Fallout 3 mentioned by Pete Hines

Third Parties For Hire

Third Parties For Hire

The future is now. Chew on this Universalwolf,


World of Steve:
... Babel, for example, have hurriedly removed the references on their corporate website to their previously openly-admitted tactic ..... of infiltrating gaming forums with "shills" promoting particular games while pretending to be ordinary members of the public. A thread on Future's "GamesRadar" forum revealing two Babel employees caught in the act of doing that very thing was deleted by the forum's staff on groundless allegations of "libel" which was supposedly contained in the thread. ...

World of Stuart:
... their previously openly-admitted tactic ...

linked to this page:


Babel Media - Online Marketing:
... Online marketing can take a variety of forms, depending on the type of product being promoted. As multilingual experts, we employ a team of native 'guerrillas' to infiltrate forums and message boards in selected territories. Specific site administrators can also be contacted to run competitions in return for exclusive and inside information on a product. ... We also encourage users to promote a product in return for fan merchandise. The more users they sign up for the project and the more 'missions' they accomplish, the more prizes they win. This ensures a deeper penetration into public awareness, as well as useful email lists for future campaigns. This effectively expands the audience to people beyond core fans. ...

World of Stuart highlighted this:
... we employ a team of native 'guerrillas' to infiltrate forums and message boards in selected territories. ...

If tracking low post count agent provocateurs, rpg codex has plenty around the release of Oblivion. Saw these links to Babel Media in some thread around 3/21/06.

Devoting resources to clandestine propaganda campaigns to sell half finished Atari games, as sited in the World of Stuart article, shines a rather sad insight on an entertainment industry that would resort to dishonest means to cover poor workmanship.

We've seen the future and it WAS now.

Re: Third Parties For Hire

Heh, man, 4too, you've been making some great posts recently.

I'm totally going to use your posts as NMA mission statements. That way we can filter out the unintelligent and lazy too, since reading your posts is never easy.

4too said:
Devoting resources to clandestine propaganda campaigns to sell half finished Atari games, as sited in the World of Steve article, shines a rather sad insight on an entertainment industry that would resort to dishonest means to cover poor workmanship.

I thought the gaming industry pretty much has always resorted to dishonest means to cover poor workmanship?
Kharn said:
There are a lot of Bethesda fans who just want Oblivion with guns because Oblivion is the type of game they enjoy. They don't see that a) we and a lot of other people don't enjoy that and b) there's little point to buying the license to a classic game series just to turn it into a futuristic version of your own game series.

They register here and defend the game fervently because they really do want Bethesda to just do what they want with the license, though, especially if they butt-rape it into Oblivious form. It'd make them happy.

Personally, I don't care about those people, either.

Now, if we got some more TES fans here who started with Arena, we might have enough of a translating crew (who likely also share our pain) that could put it into terms the "Morblivion" kiddies can understand. Well, no, not much hope of getting much across to the "oooh, SHINY!" crowd, but it must be noted that TES has been classed (since Morrowind) among Ultima, M&M, X-COM, and HoMM in terms of selling out the design for reasons other than design.

And, ironically, Fallout as well.
""Am What I Am, That's All That I Am ..."&quo

""Am What I Am, That's All That I Am ...""

I do seem to twist the grammar into tedious culdesacs of dependent clause-ality.


I thought the gaming industry pretty much has always resorted to dishonest means to cover poor workmanship?

Evasive ethics rationalized:
There's too much money chasing mediocre design.
The need to 'out source' damage control to third party fixers is the result.


Algy Williams:
Computer gaming is not a cottage industry any more," he says. "It is no longer run by spotty teenagers with a bad junk food habit. With revenues of £20bn, it is bigger than Hollywood." ...
Appears that he supplies a QA testing service, and more. On face value Babel Media could be the specialist contractor, the 'ringer' in the team that insures victory. An expediter. A fixer.

But when bug fixes and 'market penetration strategies' become misinformation campaigns, one has to wonder what was the REAL product intended by the 'served' game company.

A box, an empty box, or a box with a game in it.

Looks too much like a shell game, with less then a 50 - 50 chance,

The REAL - talent - appears to be the carnival barkers and the masters of illusions, a.k.a. the PR.

Re: ""Am What I Am, That's All That I Am ..."

4too said:
The REAL - talent - appears to be the carnival barkers and the masters of illusions, a.k.a. the PR.

"talent" indeed.

Apart from his oral interviews, which are best forgotten, Pete Hines could be replaced by a machine that goes "We're not ready to talk about that yet." with the occasional "Innovative design" or "Radiant A.I. will be a totally new experience" or "Graphics!" thrown in.
i wouldnt mind seeing oblivion with my new geforce 7800 gtx with all the graphic options turned up, but the problem is it crashes too much and no matter how much shit hines spews, you cant talk your way out of that. so my copy is going to sit by the wayside untill the first patch.

oh well, i have tons of other games i can turn up all the options on and think look pretty.
"Radiant A.I. will be a totally new experience"

Now that I've experienced that "wonderful A.I" myself, I think he better shut up and think about the following question : "Isn't a good script better than a crappy A.I ?"
gotta say... with everything turned way up on oblivion, it looks good.

too bad it still plays like shit.
Those are some sweet links in your sig, Rosh. I especially like the footage of NPCs going apeshit on each other; but now I'm screwed.

I originally had no intention of buying Oblivi-yawn, yet after seeing those clips I seem to have an irresistable urge to play the game for the sole purpose of fucking with the (as someone else put it) "Radiant Asshole Intelligence".

Yeah, that's some real ground-breaking crap. I can't wait to see what Beth does with the Fallout brand. Granted, you could exploit the A.I. in FO2 in such a way as to get Vic to kill his own daughter; but there was nothing quite as "radiant" as what I saw in those Oblivi-yawn clips.
Duck and Cover...

I checked Duck and Cover and they claim that Fallout 3 is supposed to be released in JULY!?! Is this true or just another false alarm??
Ehehe, he didn't even click the press release link in that duckandcover post which just links to the press release about acquiring the license.
Note: I am much more trusting of people, so please don't thrash me because of my more optimistic view.
I see this interview differently:
" We've got a lot of folks working on that game now, and what I've seen of it so far is looking really good and has me very excited - I'm a big fan."
To me this means that Pete is very excited to work on this project and will put (What's left) of his heart and soul into this project, as I'm sure most game developers do. They're trying their best to make the best gaming experience possible, although this alone doesn't tell who they're targeting it fdor.

"We're approaching Fallout 3 as if we developed the first and second games - we're developing it just like we developed Oblivion."
This can be taken two ways, so I'm taking the optimistic way. I think he's saying that he's going to approach this project with the same spunk and enthusiasm as they did with Oblivion. I wouldn't be surprised if they use a reworked Oblivion engine here, which I don't mind so long as it stays true to teh fallout gameplay. In all likelyhood, they're going to be producing the game much like they did Oblivion.

"Fallout 3 is our baby, we want to stay true to what it is and we want to deliver something that all the fans think is worthwhile. We're trying to move the series forward, keeping it fresh and cool while staying true to its roots."
They're adding new stuff, but keeping the great stuff. This is why I'm optimistic about this comment. I believe they're going to keep true to what Fallout is, but add a few new features that may or may not be completely appealing to the original fanbase. Personally I hope they have some sort of multiplayer for it, such as co-op play, sort of like Diablo 2's.

"When we're ready we'll let people know, and hopefully people will be excited about some of the ideas we have and some of the stuff we're up to."
I hope they're ready soon, because I can't stand the suspense. I just want the basic to it: Are they actually going to stay true to what Fallout is? I don't know Bethedsda well enough to say, but judging from the comment in teh interview about Fallout 3, I think they are.

uziel said:
This can be taken two ways, so I'm taking the optimistic way. I think he's saying that he's going to approach this project with the same spunk and enthusiasm as they did with Oblivion. I wouldn't be surprised if they use a reworked Oblivion engine here, which I don't mind so long as it stays true to teh fallout gameplay. In all likelyhood, they're going to be producing the game much like they did Oblivion.
That's what worries me the most, because Oblivion is a piece of shit and the worst game in the Elder Scrolls series. If Fallout 3 receives the same treatment Oblivion did, it is going to be borderline unplayable.
Like I said, I don't know enough about the company to make a reliable comparison, but from what I've seen of Oblivion is the fact they tried things that didn't work.

Personally I think they need to abduct Fallout fans to playtest it, not random kids or fans of their own games, because the Fallout fans are going to be the ones waiting in front of stores for three days, not Elder Scrolls fans.

At least I will. By the time it comes out I'll be living 3 blocks away from a gaming store, so...
uziel said:
so please don't thrash me because of my more optimistic view.

...Why would you be trashed because of a more optimistic view? No, this guy isn't a reputable source.

All this to and fro as somewhat lessened my interest for Fallout 3. I'm more interested in seeing the shitstorm that's going to come when it's released rather than the game itself.
Role-Player said:
...Why would you be trashed because of a more optimistic view? No, this guy isn't a reputable source.

Oh, dear...we're being called "douchebags" by someone named "madninjaskillzz".


Really, I don't have to add anything witty to that, the irony just writes itself.

On further irony:

I don't mind a fight with 3 years Chong Sil Kwon, and 2 of Brazillian Jujitsu.

And 5 years Cheech-Fu Bong and Brazilian Jew-Shitzu! With that, and the user name, I "phear" this lightsaber kid white trash ninja!

I guess the yellow belt is to stand for "Opponent Pisses Themselves Laughing"? Sorry, as someone who routinely practices Lerdrit, I don't follow that belts bullshit. You know you've won when you've put your knee into their chin to shatter their teeth.
"I thought his post was funny, not only is it easy to complain when people arent around, its easy to make snide comments like that one like a little Bi@@@ when the dude can't bust you in the mouth for it"

Looks like Madninjaskillz won over the GameFAQs crowd.

Martial Arts are cute and all, but unless they're used by a national military, I'd like to see them pull a Judo chop with a chair leg in the face.
Yeah, his posts were pretty comical in the "so sad it's funny" way. I still tried putting some sense into him though, but I suspect my large post was for naught.
All hope is lost. FO3 will be FO3 the Oblivion engine FPS. Fallout has died and only the modders can save it!!!!