FOnline SDK released!


Testament to the ghoul lifespan
Attention! Now everybody can make his own Fallout Online, with blackjack and hookers. The SDK, which allows making significant changes and launching your own servers, has been published. While this, keep in mind, that SDK can only be used for non-commercial personal use (read the license agreements for more details on this).

Have a nice survival! In other words – Enjoy a game building!

IRC: #fodev (
License Agreement (the english version will follow in a few days.)
The SDK repository
The distribution of the repository link without the link to the Licensing Agreement is strictly prohibited.
It's in the package, but don't expect a super handy tool yet. ;)

The whole repo is approx 150mb big (download size), which includes various tools, the client and the server files. It's also possible to start the game in singleplayer mode (you have to adjust the path of the "FOnlineSingleplayer.exe" link before).
Lexx said:
The whole repo is approx 150mb big (download size), which includes various tools, the client and the server files. It's also possible to start the game in singleplayer mode (you have to adjust the path of the "FOnlineSingleplayer.exe" link before).

Why not ZIP the entire thing and host it somewhere…that will make coping much easier. :wink:
Because with a repository server, all files can be updated much faster. There will be no separate patch updates, etc. Also the SDK is not a final version yet, but a first version. It is already possible to work with it and build stuff with it, but it's definitive not the last release.
Only with FOnline. You can use some things to help you with Fallout 2 modding (like the dialog editor or offset adjusting in mapper), but nothing more.
Great news!
Yeah, another question I wanted to ask you but forgot to ask:
Since you are the one here with the most experience with both engine, whats in your experience the best to use for a single-player mod, fonline engine or good ol' fallout 2 ?
Lexx said:
Attention! Now everybody can make his own Fallout Online, with blackjack and hookers. The SDK, which allows making significant changes and launching your own servers, has been published. While this, keep in mind, that SDK can only be used for non-commercial personal use (read the license agreements for more details on this).

Have a nice survival! In other words – Enjoy a game building!

IRC: #fodev (
License Agreement (the english version will follow in a few days.)
The SDK repository
The distribution of the repository link without the link to the Licensing Agreement is strictly prohibited.

Do you plan a real server version (you know, for real server operating systems)? :whistle:

(great work anyway)
I don't know if Cvet plans to do any linux work.

We run FOnline: 2238 on a windows 2008 machine and all is fine.
Lexx said:
I don't know if Cvet plans to do any linux work.

We run FOnline: 2238 on a windows 2008 machine and all is fine.

Well, I thought about "donating" hardware for a Czech server (there is a quite large Fallout community in the Czech Republic), but I have no licenses for server editions of Windows and the price tag is somewhat ridiculous...

Porting - depends on the code could be easy, but it also might be next to impossible.
Hmm, Does this mean my "NWN-like Fallout Role-playing only servers" dream might be coming true? I am very much interested in this project now.
At the risk of letting my inner n00b show... whould someone post instructions for how to use this to set uo a private server with which to explore/play fonline? The readme in the link is russian. Thanks.
I also have a few noob questions:

1) Who programmed FOnline?
2) What language(s) were used to program it?
3) Is there source code available for downloading? If so, can I get a DL link? If no, can I have it anyway?

(As you can see, I have yet to play / touch Fonline)



Answered all three of my questions already :spamfromabove: :facepalm:

--EDIT 2--

Is there a place to download the SDK, like Pixote said, zipped into one bundle? I'm not going to copy every single file one-by-one, that would take way too much time :?
Ghouly89 said:
--EDIT 2--

Is there a place to download the SDK, like Pixote said, zipped into one bundle? I'm not going to copy every single file one-by-one, that would take way too much time :?

This is a svn repo - so you can use a svn client (surprise!) like Tortoise to checkout the whole repo with one click - or update your local files if new revisions are available. Also, read this to learn more about svn.

(I´d recommend a client like svn workbench though, as it <strike>doesn´t mess around with</strike> isn´t integrated into your Windows Filemanager)
Stormy Fairweather said:
At the risk of letting my inner n00b show... whould someone post instructions for how to use this to set uo a private server with which to explore/play fonline? The readme in the link is russian. Thanks.

Here is a tutorial on how to set up a server with the SDK.

Ghouly89 said:
I also have a few noob questions:

1) Who programmed FOnline?

The very beginning was done by Oleg "olegmmm" Mareskin. After that, it was picked up by Cvet who is working on it as main developer until today. He rewrote as good as everything, added all the other stuff, etc. pp. After the second open beta test, our team (FOnline: 2238) found together and we helped in various areas (combat ai, interface stuff and so on). There are also various other contributors from time to time.

Ghouly89 said:
2) What language(s) were used to program it?

C++, I am guessing now. But if you want to use the SDK, it doesn't matter anyway, as all scripts are written in AngelScript.

Ghouly89 said:
3) Is there source code available for downloading? If so, can I get a DL link? If no, can I have it anyway?

Is there a place to download the SDK, like Pixote said, zipped into one bundle? I'm not going to copy every single file one-by-one, that would take way too much time :?

You can get the SDK from here. You need some SVN tool for it (like Tortoise) and make a checkout, which downloads the latest available files, like chewie wrote.