit of dukes of hazard driving from furioso. Furioso after the kill. yeeha!
  3. Serifan

    GTA Online

    Yeah I should be online as well this weekend. I don't have a headset sadly. But I have noticed voice chat sounds fucking terrible on ps3. I do hope they fix this shit with ps4.
  4. Serifan

    GTA Online

    Give it time and we will have more members to play with. Some people still can't get online yet.
  5. Serifan

    GTA Online

    If anyone is keen there is a No Mutants Allowed crew which has been setup. Feel free to send a request to join the more people the better an it will be fun bashing hookers with you guys.
  6. Serifan

    NMA Steam Card Exchange

    everything listed is extra I have.
  7. Serifan

    NMA Steam Card Exchange

    Ok I need some cards to complete my steam badge. I currently need the below cards Tomb Raider summer sale Card Dead Island Riptide summer sale card Bioshock Infinite summer sale card I currently have the below cards I am willing to swap for the above 2x Football Manager Cards...
  8. Serifan


    I fucking hate seeing people say dumb shit like that. Don't get me wrong I know console hardware does not compete in terms of raw power the pc can push out but consoles benefit from using standard hardware because developers can focus on getting the most power out of what is available thus...
  9. Serifan


    Fuck you Angry Joe is king of game reviews. Doesn't slurp on publishers dicks and is an actual gamer gives honest opinions or rants whatever you want to call it.
  10. Serifan

    Game of Thrones

    Have you even read the books? if you have fucking re read it.
  11. Serifan


    pretty much sums up my thoughts
  12. Serifan

    Chris Hecker's GDC 2013 Rant

    pretty stoned at the moment but wtf was that all about? what rant?
  13. Serifan

    LucasArts destroyed by Disney's Death Star

    I see this as a good thing. Lets be honest there has been not descent Star Wars game in years. Means a decent developer can have a crack at it. I just hope that some does a new xwing game.
  14. Serifan

    Starting out in EVE online

    Well might be a time to get back into the game as Test and goons are at war well not sov war just not blue. Plenty of good fights.
  15. Serifan

    Starting out in EVE online

    Nigga please. TEST Alliance best alliance. We piss all over goons and in rifters.
  16. Serifan

    Ordertopia Minecraft Server

    Server has now been upgraded. Also features a mob arena with leader board coming soon. Come and play.
  17. Serifan

    Ordertopia Minecraft Server

    ORDERTOPIA IS BACK! After a lot of fucking around and a new server later Ordertopia is back and now better than ever! Here is what you need to do. 1. Get the tekkit launcher here 2. Install the tekkit launcher and once installed select tekkit classic pack and then use your normal...
  18. Serifan

    Starting out in EVE online

    I played mainly in high sec. Just moved into null sec and have had the most fun in 3 weeks than I had in months in high sec space. Warping to a gate and finding a battle with over 200 people was pure awesome. I did die lots and lots of times. but managed to make about 300 mill in about 30 mins...
  19. Serifan

    world of warcraft!

    You would need to buy mop but cata comes free with the scroll of rez