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  1. G

    The DC Chronicles (New Series)

    This is great news! Each of your video is always better than the last one, so I really expect episode 7. As long as you keep them coming, don't worry about the waiting time (arg 2 months more to wait :D )
  2. G

    Vaultboy pic?

    I have it like this, if it can help.
  3. G

    New Fallout 2 animations (sniper, wakizashi, etc)

    :lol: Thats probably the best thing since the "Kick the pregnant woman perk !
  4. G

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

    I agree, if I remember correctly, you can even do that with the mapper, by editing the mk2 armors on the menu bar . You would need to replace all the mk2 armors already placed on the maps thought. If there are any, I can't remember.
  5. G

    FO2 Mods Update

    I make a distinction between threatening to do it and really do it, which is why i added that the art creators wouldn't probably take legal action. A mod group doesnt have any legitimacy for ownership, the art creator does. Of course it's an empty threat, but they don't have to know it. But...
  6. G

    FO2 Mods Update

    Where did I say they should be sued?
  7. G

    FO2 Mods Update

    Even without a license, there still is intellectual property, and as the guys live in Spain, they should know that. Here the legal owner of the art would be Continuum (or the other art creators), he is the one entitled to denounce the abusive use. The best course of action would be to send...
  8. G

    FO2 Mods Update

    THe Fallout of Nevada team also released a cinematic. Not the end product, they say, but it looks damn good already!
  9. G

    A hypothetical question about FO/FO2 engines/source code

    That was what FIFE was for at the beginning. Then in the process, it developped itself into a Flexibel Isometric Free Engine, an engine for all isometric indie game (parg being one of them). I dont think they ever adapted their engine for an easy use for Fallout modding. I am sure it's possible...
  10. G

    Fallout 2 mod 13V (see Downloads or later posts for updates)

    In the modding wikia, there is a list with a bunch of engine limitations that has been discovered: The one interesting you is the dialog limit by MIB. Hope it helps.
  11. G

    Fallout 2 mod 13V (see Downloads or later posts for updates)

    I love your art. You are also the maker of this train, right? I am working on it a little to give it a more "pre war" feeling, I hope it's ok with you...
  12. G

    Vaultboy pic?

    Yeessss! Lots of Vaultboys! That's it, thanks you! Nice site by the way. :D
  13. G

    Vaultboy pic?

    Does someone still have the file with all the vaultboys on a white background? I am not speaking of the 6 high res files here on nma, but of a files with all the vaultboys. I think it was released when Bethesda made its competition or something, but I am not sure. I remember finding a link on...
  14. G

    FOnline SDK released!

    Great news! Yeah, another question I wanted to ask you but forgot to ask: Since you are the one here with the most experience with both engine, whats in your experience the best to use for a single-player mod, fonline engine or good ol' fallout 2 ?
  15. G

    Upload your FRMs to the modding wiki!

    Wouldn't it be easier to make many pack of things? Like put all the stuff from X'ils thread in one pack uploaded somewhere on atomic, and then put the link with a few samples and credit on the wiki? I think the wiki need to deliver an advantage compared to the other solution.Here it would be...
  16. G

    New animations 2

    Ursa wrote: Nice! Btw, if you ever feel the urge to port some f3 futuristic car at the fallout perspective, don't forget to post them in the scenery thread! :wink: Also very nice! I am sure there are many modding team that want to get rid of the 13 element...
  17. G

    Help with basic scripting

    You mean you want to move the dude from one point to another of the same map? I think this might help you, it comes from MCSLGGRD.ssl procedure Node990 begin gfade_out(5); animate_stand_obj(dude_obj); move_to(dude_obj, 25702, dude_elevation)...
  18. G

    New animations 2

    Great, i couldn't find the dl link either. Is there other mask beside the Male CA one? This could be great to make the blond long hair guy...
  19. G

    Skynet Tests Its Limits

    Aren't human soldiers waaay cheaper ? :twisted:
  20. G

    A Gym Mod?

    I could picture a quest somewhat like this : In a dump in Reno, some guy advertise this method to become strong really quick. He has a cave with those gym tool and offer you to use it for a small fee. If you choose to pay, you can use the tool but for no benefit. If you complain to the guy...