RE: *coughripoffcoughcough*
>"With TORN, we've taken the best
>elements from Fallout, a completely
>original fantasy world, and combined
>it with real-time combat," stated
>Feargus Urquhart, Black Isle Studios
>Division Director. "It's pretty much
>everything our fans have been
>asking for since we produced
>the original Fallout series."
Replace "fans" with "cattle."
>Hello, Feargus? Do YOU even
>know what the fuck Fallout
>was about? Do you
>have ANY idea about a
>game other than having your
>typical vain self stuck in
>there somewhere with an alteration
>of your name so much
>that it's become cliche?
It seems that the talent (or rather brains?) left BIS to form Trokia. Actually I believe there is still talent in BIS, but the the directors have agendas formed by the corporation that owns the company.
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