Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

playing the first F.E.A.R. again. this really is my favorite fps. the only complaint I have is the lack of iron sights. I have no idea why they went with zooming. but you get used to it.
I'll probably play through it again with more mods, as Repair Mod 2.5 and one removing the disgusting View Bob were the only two I used. I couldn't find any awesome gameplay changing mods that didn't also fuck with the graphics and quadruple the system requirements.
I'm not sure why they even bothered to put Sniper Rifles and Shotguns in the game, as the Sniper Rifles are inferior to the high-end assault rifles in every way (and you can't even get a Sniper Rifle until you're at the point where the high-end assault rifles are being dropped by EVERY enemy). Shotguns are even worse, as enemies are obscene damage sponges unless you headshot them; and if you can headshot them with a shotgun you could do it even easier with a pistol or assault rifle that weighs less with ammo that weighs significantly less.
I was wrong on both accounts. The most efficient way to dispatch enemies is to simply sprint from cover to cover until you're close enough, and then just speed knife them CoD style or headshot them from ~5-10 feet where the random number generator can't fuck you over on accuracy
Okay, this is what I know:
Win XP Professional SP3
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5200+ 2,69 GHz, 2GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT 512MB
Ausdoerrt said:Well presumable you can fire a sniper from farther away with less of a bullet curve. It's been a damn long time since I played SoC though, so can't remember if there's actually situations where that's useful, but I recall rarely using those as well. Then again, I suck at sniping. I can imagine someone good at it could pick off an entire base (e.g. Duty assault on Freedom) from so far that nobody could put a scratch on him. The weight and the rarity of ammo make it an extremely limited-application weapon. Most assault rifles, even scoped, cannot compete, except maybe Vintar but iirc there's only two in the game, in rare stashes.
Ausdoerrt said:Shotguns is where you're wrong though. They're extremely useful, but primarily for dispatching mutants, since those move fast and tend to attack from up close. Though still, I guess mutants areless of a threat in SoC compared to the sequels. Against humans there's VERY limited application, like in tight corridor fights that in SoC iirc are very few, or for cleaning up large groups of weak enemies. But you're right pistols and non-scoped assault rifles can be an alternative in those rare situations, though I never figured out how to use the former properly. And yeah you have to still aim for the head, just not as precisely.
Ausdoerrt said:Or alternatively, use single-fire mode (or 3-bullet fire mode if available) to significantly improve accuracyFiring more than 3 bullets at once is counter-productive anyway, as the spread increases the longer you fire. Knifing is effective though, if you can catch the target unawares (iirc 1-hit kill with right-click on just about any target).
The sniper rifles (There's three, SVD, VSS, SVU) actually have MORE spread than the high-end assault rifles
I've got no idea what you mean by "assault rifles can't compete", when you'll actually have a far easier time taking out a target over extreme distances with a G36 or F2000 than you would with any of the sniper rifles, and you won't be fucked if someone pops up at close-range.
A headshot is a headshot, and the only weapon that can beat assault rifles at extremely long-range killing is the gauss rifle, and by the time you start to find them the game is over.
The assault rifles absolutely destroy mutants. The only one that can't be killed in less than a second with a quick burst to the face is the pseudo-giant (it takes about 2 seconds), and there's what... two of them in the entire game? Again, assault rifles come out on top.
Oh lord. Go flip on semi-auto on the AKS-74U or MP5 and plink away at Cordon bandits/military from mid-range (Good luck with that MASSIVE spread even when crouched), while I've got a camp cleared in under a minute from just sprinting in and knifing the fuckers. Until you've upgraded to an AK74 or AN94, killing enemies at range is nothing more than an exercise in luck.
PainlessDocM said:
(Not very accurate)
The game tries to simulate bullet drop, if you account for this the sniper rifles are extremely accurate. So are most weapons, the mp5 clone for instance is viable for most of the game with the right ammo. Shotguns are really useful against the fast moving mutants, the wide spread of buckshot can take out several rats at once, or catch a mutant that you are having trouble drawing a bead on. The game has several types of weapons for people to play it different ways, lucky for you it seems you found a way that you can cope with.Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:<snip>
About STALKER, I only played Call of Pripyat, but yeah long-ranged fights happen very rarely; powerful humans (Duty, ect) usually stay indoors, and mutants move around so fast sniping them is an exercise in luck. A good assault rifle (AK74, then G36) and a shotgun in case of Bloodsuckers will win almost any situation, the knife is no longer one-hit kill in COP.
ramessesjones said:After playing the hell out of Alpha Protocol for the last month or so, I'm playing Final Fantasy Tactics for the first time in a long time and so far it is actually better than I remember.