RAGE: The Thread


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I plan on picking this thing up first thing as soon as Gamestop opens up, I'll put down my thoughts as I play threw.

I got the pre-order bonus and plan on detailing how useful it is.
I was looking forward to RAGE but seeing how shitty it turned out I'm glad I don't pre order games any more.

An id game (or any game for that matter) that thinks the user is too dumb to adjust graphic options and does it for him (which ofc doesn't work at all) has mouse acceleration and a console FOV,...

Pretty pathetic, I will wait for a patch, reviews and user impressions before I consider buying this for 20€ in a couple of months.



PainlessDocM said:
I was looking forward to RAGE but seeing how shitty it turned out I'm glad I don't pre order games any more.

An id game (or any game for that matter) that thinks the user is too dumb to adjust graphic options and does it for him (which ofc doesn't work at all) has mouse acceleration and a console FOV,...

Pretty pathetic, I will wait for a patch, reviews and user impressions before I consider buying this for 20€ in a couple of months.




Wow. While there is probably an easy workaround, this is pretty damn retarded. I'd be interested in hearing the unbiased impressions on the game though. No spoilers please.
I'm still preordering it so if it works I'll post up some info. It should as many of the problems are ATI side so hopefully won't have the texture pop-in that's affecting lots of people.
Also hoping they patch it a bit before the Euro release on Friday. :V
@PainlessDocM: :lol: Way to fuck up the PC version. I'll be playing the PS3 version soon. I'll let everybody know if it's buggy or not.
I wish y'all would quit referring to it as a Bethesda title. Yes, id is now owned by Zenimax but this was in development long before Zenimax even came into the picture. We're talking years before.

Blame id if this game sucks. Bethesda has nothing to do with it.
Well, as publisher, Bethesda has the final say on what makes it into the game or not.

You can't shake your fist at Todd Howard, but you can't exactly let the publisher off scot-free.
The game seens interesting at least, but after Doom 3 and Quake 4 I started to have reservations with iD Software.

I will wait until the price drop and give it a try.
That glitch in the video is an issue with texture streaming/cache. Might be a problem with driver compatibility, or just plain 'ole bad optimization. IIRC Singularity had a very similar problem.

No worries, it's easily fixable.
Wooz said:
IIRC Singularity had a very similar problem.

No worries, it's easily fixable.

Singularity had a similar texture streaming issue indeed, fans of the game managed to fix that issue by editing a certain file and later released a patcher that fixed the issue for those who didn't want to fiddle around with a hex editor.

Serge 13 said:
I'll be playing the PS3 version soon.


Rock paper shotgun took a look at the pc version:

PainlessDocM said:

Hah! I wonder what John Carmack is going to say about that. Throw your console out of the window? :D

But it's funny, I mean aren't they supposed to test these games before they put them into production?!
Serge 13 said:
Hah! I wonder what John Carmack is going to say about that. Throw your console out of the window? :D

Throw it out the window, buy a PC, download the beta drivers, simples.
I find the response to the release of this game humorous.
Wooz said:
That glitch in the video is an issue with texture streaming/cache. Might be a problem with driver compatibility, or just plain 'ole bad optimization. IIRC Singularity had a very similar problem.

No worries, it's easily fixable.
So it means it will be left to the fans to fix it.
Crni Vuk said:
So it means it will be left to the fans to fix it.

Id and or new display drivers will likely fix the streaming problem in this case.

The thing is RAGE has more issues than just slow loading textures and it looks downright ugly in places, something that probably will never get "fixed".







At one point weren't they boasting that it was going to look like Crysis with the megatextures or something? This looks like Borderlands on minimum settings.
to be fair Rage is not the only game with that kind of issue. That happens quite often that you have such inconsistence with the quality of textures. No clue why frankly. I remember it from Arma 2 for example. Though there it was quite ridiculous at times. I mean you would look at some wall from the outside and have some really low texture quality. Yet a small shelf inside an empty room which probably no one will ever really enter (the landscape is huge ...) has awesome textures.