New Black Isle Game, Torn

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[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Mar-23-01 AT 00:28AM (GMT)[p]They've ripped the system from Fallout, gave it a fantasy flavor, and made it more Diablo-esque. Everything every brain-dead one-line blathering fan has cried for ever since the original Fallout.

And people wonder why few innovative games are made anymore. Particularly when the gaming audience doesn't know what the fuck they want since producers are shoveling shit out their doors, just as long as it's shinier and has more features.

"With TORN, we've taken the best elements from Fallout, a completely original fantasy world, and combined it with real-time combat," stated Feargus Urquhart, Black Isle Studios Division Director. "It's pretty much everything our fans have been asking for since we produced the original Fallout series."

"best elements from Fallout"?

Hello, Feargus? Do YOU even know what the fuck Fallout was about? Do you have ANY idea about a game other than having your typical vain self stuck in there somewhere with an alteration of your name so much that it's become cliche?

Obviously not.

[font color=orange]
Dennis Leary stole my song! That...asshole!
"Robert, your time has come!"

"OOOH! Thank you, Master!"

"Don't mention it."

*Robert explodes in a shower of sparks*
It's me, Jack Brown! The wind-up ass-hole!


Try Arcanum, by those who brought you the first Fallout:
RE: *coughripoffcoughcough*

>"With TORN, we've taken the best
>elements from Fallout, a completely
>original fantasy world, and combined
>it with real-time combat," stated
>Feargus Urquhart, Black Isle Studios
>Division Director. "It's pretty much
>everything our fans have been
>asking for since we produced
>the original Fallout series."

Replace "fans" with "cattle."

>Hello, Feargus? Do YOU even
>know what the fuck Fallout
>was about? Do you
>have ANY idea about a
>game other than having your
>typical vain self stuck in
>there somewhere with an alteration
>of your name so much
>that it's become cliche?

It seems that the talent (or rather brains?) left BIS to form Trokia. Actually I believe there is still talent in BIS, but the the directors have agendas formed by the corporation that owns the company.


[div align=center]
RE: *coughripoffcoughcough*

Kind of like that overpaid Division Officer that just looks around and nods, giving orders but essentially not having a clue one about what's going on? I agree. Typical vacuous management position.

[font color=orange]
Dennis Leary stole my song! That...asshole!
"Robert, your time has come!"

"OOOH! Thank you, Master!"

"Don't mention it."

*Robert explodes in a shower of sparks*
It's me, Jack Brown! The wind-up ass-hole!


Try Arcanum, by those who brought you the first Fallout:
RE: *coughripoffcoughcough*

We saw what happened with Fallout 2.

Good vision as far as the base, but I suppose when certain people left, it was put into someone's head to add every little fucking easter egg they could until it was a barely-stable half-finished (from a programming aspect) bug-laden game.

The creators of Fallout, the original, made sure that the easter eggs didn't interfere with the game. The ball was dropped with number two.

[font color=orange]
Dennis Leary stole my song! That...asshole!
"Robert, your time has come!"

"OOOH! Thank you, Master!"

"Don't mention it."

*Robert explodes in a shower of sparks*
It's me, Jack Brown! The wind-up ass-hole!


Try Arcanum, by those who brought you the first Fallout:
It's not that I hate fantasy RPG's or anything, I loved games like Baldur's Gate. It's just that the Fallout's 1+2 offered me more than the usual "Hrmm.. me see, me bash good!" RPG. From the screenshots, I agree, it looks woefully as if will be a Diablo clone.
RE: *coughripoffcoughcough*

>"With TORN, we've taken the best
>elements from Fallout, a completely
>original fantasy world, and combined
>it with real-time combat," stated
>Feargus Urquhart, Black Isle Studios
>Division Director. "It's pretty much
>everything our fans have been
>asking for since we produced
>the original Fallout series."

Hey i did not know that BIS joined with the mod-squad. Oh wait that's an insult, sorry!

What they're doing is a modding of Fallout in another game right?
Why don't we ask the mod-squad to do the same and see who's going to make the best game? (my money is on the mod-squad)

"I'm Ugly and I AM CANADIAN!"
RE: *coughripoffcoughcough*

>[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Mar-23-01
>AT 00:28 AM (GMT)
>They've ripped the system from Fallout,
>gave it a fantasy flavor,
>and made it more Diablo-esque.
> Everything every brain-dead one-line
>blathering fan has cried for
>ever since the original Fallout.

This time I don't agree with you Rosh. I for one am glad another game using the SPECIAL system is in development. Yes, it is a fantasy game and yes it is in realtime, but that doesn't necessarily mean it will suck. Torn is being developed by the same team that brought us Planescape: Torment which IMO is one of the greatest games to come out the last few years. One of the most interesting features mentioned on the official page in my opinion is, and I quote: "TORN contains a skill-based character system that allows for innumerable approaches to any problem in the game, whether through combat, guile, or diplomacy." Now that was one of the things that made Fallout highly replayable, and I think it could be the same for Torn. Black Isle Studios hasn't dissapointed me in any RPG they developed yet and it doesn't look like they will now.

"The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist."
RE: *coughripoffcoughcough*

>They are trying to pass it
>as something Fallout fans always


That's my beef, really. To those who have played CRPGs for so long, the fantasy schtick is getting old and chiche. AD&D even moreso. Arcanum gives it a fresh new flavor.

No...Shadowman, you have to realize what they are doing. They are name-dropping Fallout, again.

[font color=orange]
Dennis Leary stole my song! That...asshole!
"Robert, your time has come!"

"OOOH! Thank you, Master!"

"Don't mention it."

*Robert explodes in a shower of sparks*
It's me, Jack Brown! The wind-up ass-hole!


Try Arcanum, by those who brought you the first Fallout:
RE: *coughripoffcoughcough*

"The best elements from Fallout" indeed. Is swearing allowed on this board?

Actually, I think it's a good move on the part of Black Isle to make a different game based on the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system. According to Desslock (, the geniuses at Hasbro fully intend to piss away their D&D liscence to some unknown software company, leaving Black Isle in the lurch. But Black Isle already has this S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system, which has been tested and found to be workable and enjoyable to play. They own the system, and they're probably thinking of making it their standard after they lose the D&D lisence. This is fine by me, although I worry about how long Neverwinter Nights will be supported.

TORN isn't even an attempt at a Fallout game, nor is it going to be in any sense `the best elements from Fallout'. They were just fanning the breeze, though some of the sites I've seen seem to take them at their word. However, I like the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. sytem, and I'm glad to see them carry it over to different games. But I think they're being a little disingenuous not to be very clear that this won't have anything to do with Fallout.
It's been a while since I last posted here, so I'll reply on this old discussion.

"There are countless tales in the world of Torn, as many as there are stars in the sky. Some, though, shine more brightly than others...
<< Makes me thing of Sigil >>

One such tale is yours - the story of a wanderer, damned by fate to bring dire misfortune upon any place you remain and any companion you travel with.
<< I've heard this before : The Nameless One >>

Roaming the realms of Agathe seeking release from your curse,
<< TNO too >>

you find yourself headed westwards by sea to the sheltered peninsula of Orislane, a borderland kingd
In other words:

A DOUBLE rape of games, right?

Why change dicks in middle of a screw? Let's go for PS:T, too!

[font color=orange]
Dennis Leary stole my song! That...asshole!
"Robert, your time has come!"

"OOOH! Wonderful! Wonderful! Thank you, Master!"

"Don't mention it."

*Robert explodes in a shower of sparks*
It's me, Jack Brown! The wind-up ass-hole!

[font color=white]
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and Interplay's stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

"Naaaah, that leather armor doesn't have anything to do with Fallout.
Let's throw it out and take something from Baldur's Gate."
- Fallout Tactics Design Team

Try Arcanum, by those who brought you the first Fallout:
RE: In other words:

*Big deep breath*

Here goes...

First post here but I must say not only do I find some posters here ridiculas but also completly clueless.

1) Whats your problem with Interplay? It seems being a publisher is the biggest problem. Compared to MANY other publishers (*cough* Electronic Arts *cough*) Interplay are very good. They provide reasonable release dates, good product promotion and after sales help (and if you think they dont you really need to get around more- EA likes to shut down message boards if you complain about bugs too much). They are definatly one of the better publishers. Finally if you dont like publishers, tough, they are part of the video game industry and are not going anywhere soon. The money for marketing, production and distribution has to come from somewhere.

2) Whats your problem with BoS, Torn or any other game that does not meet your standards? BoS is a good game. Full stop. If taken objectively and not being a biased, subjective git you would actually, you know, see that. It had bugs but what do you expect in a 1.6 gig application? Anyone who has actually done some programming can see this was pretty decent. As for Torn, ill reserve opinion till the game is out. I just love it when people pre-judge a game. Those prediction are just SOOO accurate (*cough* Black and White *cough*). For the record I think Torn looks good but hey of just a vacuous fanboy who does not jump on the bandwagon of designer bashing, talk about being a freak.

3) Whats your problem with Feargus? Its just so nice to see people abusing designers. Its some common its become boring. If someone cant talk about someone without wild accusations and abuse then im not talking to them, it just smacks of 10 year olds. I bet half of you would piss your pants if you went to say this face to face but hey it wouldnt be the Internet with anonomous dick waving.

4) No im not a fanboy. I respect one thing and one thing only: games. Dont care who makes them or who the designer is, I take them objectivly and individually on their merits. So far they have been up to scratch from BI. RPGs are more common now days but still hardly mainstream and Fallout and BG are one of the few highlights.

God im so tried of this gutless game/designer bashing on just about EVERY board im on. Its either from clueless newbies or 'hardcore game veterans' who boost each others egos up for some of the nastiest and baseless abuse you could imagine. If you think Interplay suck so much then piss off and stop wasting everone ones time. But that wont happen will it? Its too much fun being the 'badass' rebel whos bucking the system and fighting 'the man'.

Wow man you are so cool. Feel better?