I had no issues playing yesterday, but now I can't get into a session once again. I guess they keep grossly underestimating how their servers will be bogged down, as this is the first weekend of Online being live, so that might be why I went from no issues to no access overnight. Had a great time WHILE I was able to play, however.
Like I mentioned above, the hapless behavior people exhibit without any sense of coordination is just baffling and disturbing to me. Time and time again, players think they can just go for me like that's the smart way to make some money. (Of the roughly $70k I've made so far in my meager time online, less than $2000 of it was earned from killing players.) My car is nothing special, but I'm able to effortlessly outmaneuver them because... well, they're uncoordinated idiots. Slamming on my breaks always gets em. Spinning out so my driver side door is opposite them and I can use my own car as cover while I shower them with bullets always gets em. Hiding behind ANY cover always gets em. These kids (and I know they're kids, because damn near every single time, it's some high-pitched, non-female voice giggling at me over voice chat) shouldn't play this game. Not because it's too violent or because it'll teach them bad principles, but because they don't deserve to have access to it. One kid started ramming into my car while I was driving to my next liquor store to hold up, and he was laughing when he managed get me killed. I respawned and killed him almost instantly, and he started shouting obscenities at me, because apparently retribution was undeserved, and I was a fag for being hostile to him, and how could I do that I'm such a fag, and what the fuck was my problem anyway? Etc etc. Bunch of double-standard children are a waste of server space. From what my friends have messaged me, apparently that's the bulk of what everyone has to deal with. Kids everywhere just being hostile and trying to kill everyone they see. Doesn't work that way. EVERY player who dared to so much as fender bender me- let alone show genuine hostility -has ended up losing many-fold what they could have hoped to get out of it. I seriously don't get it. I've played games that were INTENDED to have no-holds-barred open PVP without any limitations, and the players showed plenty of restraint at all times at all levels.
I can't wait for the servers to stabilize on a consistent basis and for my crews to have regular participation, because it would be refreshing to playing with capable players on a regular basis, not players that make me cringe to watch fumble and fail.
generalissimofurioso said:
See, he thought he'd be safe if he stole a fighter jet from the military base, but he didn't know that all of the fighter jets have killswitches that force them to land after a period of time.
That's news to me. Is that the same in Offline as well? I've been on personal quests to steal into the military base and hijack a jet before, but I've never managed to get one, so I wouldn't know. I was able to hijack an attack chopper, and it served me for the next in-game day or so completing all of the Under the Bridge challenges (in fact, I'd say it's ESSENTIAL, because of the narrow space for at least 2 of the challenges) without any such killswitch feature.