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  1. R

    Fallout's Story on the Escapist

    Apparently for some of its readers, such errors are of no consequence: The mandatory "Fallout fans will dislike it" and "Tactics didn't suck just because it wasn't Fallout 3" comments pretty much plant the guy in idiotville. You gotta love people who don't care about factual errors in...
  2. R

    Fallout in CVG top-list

    Haha, Neverwinter Nights ahead of Planescape: Torment. Idiotas.
  3. R

    NMA article: About Fallout Fans

    Nice introduction. Am looking forward to reading the other two articles, and seeing how some of the accusations often leveled at the community get debunked. I was going for a similar approach some time ago but eventually gave up since i consider my writing to be incredibly amateurish, and...
  4. R

    Interplay served with involuntary bankruptcy notice

    Certainly my good friend. Here's the gist of it: Herve is a dumbfuck.
  5. R

    Games to watch 2007: Bioshock and Hellgate London

    Well, how many firstperson roguelikes with the kind of production values that Hellgate: London has have we seen? I don't expect it to be another Fallout, but if there's some meaty roguelike goodness there, I'm game for it.
  6. R

    Fargo comments on FOOL

    After experiencing the hype to harsh reality ratio with The Bard's Tale, I'd prefer if Fargo stayed the hell away from Wasteland until he can get his act together.
  7. R

    New Face for Bioshock

    Given the current developer's track record, that isn't very hard to imagine.
  8. R

    Guess-the-movie game...

    Correct! The ball is on your side now :)
  9. R

    Guess-the-movie game...

    No. Hint: sci-fi.
  10. R

    Guess-the-movie game...

    But that's not guessing, is it? :razz: If you want I can post another pic hosted somewhere else so you won't 'guess' it.
  11. R

    Fallout 3 mentioned by Pete Hines

    Yeah, his posts were pretty comical in the "so sad it's funny" way. I still tried putting some sense into him though, but I suspect my large post was for naught.
  12. R

    a Fallout game I'd like to see

    The thing that initially sets me against any kind of idea is not so much the base gameplay issue but how well it integrates into the PC and NPC dichotomies. Including this kind of system risks causing some levels of incosistency with the notion that NPCs are are non-controllable entities with...
  13. R

    Play with your Wii!

    Maybe because they're all closet third graders. Wii is an amusing name, though. Amusing in a 'what the hell is wrong with these marketing dolts?!" way. But it'll probably survive the onslaught of jokes. I don't care much what they're gonna call a console that allows me to play old-school...
  14. R

    Do you miss games coming in Boxes?

    I huggle my game boxes. I even separate them from simple plastic DVD cases, even at the risk of destabilizing chronological orders (such as game series). The Vice City and San Andreas boxes are very nice.
  15. R

    Fallout 3 mentioned by Pete Hines

    ...Why would you be trashed because of a more optimistic view? No, this guy isn't a reputable source. All this to and fro as somewhat lessened my interest for Fallout 3. I'm more interested in seeing the shitstorm that's going to come when it's released rather than the game itself.
  16. R

    Guess-the-movie game...

    Robocop 2.