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    [FO2] casidy changd to unarmed

    RE: casidy changd to unarmed >To expand on that is that >because of the PA or >not. I seem to remember >that it always changes to >unarmed because of the strength >bonus of the PA. I really don't know, but it sounds logical. Not that I've ever noticed a real change in Cassidy's...
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    [FO2] best weapon?

    RE: best weapon? >I was wondering what the best >weapon is in the game? >i am using bozar right >now and i was wondering >if there is better waepon >than that > >-thanks What the best weapon is for you depends largely on skill. If we're talking big guns the Bozar and the...
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    [FO2] casidy changd to unarmed

    RE: casidy changd to unarmed >casidy's skill changed to unarmed how >do i get him back >to small guns? Don't worry about it. Cassidy's skill always changes to unarmed, but it will be small guns again the next time he levels up.
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    Video Card problems

    RE: And after I just stopped complaining about dumb answers. >I've already got DX8 installed. >How do I uninstall it? > Also, Winblows ME no >longer asks for drivers, it >installs them automatically from who-knows-where. > Is there any way >I can stop it? I'm pretty sure it's...
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    Video Card problems

    RE: Man... >Why do people automatically assume those >asking tech questions are idiots? > It's not just this >board: on every other board >I've asked about this I've >gotten similar answers. Judging >by some of the replies, >these people must think I >just set the card on...
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    Post Apocalyptic Books and Movies

    >There was this other book by >Stephen King, but I forgot >the title. 'Twas about a >guy who lives in total >poverty (in the future), and >decides to try and win >some money in a humiliating >TV show. It's a short story called "The running man", and it was written by King under...
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    Post Apocalyptic Books and Movies

    The Stand by Stephen King is a very good book about what would happen in a post-apocalyptic world. 99.9% of the earth's population die of a disease called Captain Tripp and those who don't struggle to survive. Teh miniseries based on the book is good too, but I recommend you read the book first...
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    [FO2] Ear

    RE: Ear >I recently just beat the Masticator >in a boxing match. While >fighting him, I had my >ear ripped offf and my >charisma dropped by one. I >read the description for the >ear, and it says that >you can either reload or >save it for something special, >basically. My...
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    [FO2] I'm back!

    I'm back! I've been gone a while, but now I'm back here lurking again and possible answer a question every now and then. Have you guys been behaving yourself? :) "The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist."
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    New Black Isle Game, Torn

    So? I don't care they use fallout in their promotional talks. I'm just interested in the game. And the game looks like it's going to be hot. "The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist."
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    [FO2] Finding Jonny in Modoc

    RE: Finding Jonny in Modoc >I got all the way to >Gecko before finding out that >I had to patch my >game to 1.02 (from UK1.01). > I've since restarted and >got to Redding. I >don't have to start again >if I put the new >patch in. If I >do I'm afraid Jonny will >remain...
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    New Black Isle Game, Torn

    RE: *coughripoffcoughcough* >[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Mar-23-01 >AT 00:28 AM (GMT) > >They've ripped the system from Fallout, >gave it a fantasy flavor, >and made it more Diablo-esque. > Everything every brain-dead one-line >blathering fan has cried for >ever...
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    New Black Isle Game, Torn

    Maybe, but there sure as hell aren't enough Black Isle RPGs. "The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist."
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    [FO2] giant chicken????

    Never kill the chicken! The omelettes always restore you to full health, no matter in how bad shape you are. "The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist."
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    [FO2] giant chicken????

    Never kill the chicken! The omelettes always restore you to full health, no matter in how bad shape you are. "The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist."
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    [FO2] Annoying pop ups.....

    RE: Annoying pop ups..... I know it's annoying, but it's not Miroslav who's doing this. Write a complaint to the ad company that does the banners for gamestats. You can reach them at If enough people write it will stop. We got rid of Whirlgirl too, remember...
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    Fallout 2 - Time Limit?

    You're wrong Quoted from the official Fallout 2 FAQ: "There is a hard coded time limit in the engine for 13 years, but other than that, you don't need to complete the main plot within a certain time period." "The best trick the devil ever...
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    [FO2] Sniping

    Go for the eyes Boo! Go for the eyes!! The gauss rifle has a huge range range and massive damage. I'd recommend this weapon to any sniper. The turbo plasma rifle is good too, but you need a decent energy weapon skill for it. As for the best chances to make one shot a kill, see my subject...
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    Why is watching movies so fun?

    >I got up this morning, and >felt so bad that i >phoned my school and said >that i was sick and >couldn't come to school today. >Then i ate a small >breakfeast, then i sat down >infront of the TV and >watched a movie, then another >one, then another one, and >finally another...
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    Try reinstalling the game and patch. "The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist."