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  1. Briosafreak

    Fallout: New Vegas Patch 1.3 released for PC

    True, and guns in general are more effective, and that means not only your guns, but your foes guns too.
  2. Briosafreak

    Unexplained , Unfinished and Mysterious content in NV.

    It already is, in a vendor on that town north of Vegas with the Super Mutant and the whore house. He talks of a guy causing a riot then creating Arroyo.
  3. Briosafreak

    PS3 patch live worldwide, Xbox 360 patch savegame issues

    The patch is up for PS3 users, but Bethesda points to savegame issues for Xbox 360 users.<blockquote>We're aware some folks are having New Vegas save issues . We're working with Microsoft on this and should have more information soon. In other news, the latest title update is available on...
  4. Briosafreak

    New Vegas patch 1.3 rolling out for Xbox 360 tonight

    The dowloads of patches and fixes still work on PSN, it's everything else that doesn't work. After being released in the Americas it's now being released in Europe, so it´s a question of hours until it gets available in Italy.
  5. Briosafreak

    Fallout: New Vegas Patch 1.3 released for PC

    It's really, really annoying. If I feel better I'll test it this afternoon to see what's changed or not.
  6. Briosafreak

    Fallout: New Vegas concept art

    Saw that yesterday. A working tv monitor, I'm curious.
  7. Briosafreak

    Massive Black New Vegas & Mothership Zeta concept art

    Yep, I agree. For the rest I don't believe so Crni, again the experience of the first Fallout 3 leads me to believe the opposite. As talking to tens of modders and a few devs. We'll see how the next version will work out, I'm not very optimistic though.
  8. Briosafreak

    Massive Black New Vegas & Mothership Zeta concept art

    Again no, the tools act as a constraint of the artist in this case, as in all Beth/Gamebryo games. They could had 3 years in the making that the game would look and feel the same, as we saw in Fallout 3.
  9. Briosafreak

    Massive Black New Vegas & Mothership Zeta concept art

    No, it is very much a problem of the engine.
  10. Briosafreak

    question about patches

    No, you shouldn't have to do that.
  11. Briosafreak

    Fallout Online Newsletter: The Armageddon Rag #4

    From one newsletter to the following one less gibberish is showing up. It's explained that this is caused by "the typing bug" being worked on. This is on purpose for the newsletters, what it means well, you figure it out. So no, it won't be a game feature.
  12. Briosafreak

    Fallout: Nuka Break fan film

    Thumbs Up :ok:
  13. Briosafreak


    You'll have a much easier time with the final boss and the ensuing sequence.
  14. Briosafreak

    My Fallout: New Vegas review

    It wasn't a mega hit, but was top ten for a while in the PC charts. It was a surprise hit for Iplay, no one was expecting those sales, so they rushed into producing FO2 and went ahead in the division changes, creating Black isle. It was good for its time, just that. Baldurs Gate and...
  15. Briosafreak

    My Fallout: New Vegas review

    Fallout had sold 450000 copies excluding OEM revenue in 2000. The 200000 figure showed up as a projection a company made of the sales, that was wrong, according to the internal Iplay numbers. It was game of the year, and the highest sales RPG of Interplay until Baldurs Gate.
  16. Briosafreak

    The Official Fallout JRPG Demake

    DJ Slamak is alive? Cool :drunk:
  17. Briosafreak

    Fallout: New Vegas Dead Money reviews round-up #5

    We also reviewed it WUE:
  18. Briosafreak

    Happy New Year :D

    Happy Atomic New Year :dance:
  19. Briosafreak

    Dead Money hints at things to come

    I agree in both accounts. :hatersgonnahate: