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  1. S

    [FO2] I can't get under ground!!!!!!

    RE: I can't get under ground!!!!!! If you're getting error messages I'd try reinstalling the game. It sounds like some files are missing or something. "The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist."
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    [FO2] Several Questions to Answer:

    RE: Several Questions to Answer: >1) Ive made it to >Vault 13, paid the doc >in NCR 10,000 creds to >get the map. I >went there, got in peacefully >past Gruthar, and i know >I need to fix the >comp. But I CANNOT >FIND THE CHIP TO REPAIR >IT! Go talk to the arms dealer...
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    Running FOT on an old computer...okay, very old....

    Or you could buy a game magazine that has teh demo on it's cover cd. Saves a lot of time, especially when you're on dial-up ;-) "The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist."
  4. S

    Music Survey!!! Sorry...

    >I'm into >metal (no, metal does not >include Korn, Limp Bizkit or >Deftones) Actually it does. The type of bands you mentioned are very different, but that doesn't mean Korn, Limp Bizkit and Deftones are not metal. They're just a different type of metal (nu-metal apparently if you...
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    Music Survey!!! Sorry...

    RE: And next on the love/hate relationship series... >How about those Blind Melon guys? > Mark my words, they'll >go far!!! Far? I don't think so. The singer died choking on his own puke and the band quit. "No rain" is one of my favorite songs, but I haven't heard it in ages. As for...
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    And another survey

    A games survey this time. What games are installed on your harddrive right now? My (short) list: Civillization 2 Diablo Grand Theft Auto The Longest Journey Unreal "The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he...
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    Music Survey!!! Sorry...

    Hmh, if you think the pumpkins aren't a good band you obviously haven't heard much of their music. They were one of the best rockbands of the 90s and I thought it was sad they split up. "The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing...
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    [FO1] Master Mystery

    RE: Master Mystery >Exactly who (or what...) is the >master? is he a mutant? >some genetic experiment gone wrong? >a computer? The master is Richard Grey, a doctor and an old friend of Harold (the ghoul in the Hub). During an attack on the military base (or was it the Glow?) Richard...
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    [FO2] Goris the Deathclaw

    RE: Goris the Deathclaw >I went back to Vault 13. >To my surprise instead of >seeing deathclaws i see puddles >of blood. This makes me >mad. I go upstairs check >out the camera footage then >talk to Goris. He says >he wants to avenge his >brethren. So i say alright >let's do...
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    new weapon idea

    >my brother has this facination with >double pistols so what about >some way to weild double >deagles or something...(or double SMG'S:)!! It could be done. But it'll have to take more action points and decrease accuracy, like it does in Jagged Alliance 2...
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    [FO2] A dumb solution to a dumb problem :)

    RE: A dumb solution to a dumb problem :) >Luckily I have an old (patched >1.02) savegame in which I >still haven't flogged Laddie. I >could install the children patch >and the US patch, and >then try again. > >The 1.02 patch invalidated the savegames, >but I hope this is >not...
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    [FO2] Xarn's Claw (New Bug?)

    RE: Xarn's Claw (New Bug?) I've heard of this bug before. It's a pretty rare bug to encounter and useless too, since you can't use the claw. It would've been interesting for a melee character... "The best trick the devil ever pulled was...
  13. S

    [FO1] some questions about fallout 1

    RE: some questions about fallout 1 >So, right now i've finished the >great game fallout 1 for >the 3rd time but i >still have some questions... >1) What is it for the >"security card" thingy (not the >usual one, this one looks >like a mobile simcard, unfortunately >i cant...
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    [FO2] killin' Carlson

    RE: killin' Carlson Mr Bishop in New Reno. Take the briefcase from Thomas Moore in Vault City to Bishop to be able to speak to him. "The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist."
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    [FO1] Children Spy and Traps at Glow

    RE: Children Spy and Traps at Glow >I still haven't been able to >figure out how to find >the spy of the Childer >of the Cathedral in the >followers of the Apocolips Don't worry about it. You can't finish this quest because the end to it was never put into the game. >or how to...
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    >You guys are dicks And you just earned yourself a warning. Flame other people on this forum again and you run the risk of being banned. "The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist."
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    RE: I'VE COMPLETED FALLOUT (@ last) Get the piece of junk from the body in the deathclaw area in the Boneyard and give it to Miles. These are the parts he needs to repair the hydrophonic farms. As a reward Smitty will upgrade a plasma rifle to a turbo plasma rifle and Miles will upgrade your...
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    Why is everyone picking on Eminem?

    RE: Does it really matter? Damn right people would have noticed him if he was a black man. Why? Because he's got talent. Why else? Because he's smart. He's got a style of rapping that's noticable in the world of hip hop and his lyrics are controversial and so over the top that no one in the...
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    [FO1] Close Off Time In Fallout I !!! Please !!!

    RE: Close Off Time In Fallout I !!! Please !!! >Okay, I know that he have >time In Fallout I. >BUT, what I need to change >for close off the fucking >time ??? >P.S: For The Water Chip >and the Rest. (For kill >the boss) >Very very Thank you You can't get rid of the...
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    Yet another Fallout 2 Installation Problem Post

    RE: Something else... Sorry, I can't really help you with your problem, but I do know what it is to have cd-rom problems. If you can't find a generic drive I suggest you do buy a new cd-rom player. You can always take it out and put it in your new computer when you upgrade...