First time out of the vault

Ok we all know that Fallout 3 and NV are full of strange stuff.I've been in the hunt of getting all from this game and i encountered some really strange finds.I would really want to hear your thoughts on this.
1.We all heard of Ulysses and we all know that he will probably be in a future DLC.I think that the location ''Canyon Wreckage'' is the location where you have to go and probably will enter a new map where Ulysess will be there.
2.Probably will be in a DLC too , the Northern Passage , you see a tunnel covered up with rocks , if you use the TCL code you can enter the tunnel however at the end you can't get on the other side so you need to return back.
3.The signs ''the Burning Man Lives'' as we already know are referring to the upcoming DLC Honest Hearts.
4.These weird whispers near the graves , when near a grave you can hear whispers in the background , best area to hear them is the Goodsprings Cemetery , and these weird growling sounds.
5.The marked Graves.The Goodsprings Cemetery is the only one (except Chance's grave) where there are some marked graves.Here are the signs:
Sara ''The Bear'' Friedman
Here Lies Verl
Jay Penzal
Mr. D. DeCollibus
Count Abraham Jefferson XII
Whiskey Snakesur
RIP Mr. R. Horn
RIP Fearless Dave
Owen Perry
6.Wrecked Highwayman.Who is ''The Chosen One''
7.That crazy Nightkin at ''Tumbleweed farm'' and why he turns hostile after some conversations.
8.That House North Of Freeside , near ''Carlyle St.Clair's House'' there is a abandoned house with lot of crops inside , the entrance doors are locked and the signs are read as if i am trespassing , who's house is that?
9.The Blind Deatchclaw , what is so special about him and are there more of him?
10.Love that planetarium at the REPCONN HQ , plays strange music when i enter it though
11.Tomas and Jacklyn , it is clear that Jacklyn is after Tomas' sarsaparilla's star bottle caps.I wonder why does she need them and why when i talk to her shes turns hostile and says , ''Unfortunate , i can't leave any witnesses'' like she is after something big.
12.Smith Mesa Prospector Camp , there is a dog there all alone i wonder where is its owner , did he dies somewhere?
13.Missing Info about Daniel Wayands - at PRIMM there is a dead NPC named Daniel Wayands and Wiki doesn't have info about him , who is he???
Explanation - Daniel Wayand does have a wiki info but because of the mistaken name i couldn't find it. In the game he's name is spelled ''Daniel Wayand'' but in wiki its ''Daniel Wyand''
14.Lake Mead Monster , mr.New Vegas sometimes mentions sightings about a monster in Lake Mead , this happens after completing ''Volare!''
15.Victor missing in action when ''Ghost Town Gun Fight'' Victor heals you once and then vanishes , when asked about it he says that he was remotely command to stop.Nothing like this ever happened to him. (thanks to Courier)
Possible Explanation - According to the older folks in Goodsprings , Victor has been around the town before mr.House's Securitrons to rule New Vegas.Victor's memory has been wiped by mr.House (to take control of him) which may be the reason why he didn't had any info about the disabling command which occurred during the ''Ghost Town Gunfight''.The folks says that Victor had an owner who lived in a shack with a old world flag which means that Victor's owner might be Ulysess himself.This theory explains why was Victor missing in action , since Ulysess might still have some sort of control over Victor and he hates Courier 6 for unknown reasons he might be the one who disabled the Securitron.
Like Victor said he was remotely disabled from a unknown location which may refer to a location outside of the Mojave.
These are the ones i can think of right now , i will post more when i think of.
I would love reading your thoughts as also your finds and weird experience.
1.We all heard of Ulysses and we all know that he will probably be in a future DLC.I think that the location ''Canyon Wreckage'' is the location where you have to go and probably will enter a new map where Ulysess will be there.
2.Probably will be in a DLC too , the Northern Passage , you see a tunnel covered up with rocks , if you use the TCL code you can enter the tunnel however at the end you can't get on the other side so you need to return back.
3.The signs ''the Burning Man Lives'' as we already know are referring to the upcoming DLC Honest Hearts.
4.These weird whispers near the graves , when near a grave you can hear whispers in the background , best area to hear them is the Goodsprings Cemetery , and these weird growling sounds.
5.The marked Graves.The Goodsprings Cemetery is the only one (except Chance's grave) where there are some marked graves.Here are the signs:
Sara ''The Bear'' Friedman
Here Lies Verl
Jay Penzal
Mr. D. DeCollibus
Count Abraham Jefferson XII
Whiskey Snakesur
RIP Mr. R. Horn
RIP Fearless Dave
Owen Perry
6.Wrecked Highwayman.Who is ''The Chosen One''
7.That crazy Nightkin at ''Tumbleweed farm'' and why he turns hostile after some conversations.
8.That House North Of Freeside , near ''Carlyle St.Clair's House'' there is a abandoned house with lot of crops inside , the entrance doors are locked and the signs are read as if i am trespassing , who's house is that?
9.The Blind Deatchclaw , what is so special about him and are there more of him?
10.Love that planetarium at the REPCONN HQ , plays strange music when i enter it though
11.Tomas and Jacklyn , it is clear that Jacklyn is after Tomas' sarsaparilla's star bottle caps.I wonder why does she need them and why when i talk to her shes turns hostile and says , ''Unfortunate , i can't leave any witnesses'' like she is after something big.
12.Smith Mesa Prospector Camp , there is a dog there all alone i wonder where is its owner , did he dies somewhere?
13.Missing Info about Daniel Wayands - at PRIMM there is a dead NPC named Daniel Wayands and Wiki doesn't have info about him , who is he???
Explanation - Daniel Wayand does have a wiki info but because of the mistaken name i couldn't find it. In the game he's name is spelled ''Daniel Wayand'' but in wiki its ''Daniel Wyand''
14.Lake Mead Monster , mr.New Vegas sometimes mentions sightings about a monster in Lake Mead , this happens after completing ''Volare!''
15.Victor missing in action when ''Ghost Town Gun Fight'' Victor heals you once and then vanishes , when asked about it he says that he was remotely command to stop.Nothing like this ever happened to him. (thanks to Courier)
Possible Explanation - According to the older folks in Goodsprings , Victor has been around the town before mr.House's Securitrons to rule New Vegas.Victor's memory has been wiped by mr.House (to take control of him) which may be the reason why he didn't had any info about the disabling command which occurred during the ''Ghost Town Gunfight''.The folks says that Victor had an owner who lived in a shack with a old world flag which means that Victor's owner might be Ulysess himself.This theory explains why was Victor missing in action , since Ulysess might still have some sort of control over Victor and he hates Courier 6 for unknown reasons he might be the one who disabled the Securitron.
Like Victor said he was remotely disabled from a unknown location which may refer to a location outside of the Mojave.

These are the ones i can think of right now , i will post more when i think of.
I would love reading your thoughts as also your finds and weird experience.