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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    Yea maybe a before/after picture? Altogether it sounds great, that will bringt FO2 to a new level of pleasure.
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    Complete weapon & item list?

    Is there somewhere a complete weapon & item list(waepon only would also be OK)? I found some lists here & there but all seem to host just some stuff not all.
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    Citizens Encounter

    Just had the Citizen Encounter(those ghost who walk over the map). Does anyone know something about it because I just can't find any info about it. Not even in guides any of the guides.
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    @killap I would like to know what you have on your to-do list left. Is there anything "big" left that you want to add to this mod?
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    Ammo values - What do they mean and how do they work?

    Where can I find the Armor & Ammo FAQ?
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    Ammo values - What do they mean and how do they work?

    How does AC mod, DR mod and Dmg Mod exactly work? Guess AC is Armor Class and DR Demage Resitance and know how they work on armour but how do they work on ammo? And what about Dmg Mod? For example the 14 mm ammo : AC mod: 0 DR mod: -50 Dmg Mod: 1/2 So does it mean that the damage that...
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    Klamath Canyon, anything useful in it?

    Guess I made a mistake when walking into the canyon and then out again without killing the bot and searching the bodys. I came back later and killed the bot but no bodys there. Is there anything useful in them(besides the yellwo key card)? Or just random stuff?
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    Fallout Tactics in a similar situation like FO 1 & FO2?

    Do we have a mod like Killaps FO2 Mod that fixes all those bugs?
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    Fallout Tactics in a similar situation like FO 1 & FO2?

    I would like to know if Fallout Tactics is in a similar situation like FO1 & FO2. Both FOs are still bugy after latest patch and both have a lot stuff that didn't make it into the game, is it the same with FT?
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    Question about the music files

    BTW there is an error on the FO2 music page. Track 9 comes from the ACM file 14NECRO.ACM not from 15NECRO.ACM
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    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion (ideas/suggestions)

    Same counts for me. I'm totally useless but I would like to help :D
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    Gain skill points by using skill?

    I could swear that you could also gain skill points that way. Maybe I messed that up the Jagged Alliance.
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    Gain skill points by using skill?

    When I remember correctly you can gain skill points when using a skill. Is there a system behind it or does it happen randomly? Anyway of raising the chance for getting skill points this way?
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    Any stuff related to unofficial F2 patches goes in here!

    @killap Will your addon pack contain unfinished quests? If so did you think about contacting the designers to ask how they wanted those unfinished quest to be? Do I always have to restart the game if you come out with a new version or is continuing a running game no problem?
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    Any stuff related to unofficial F2 patches goes in here!

    This patch sounds really interesting . I don't see anything like that for Fallout 1. Isn't there anything to fix or is there just no interest in this game?
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    Question about the music files

    Sorry :roll: OK found it. Mark Morgan I just ask because track 16 "All-Clear Signal" that is played in Vault City (Fallout 2)somehow reminds me of another track. First I thought it was a track of Crystal Method but it had only a far similarity. BTW has the numbering and naming of...
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    Question about the music files

    How is the composer of the Fallout and Fallout 2 music? I know it from the 2 intro tracks but what about the rest?
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    Question about the music files

    Thanks. Then I'll convert them myself. BTW is there a similar way to get sounds and speech out of the game?
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    Question about the music files

    Can anyone tell me how high the bitrate is on the ACM files that come with the game are? Just thought about downloading the mp3 files but looks like they're only in 128, so i thought about converting them myself from ACM to MP3 but if the ACM themselves don't provide a higher bitrate I can...
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    Need save file for The Enclave

    Sorry. I have the English version patched with the latest patch(I think it's 1.02d). And I really didn't know that there are different endings. Isn't there a way to see them all without playing the game over and over again?