Spin Offs that would be cool


First time out of the vault
What Fallout-Spinoffs would be cool in your opinion?

I think a pre-war vaulttec vault building simulation game (:D) would be sweet. Raising money, bribing congress, design the vault experiments. Evil Genius style. Well ok, there are maybe 10 people on the world who would actually enjoy that.

However, what are your ideas on the topic?
I have a kinda diverged opinion on this.

One would be that I'm with J.E. Sawyer, and that I'd like to see a game set during the Resource Wars. But I doubt you could make a good RPG out of it, so it's either an RTS like Blitzkrieg or a squad based game, like Tactics or Commandos.

Other side of the coin is that, if history has taught us anything is that Fallout spin-offs aren't particularly good. Just take a look at Fallout 3 oro FOBOS.
A game that you play the role of a survivalist would be a nice one for me. Instead of run & gun gameplay you would set traps for food, hunt, try and get clean water, maybe farm some crops and just try to get by with the means of trading with others. I know it would get boring fast once you got a working system down without any story, hence motivation to keep on playing so a story on top would be great. Think of Mount & Blade on a smaller scale and much less epic, set it in post-apocalyptia, fill it with well-writen lore and I would be satisfied for a few years.
Something like Europa Universalis. Or maybe an RTS. Somebody could probably mod Starcraft and change the Terran, Zerg, and Protoss, to the NCR, Legion, and BoS.

I personally think that an FPS would be pretty cool, but I feel that a lot of people here might be against that. One where you're a BoS Paladin fighting the NCR or whatever. At least in that case it would actually make sense for one person to take on so many soldiers alone and come out alive.
Dawn of War 2 would be better suited for such a thing. I still wouldn't like it, though.
I kinda want a little tower defense/city building game. You build structures to help defend your town, while sending out parties of dudes to scout for more food and useful stuff, but then again i really like city building stuff and tower defense games.
Episode based adventure Games :P

1 Episode:
You are in a Vault, someone was murdered in a sadistic way. You gotta find out who it was.

2 Episode:
You are in a Vault full of batshit crazy people and you have to get out.

and so on.
I've always thought a Fallout game where you wake up from suspended animation on a space station to learn that the world is messed up and you're going to have to use all your wits to get back to the surface, visiting other abandoned stations and automated platforms, gathering fuel and oxygen until you can make your accent to the wasteland, maybe starting off with a cracked helmet to limit your space walks, like in Red Planet when the dude had to ride in an old russian soil collection box to get off mars.
They already have the spacesuit and rockets from those gouls in new vegas. I think it would replicate the whole coming out of the vault/ from a isolated tribal village/ amnesia reacclimation to the wasteland world thing Fallout does so well very nicely, while presenting good opportunity for new tech and robots like whatever the NASA version of a Pip-boy is by Zapco...
A Resource Wars -era espionage RPG.

Obsidian tried it with Alpha Protocol, but it lacked a lot of focus. I think adding a more familiar element would help it out a lot.

The game would be based around the Resource Wars in the European theater, but it would be a very 50s-esque sort of spy thriller with PipBoys and Robots.

50s-style spy gadgets, martinis and pipboys, with gunplay, stealth, interesting conversation, and limited nuclear exchange!
Atomkilla said:
Other side of the coin is that, if history has taught us anything is that Fallout spin-offs aren't particularly good. Just take a look at Fallout 3 oro FOBOS.

Fallout: Tactics was decent and New Vegas was pretty good.

I agree with Sabirah that a turn-based strategy Fallout game would be kind of cool. Sort of like Civilization but with more role-playing elements.
JE Sawyer dreamed of a resource war spin-off for Fallout, I think showing the, well, Resource Wars. You can read about it here. And there was Fallout: Warfare.

The idea of Tactics was pretty solid, I think Fallout as a setting could do well with TBS/RTS and squad-based spinoffs, more so than with shooter spinoffs.
My friend linked me to a game called dwarf fortress.

I haven't played it yet but this would be a cool fallout style game, simulating to the base detail of a fallout style apocalypse
I think the Fallout: Resource Wars idea would work really well with Fallout Tactics' style of gameplay. It's a damn shame that the chance of that happening again is so miniscule.

I mean, people can hate Tactics all they want, but apart from the Beastmen/hairy Deathclaw crap, the lack of Charisma/Speech usefulness and a handful of other not-so-great things it's a pretty solid game in the Fallout universe, much more so than FOBOS or Fallout 3.
Oh I actually liked the Beast Lords as a unique one of a kind mutant group.

As for FOBOS, as I pointed out many times before in my posts, there are elements in it which I like, but the game itself is terrible ;)

Fallout 3, I have no good words for this game.
The fact that its presented as an official sequel I find insulting enough.
For me Van Buren will always be the real Fallout 3 that never was.
Graphic Adventures set in the world of Fallout in different places, soem of them with links to each other, others being stand alone? Maybe give them multiple endings?
I'd like to see a text adventure. Just put it in the Pip Boy in a future game. It'd be a nice little diversion.
There seems to be a lot of support for the idea of a Resource Wars spinoff. I like that idea too. We already have a DLC set during Operation Anchorage, which I enjoyed. If it were done with an espionage character it could have a lot of potential. James Bond was creating during the cold war of the 50's. That would fit nicely.

I just want a good, properlay done real Fallout again. No Spinoff or similar crap please.
As a experienced Civ player (I discovered Civ 2 way before F2) I can tell you that somebody actually made a Fallout-themed scenario for Civ 3 eons ago. It did play quite well, but I lost it when my old hard drive went to electronic heaven. I went to the trouble to find the thread...ain't I nice...


I could see a game in which you're in a Vault...somewhere which Vault-Tek decided that the vault would have critical failures of...everything after five years of operation. They deliberatly put in the posistions of command dominant people who would clash with each other as soon as problems cropped up...

You're head of a squad of people who have been sent out to get a part, and then the story forks out from there, depending on what desicions you make in the first mission (like if you used force or diplomacy to gain your goal.) I'd see a situation where you'd have the squad-based out in the wastes, but solo inside the vault.

With the different leaders forming factions inside the vault, each will try to sway you their idea on what has to be done for their survival, and ask you to do the main missions in a particular way to further their goal. You'd also be able to wander around the vault, talking to the other people and perhaps get a few mini-quests.

I'd introduce the idea of time passing - like at each end of the 'world', you're given a mission which involves travelling for months, so when you get back the vault has changed depending on the choices you made earlier (like if you repeatedly chose 'force', you find that the security units have become a standing army.) I'd make it that there are a dozen or-so endings ranging from a neo-fascist police state to a rising feudal commonweath.

I'd call that a spinoff, not a Fallout-themed other game.