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  1. S

    Rage Released

    You know, I'd bet with the resources of Gamebryo Bethesda have available to them, it wouldn't be hard to make workable ladders in the engine, they're just too lazy to (plus climbing would require extra animations for that in third person, that is, unless you want Half-Life 1 style running up...
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    RAGE: The Thread

    At one point weren't they boasting that it was going to look like Crysis with the megatextures or something? This looks like Borderlands on minimum settings.
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    Rage Released

    From what I've seen it's a generic shooter with a post-apocalyptic theme and it doesn't even have an in-game graphics display menu, it's all apparently "automatically adjusted to your PC for maximum performance", and there are people everywhere complaining that it's a horrible system that...
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    Is NV too much NCR-Sided?

    I really wish the Legion were less retarded in New Vegas. They REALLY need more faction quests. Are there any mods which add (good, believable, non-lore-breaking) Caesar's Legion quests?
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    Lonesome Road Talk (obviously spoilers)

    For most explosive weapons, unless you're playing on Very Easy, Easy or Normal you're going to need those ranks in Demolitions Expert just to do moderate damage. On Very Hard mode the Red Glare is near-useless without 100 Explosives and ranks in Demo expert.
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    Elite Riot Armor, Joshua's or Armor of the 87th Tribe?

    I still truly don't see the gripe with the Bear's head. Bears are the NCR's signature icon, and it's quite obviously a trophy head.
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    X-Com being made into an FPS (Again?)

    Xenonauts looks damn awesome!
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    Spin Offs that would be cool

    I think the Fallout: Resource Wars idea would work really well with Fallout Tactics' style of gameplay. It's a damn shame that the chance of that happening again is so miniscule. I mean, people can hate Tactics all they want, but apart from the Beastmen/hairy Deathclaw crap, the lack of...
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    NMA was hacked

    Nice. But doesn't that cost quite a bit of money to use? Who's paying for it?
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Putting some time into Syndicate Plus now, after the Syndicate FPS shitstorm reminded me the game exists. Can't seem to focus on one game at a time. :wink:
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    Syndicate rebooted as (surprise) an FPS Generic FPS with some gimmicks, by the looks of it.
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    Syndicate rebooted as (surprise) an FPS

    I knew what happened, I just forgot who it was that said it. Fuck that new XCOM FPS thing.
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    GRA not working

    Oh well, I dunno then. I'd suggest looking for an official answer on Beth Soft forums or somewhere.
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    Underpowered Fire Weapons

    Well I'm glad to hear that at least. Small guns fire weapons though... a Blowtorch or something?
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    Syndicate rebooted as (surprise) an FPS

    Refresh my memory, which developer was it that said something like this and for which game?
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    Syndicate rebooted as (surprise) an FPS

    The music is actually great, really nostalgic (mostly remixes of old Syndicate music) up until 0:46 or so then it just turns into WUB WUB WUB WUUUUUUUB WUB WUB WUB. Such a shame.
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    Syndicate rebooted as (surprise) an FPS

    WUB WUB WUB WUB WUB God I hate dubstep.
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    GRA not working

    Did you enable it in Data Files with the launcher?
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    Is there a savegame archive for Fallout 2?

    Eh, I don't see the point. Running through the temple takes about 1 minute if you've done it before and just skip the enemies. As for the areas you've already cleared - that's really just the very start of the game. Plus, this very thing: Is one of the charms of Fallout. C&C! That is...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Still playing Blood II, this game's AI is so damn easy to exploit. :lol: I made this: Also started up a new game on Arcanum again, have been playing New Vegas and Fallout 2 quite a bit too.