Pictures tells alot, but basically the kindergarten is trying to teach the children the difference, between pets and animals breed for food. The kindergarten have a barn where it have some animals that the kids have helped feed and raise all through the year, and now they get to see them butchered. In this case, by butchering a sheep while the kids are watching. Answering all questions that the kids have to ask.
Only the oldest kids in the kindergarten, was allowed to watch and need parental permission. So only 7 of the 23 kids that attended the kindergarten was allowed to watch.
The kids do not see the killing blow itself, but the bloodletting and the rest of the partition of the sheep they get to see.
"We do this so the kids can see the diference between Pets and (dunno the proper word in english but animals that are breed for food or to be usefull, I think is the word) usefull animals. They were very eager and paid attention to what happened with the guts. And when the stomach was cut open they got to see what the sheep had been eating"
One of the kids were wondering "if the sheep was in pain when it was skinned."
I think I covered it all, any norwegians with better english skills than me feel free to point out things i missed.
So..thoughts on this? Would you send your kid to this kindergarten?
Pictures tells alot, but basically the kindergarten is trying to teach the children the difference, between pets and animals breed for food. The kindergarten have a barn where it have some animals that the kids have helped feed and raise all through the year, and now they get to see them butchered. In this case, by butchering a sheep while the kids are watching. Answering all questions that the kids have to ask.
Only the oldest kids in the kindergarten, was allowed to watch and need parental permission. So only 7 of the 23 kids that attended the kindergarten was allowed to watch.
The kids do not see the killing blow itself, but the bloodletting and the rest of the partition of the sheep they get to see.
"We do this so the kids can see the diference between Pets and (dunno the proper word in english but animals that are breed for food or to be usefull, I think is the word) usefull animals. They were very eager and paid attention to what happened with the guts. And when the stomach was cut open they got to see what the sheep had been eating"
One of the kids were wondering "if the sheep was in pain when it was skinned."
I think I covered it all, any norwegians with better english skills than me feel free to point out things i missed.
So..thoughts on this? Would you send your kid to this kindergarten?