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  1. V

    Was Dad a Psycho?

    He was a douche. All interaction you had with him was him either complimenting what you've done or being unimpressed. Would've been better to find have grown up in rivet city or something. More like rivet shanty town though...
  2. V

    Extremely severe lag, is it normal? (PS3)

    Delete as many saves as you can, obviously the back up saves for before doing quests or what ever. The save data gets pretty large once you've done most things and explored large areas. A lot of my lag came from evergreen mills, op anchorage and mothership gayta. And night time. Not sure if...
  3. V

    Problem with 3 dog speeches

    Yeah, i'm pretty sure it's just broken steel, I have the GOTY on ps3. But I only noticed it once I was lvl 20+ when I hadn't even been to rivet city yet or tranquility lane.
  4. V

    How do I control this game with mouse only?

    Are you fucking retarded Palmer? Fucking seriously. Totally unacceptable that you have to press a few buttons on the keyboard? Someone told you to expect FPS elements. Of course you're going to be expected of to use more than your mouse. Unless your mouse is a fucking keyboard. And no you...
  5. V

    Van Buren content used in new games

    The trogs in the Pitt add-on?
  6. V

    Sniper Perk Missing?

    Sniper perk? As in the perk that increases headshot probability in VATS with rifles? If that's what you're meaning... I don't see how it should be a problem. Man up and stop using VATS.
  7. V

    Do you think it's perfectly okay to dismiss Fallout 3...

    I thought Fallout 3 was great. Although, I didn't play F1 and 2 until after. Admittedly, I probably would have hated Fallout 3 if I played the latter first. Fallout 3. Good game. Shouldn't be dismissed just because it didn't stand up to the expectations of people that played FO1 and 2.
  8. V

    New Vegas is way too complex

    Wow Sarge... why the hate on consoles? I play Xbox and PC... just chill out eh? And I don't think that consoles are cheap in anyway, considering what you get. It's not that consoles make people stupid. It's that stupid people buy consoles and think they're better than nerdy PC users.
  9. V

    Level Cap - To easy?

    I was level 30 by 25 hours. Not grinding, but just doing every quest I was given. The smallest quests can give a lot of xp... which they could replace with giving little amount of xp and more weapons and armour. Xp is faaar too easy to gain in New Vegas. Considering I got to 30 in new Vegas...
  10. V

    Nellis Air Force Base (may contain Spoilers)

    Omg don't get me started with that tunnel. There's a room that I couldn't get into because you'd fall through the floor and reappear at the end. Mind you, the tunnel is full of frag mines too.
  11. V

    'E-DE, my love' problem

    I didn't officially fail it. I just couldn't get the right phrase from her, breaking the quest. But as I said, there are a lot of problems associated with upgrading him from what I've read. I doubt he'd be anymore valuable anyway unless you're playing hardcore.
  12. V

    Legion/BoS war (Expect spoilers)

    I just came because of you Tagaziel.. The Legion will win undoubtedly. More numbers, means more Legionnaires will reach lines of defense and let us not forget about the ballistic fists.. how do the people inside PA not get any trauma whatsoever from an explosion? And what's to say that Caesar...
  13. V

    Neutral Path?

    To finish the game you can't be completely neutral, in the way of factions. Karma? Just do some bad deeds every now and then. I don't think you can be positive with Powder Gangers and Goodsprings.. haven't tried it yet. But you can't finish the game with everyone on positive. Depending on who...
  14. V

    Veronica Glitched

    Arcade pooped out on me like that too when I told him to go to Lucky 38
  15. V

    Legion/BoS war (Expect spoilers)

    Most of the time that the less advanced factions won, they used guerilla tactics. Whereas the "modern" forces, such as the Americans in Vietnam and Middle East, Russians in Afghanistan and Finaland, the British in the colonies, the Romans, Italians in Ethiopia during WWII used conventional tactics.
  16. V

    'E-DE, my love' problem

    The way that I failed it(technically) was by going through all the dialogues with the people you're supposed to talk to before getting ED-E. The lady at Novac's scrapyard won't say the essential dialogue if you have already talked about everything with her before getting ED-E. Upgrading him...
  17. V

    Non Combat Resolution Prevalence?

    Lol. No hacking is even needed to use Manny's terminal if I remember correctly.
  18. V

    Legion/BoS war (Expect spoilers)

    Have you even done the Van Graff quest?
  19. V

    Legion/BoS war (Expect spoilers)

    What about pulse? Or plasma explosives?