My Fallout Monopoly & Buying Nuka Cola

Morbus said:
Fallout 3 inspired.

*dismisses it entirely*
All the same, they still have Fallout Tactics' variations such as Fusion and Cherry listed. So it's evident they've at least researched into the whole Fallout franchise's history of Nuka-cola.
Re: Fan Brand Infiltration

Brother None said:
4too said:
Would be useful for B-Soft to co-opt creative examples of the pow-ah of the FO IP.

Agreed. That Nuka Cola website has a really nice vibe. Any way to archive that Flash file for historic purposes for when it gets taken down, guys?

Still, IP law being what it is, Bethesda has to do something here. And they always seem a little uncomfortable about merchandising, even though things like Nuka Cola or Fallout Monopoly would make bank.
They have ? I always thought one is not forced to do "anything".

I mean hey ... Bethesda could be "nice" to people for a change you know like offering them a contract or what ever :roll:

Bethesda. Bethesda never changes.
Re: Fan Brand Infiltration

Crni Vuk said:
Brother None said:
Bethesda has to do something
I mean hey ... Bethesda could be "nice" to people for a change you know like offering them a contract or what ever
Thus they would be doing something. But I doubt they'd be "nice", I know I wouldn't. "Oh, you stole our properties to make your own personal profit? Great! Let's do business together!" I know many of us hate Bethesda, but come on. If someone was using your intellectual property for their own profit, you'd do something too, and I doubt you'd be forgiving or okay about it.
Another possibility would be for Bethesda to take them to court, get a "cease and desist" order, then make them an offer they can't refuse. Buy them out cheap and take over the marketing. Just like they did with the Fallout franchise.

Voof posted outside the order?! :eek:
Re: Fan Brand Infiltration

verevoof said:
Crni Vuk said:
Brother None said:
Bethesda has to do something
I mean hey ... Bethesda could be "nice" to people for a change you know like offering them a contract or what ever
Thus they would be doing something. But I doubt they'd be "nice", I know I wouldn't. "Oh, you stole our properties to make your own personal profit? Great! Let's do business together!" I know many of us hate Bethesda, but come on. If someone was using your intellectual property for their own profit, you'd do something too, and I doubt you'd be forgiving or okay about it.
why ?

Thats what you do with Hackers voof. They get in your system. Tomorrow they work for you. Happens all the time.

I am not saying its awesome. I am just saying it would be a nice change for once if Bethesda would be actually "friendly" toward people. Not suing left and right people just because they crossed the same street like they did.
This isn't hacking. And I wouldn't trust anyone who has wronged me before, anyway.

"Why?" You're serious? This company is stealing. This wouldn't be suing for "just crossing the street", Bethesda has every right to sue in this case. It won't go that far, a cease and desist will be the last chapter of this tale. Seriously, a "nice change" and be "friendly", by going into business with a tiny niche company, that stole from them? Now, I'm no big fancy business type, but that sounds pretty silly.
I love both ideas - I hope that boyfriend appreciated her effort - and talk about effort - that game is beautiful.

Thumbs up!

Not got enough money at the moment to be able to defend spending hundreds of Euro (Pays off to buy big) on fantasy soda though :(
Hate to be "that guy" who just parrots shit, but verevoof's point is pretty much correct.

This isn't like Bethesda court battling Notch for calling his game Scrolls.
Re: Fan Brand Infiltration

Crni Vuk said:
Brother None said:
4too said:
Would be useful for B-Soft to co-opt creative examples of the pow-ah of the FO IP.

Agreed. That Nuka Cola website has a really nice vibe. Any way to archive that Flash file for historic purposes for when it gets taken down, guys?

Still, IP law being what it is, Bethesda has to do something here. And they always seem a little uncomfortable about merchandising, even though things like Nuka Cola or Fallout Monopoly would make bank.
They have ? I always thought one is not forced to do "anything".

I mean hey ... Bethesda could be "nice" to people for a change you know like offering them a contract or what ever :roll:

Bethesda. Bethesda never changes.

Actually, yes, they pretty much are obliged to do something about it. In the US (and I'd assume the EU) your copyrights and trademarks can be lost if you don't take action against those who violate them. They could be nice and offer a licensing agreement, but that would still be doing something about it.
Re: Fan Brand Infiltration

Crni Vuk said:
They have ? I always thought one is not forced to do "anything".

You are legally obligated to defend your own intellectual property to the best of your ability. If you fail to, you risk losing your IP, per American law.

verevoof is completely correct, they have no reason to do anything other than smack down here. Someone is making money off their property.
well ... quite surprising.

cant say that this is increasing my love for the american law (not that I know if it might be the same around here who knows)
Yeah, if you don't protect it and enough people use it, it will become public domain. This is why Disney sends nasty letters to school teachers, not because they are mean, but because they want to maintain exclusive control over their cartoon characters.

It's actually protective of people other than big businesses as well. Someone can't come along and trademark some commonly used term and sue everyone that has been using it.