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  1. brfritos

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Or even better, a new Raptor - Call Of Shadows. ;)
  2. brfritos

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    Wise ass... :P I zipped and uploaded the file, it was savegame 08 so the folder is 09, right? Being new to F2, that quest about Woody the ghoul is on the main game or is part of the restoration project? Man, I LOL hard for almost 15 minutes after find him. Run Woody, run for it! :lol:
  3. brfritos

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    And then again the first mod to be created for the game inventory sorter. :shock: Common people, we are in 2011. 2011!!!
  4. brfritos

    Call of Grand Theft: Modern Hijack

    Of course they are, as well as mindless violence, murderous gore rape and astonishing drug usage. :P
  5. brfritos

    Fallout NV Ultimate Edition out in February 2012

    Except you would need to wait more than a year for playing all the content, right? :roll: Complains, complains, complains...
  6. brfritos

    FO3/NV way too easy?

    Really? I've found very easy to get my hands on PA in F1, of course the first time I played I was focused on getting the water chip, so the only good armor I was able to put my hands on was Metal Armor. I already had found the BoS chapter, because I usually explore a lot when the game let me...
  7. brfritos

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    Allright, caught a damn nasty flu that let me three days in the bed. Anyway I will put a note on the wiki page and upload the savegame. But witch one I choose? I have 9 subfolders inside the SAVEGAME folder called SLOT01 to SLOT09. The New Reno hard save is at SLOT08, but I have manny...
  8. brfritos

    Should I want Interplay to win v. Bethesda?

    If you tried the perk you also known that no matter what you will use chems without stop the entire game. I use a mod for stopping leveling, because Logan's Loophole is like gifted in F2, almost a cheat. :cool: :P
  9. brfritos

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    [FO2]Shark Club upper floors not loading I'm using Fallout 2 from GoG + Restoration mod 2.1.2b and having a problem in New Reno: when trying to access the upper floors of the Shark Club the Salvatore Bar's upper floor is loaded instead, wich prevents me to do any quests for the Bishop's. I...
  10. brfritos

    Should I want Interplay to win v. Bethesda?

    I think 'weapons skill' would be better. If you want to repair laser/plasma rifles, your energy weapons skill is taking into account, the same going for guns, explosives, etc. If your skill is too low, you can't repair the weapon, you need to pay someone to it. The repair skill governs the...
  11. brfritos

    Should I want Interplay to win v. Bethesda?

    Because weapon degradation is the lazy shortcut the devs take in order to not need create a synchronization between the character/NPCs attributes and skills and the weapon itself. In FNV it doesn't matter the player has 1 PE and 1 AG, he master the weapon like a pro. It doesn't matter also if...
  12. brfritos

    How do YOU create a character?

    The most disappointing thing about FNV is a hot chic can't complete or make quests easier using sex, like in F2. You know, as a hot chic would usually do. :roll:
  13. brfritos

    Should I want Interplay to win v. Bethesda?

    Please no, just NO! This is the most dumb thing ever, weapon degradation. Common, a simple .38 revolver would take ages for breaking due to not cleaning the weapon mechanism or poor graded ammunition, not because you fired 6 rounds. :? Is poor gameplay design. As for Interplay x Bethesda...
  14. brfritos

    Going to start Fallout 2, any tips?

    But how many times have you played? :P My first F1 play gave me some headaches because I builded my character unbalanced, so I ended with 9 AP to spent and had to correct later with a perk (in level 9). Until that I had troubles with some battles. Then I learned some things really usefull...
  15. brfritos

    Help making money (bottlecaps) in FO1?

    The Hub caravans recruitments are very good money generators, because you will find some enemies and loot on your way. I recommend the Water Merchants for starter and when you feel your character is strong enough the Crimson Caravan.
  16. brfritos

    Unmasking the Gamers: Tim Cain

    Take F1, for example, this friggin' thing is ruining my life!!! I forget to feed my dog sometimes, my girlfriend complains I spend too much time playing the game and even my brothers are saying they don't see me too much as in the past. I'm really doomed. :D Concerning TBRPG, the chance we...
  17. brfritos

    On people saying that Borderlands and Fallout 3 are the same

    HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Very funny ... :clap: As for the article: What a difference, hun? The real problem is they are the same shit, is all about loot, loot, loot and who shots first, wins. Your attributes and build don't matter too high when a game is like this. Therefore, the...
  18. brfritos

    Fallout: New Vegas wins 'Best RPG' at Golden Joystick

    Really? Arwen's mod needs some micro management by the player, not arguing on that, but the mod has the merit of removing a lot of overpowering things, like being able to carry your entire house with you, the one click spells cure that plagued the game, the FPS thing of attacking first means...
  19. brfritos

    Fallout: New Vegas wins 'Best RPG' at Golden Joystick

    You people really need to play NV with a mod called Arwen Realism Tweaks. It shows a lot how Bethesda/Obsidian were lazy with the mechanics. Also the mod is the only one that resambles more the first F1/F2, where the character attributes have more weigh in the build. The curious thing about...
  20. brfritos

    Col. Ghaddafi dead

    Of course you are, WE are. Humanity is actually in the most peril of times, nor savages nor wise. I know a bit about dictatorships also and what happened to him is indeed very sad, specially the brutality of it. Like you said earlier, I can fully understand why they kill him, but I don't agree.