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  1. Lukus

    UEFA Euro 2008 Thread

    Agreed. The Russians played brilliant. I don't know what the fuck was going on in the Swedish team. This was the worst match I've seen with Sweden, ever.
  2. Lukus

    So what did you do last night?

    Not last night, but "the other night", I completed Mario Kart Wii! Gold medals in all cups, on all cc levels and mirror mode. A winner is me. I've also unlocked all the wii 'impossible' ghosts on timetrial, but so far only had the time to beat four of them.
  3. Lukus

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Zaron - I agree with Ashmo on the review, but not the rating. I give it a 4/10. Ashmo - I have no idea where it comes from, but there's comedy in it anyway. Plus, it's kind of 'avatary' in it's nature, so 7/10. generalismsmosufiro - Cool thing. Again, no idea of origins (and I'm too...
  4. Lukus

    Movies that don't suck

    Top 5: Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (full frontal nudity) Babel (full frontal) Lost in Translation (a little nudity) Pans Labyrinth (no nudity) Look both ways (may be a little nudity)
  5. Lukus

    So what did you do last night?

    Mario does it for you, eh? Last night I was working in the studio like usual. Ingemar Stenmark came by to make some radio, plus some other Swedish sport celebreties that I didn't really recognize since I'm not into sports. Then I went out with my boss to his yatch for a barbecue.
  6. Lukus

    Your desktop image.

  7. Lukus

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    I'll agree that Nexus6 av is lame, mostly since it's of such crappy quality and any 'joke' factor that could have been incorporated in the crappy quality isn't obvious. 2/10 However, I'd also say that Neamos avatar strikes me as gay, thus rendering it quite lame. 3/10. (Since I don't know...
  8. Lukus

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Blakut; 'tis strange, I dunno what to think about it so I'll give it a neutral 5. Anyhoo, does my new avatar kick ass or what?
  9. Lukus

    Brainfart or am I onto something?

    The Universe exists because Chuck Norris tells it to exist.
  10. Lukus

    Cali on same-sex marriage

    Had this been made known earlier, Kotarios postcount would have been through the roof with hardcore hentai. As for the gays, I don't care what they do so long as they're not fucking me in the ass or infiltrating my porn archives.
  11. Lukus

    Hey kids, this is how you take the guts out of a sheep.

    At least I pretend to be manly on the internets, and mom always said; if I think something hard enough it will come true. That's how I got an intercom radio in my head and magic powers.
  12. Lukus

    Your desktop image.

  13. Lukus

    Hey kids, this is how you take the guts out of a sheep.

    Yeah, I'd sign my kid right up. Or at least I wouldn't have any problems with him attending if he wanted to. (Notice how I'm assuming I'll get a boy some day, since I'm manly and love my meats and want to teach my seedling all about hunting and farting and not being gay or vegetarian.) I'd...
  14. Lukus

    No more trolls!

    Bwahaha! That's gholde, mang. I shall celebrate this by having a beer and watching some porn.
  15. Lukus

    No more trolls! Who in the world would go "Yeah, that sounds reasonable"? Might as well try to ban porn.
  16. Lukus

    FLILF Round 2-

    I'll take Cindy McCain since I'm kind of into MILFs, and because Michelle Obama is kind of black.
  17. Lukus

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Hotel California: Groovy. Did you make it yourself? 8/10 Mikael Grizzly: No offense to you personally and/or your drawing abilities, but not only is that a furry - it's the poorest drawing of a furry, or anything, that I've seen in at least five minutes, and this is the internet. 1/10. <3...
  18. Lukus

    The phrase "a dog's life" - translations needed!

    Swedish: "Ett hundliv". This is a standard expression litterally meaning "a dogs life". What's it for anyway?
  19. Lukus

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    alec - 6/10 Carib - 6/10 Sorrow - 7/10 Ureshi - 9/10 (yer, you should lose the text) monsharen - 7/10 Zaron - 6/10
  20. Lukus

    My Brotherhood Snusbox:

    It was about 43€, or 400 SEK. I'll dig up the company website and post, they do all sorts of customized stuff. Hehe, yer, well, you gotto get used to it with some milder versions before you can hit the hard stuff. (Unless you're Wooz - I sent him a box of the good stuff and he used it up like...