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  1. S

    My Fallout Monopoly & Buying Nuka Cola

    Hate to be "that guy" who just parrots shit, but verevoof's point is pretty much correct. This isn't like Bethesda court battling Notch for calling his game Scrolls.
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    Dead Island

    From a developer with a less-than-good past with video games, I'm wondering why you guys even took the "day 1 buy" route. After seeing Oblivion I thought everyone knew not to trust trailers anymore.
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    What is your favorite Deus Ex game

    More like: Give Me A Story = Very Easy mode Give Me A Challenge = Easy mode Give Me Deus Ex = Normal mode
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    My Fallout Monopoly & Buying Nuka Cola

    All the same, they still have Fallout Tactics' variations such as Fusion and Cherry listed. So it's evident they've at least researched into the whole Fallout franchise's history of Nuka-cola.
  5. S

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    If you want a Doom source port which keeps the original feel you should try Chocolate Doom. You'd get better performance than DOSBox at least. Personally, I use GZDoom whenever I play (with texure and model packs), gives a fresh feel to the game after replaying it tens of times already.
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    Hard Reset (Wooz's game) revealed

    Just played the demo, and I gotta be honest. I liked it but it felt weak. The game's so mixed up that it doesn't know what to do with itself. Half of it wants to be fun actiony Doom/Quake clone, but then there's the part with the "modern-style" sprinting, that sickening motion blur to...
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    My Fallout Monopoly & Buying Nuka Cola

    Too bad they don't sell Yellow Nuka-Cola, I'd buy that in a heart beat. :( :lol:
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    What is your favorite Deus Ex game

    After finishing Human Revolution today, I have to say that I really liked it. Not sure if I like it as much as Deus Ex, but it was still pretty damn good for what it's worth. Now, Invisible War on the other hand - console tripe, at least with Human Revolution they made an effort for a PC version...
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    Lonesome Road coming September 20th + weapon pack DLCs

    More content for a game which already has content, why would anyone want that? Durr.
  10. S

    Dethroned Princess

    I'm so glad childkilling mods exist. Seriously, were Bethesda drunk on-top of their retardation when they decided to put a place full of kids which annoy the fuck out of you in a game where you can't kill kids?
  11. S

    Get a Pip-Boy in Team Fortress 2

    Is what I was getting at. And I don't care if you think I'm childish, the Pip-Boy 3000 will always be ugly. This is also a lazy misc. item addition to TF2 anyway, Engi doesn't even use or see the PB3000, just the normal PDA with a green transparent Vault Engi background thing. The item...
  12. S

    Get a Pip-Boy in Team Fortress 2

    Eh, not sure if like. I get the feeling that a Pipboy 2000 styled PDA/briefcase/thing would have been a better idea than the Pipboy 3000 wristshit. But this is Bethesda, so of course they'd use the wristshit. The Quake rocket launcher looks cool.
  13. S

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Also, I probably should have touched on the lore/story for E.Y.E... IT'S AN ABSOLUTE MINDFUCK! From the very beginning, even if you read all of the dialogue you will have NO IDEA what is going on because of the poor Engrish narrative coupled with the old "main character has amnesia and...
  14. S

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    So on top of playing Jagged Alliance 2 (with 1.13 mod) I'm also playing E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy. It's VERY buggy, and they're very noticeable. People go on about how New Vegas is buggy but god damn, this is something else. It is otherwise a fun game, haven't had any crashes yet per say, but...
  15. S

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Except for the longest time, OL didn't credit AMK for any of it (in-fact they took credit for it) in the first place. That was only after they were called out on it. OL's developers thought that since AMK was only in Russian at the time they could get away with it.
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    It's too bad most of OL's good features are stolen from AMK.
  17. S

    Fallout: New Vegas Old World Blues Reviews Round-up #5

    Gamebryo is extremely depressing.
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    Thoughts on Arcanum in 3-D FPS/Hybrid?

    Be fair. Bethesda already did that, Obsidian just had to pick up the pieces and strap it all back together.
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    Old World Blues

    Finished OWB (a few days ago, actually, just forgot to say anything about it until now) on Very Hard/Hardcore, it was hard as all-fuck, especially since ammo for guns chambering anything other than .357 or .44 was so scarce and my Unarmed skill was so low. Nightstalkers fucked my shit up in 2...