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  1. Villejh

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    2/10, good musicians but still... what the hell?
  2. Villejh

    Fallout Anthology announced for PC

    I'm actually pretty happy that they're doing this. This might mean that a lot of the "It started from Fallout 3!!!" fans of the series will actually take time to complete the originals, since they'll probably have already played through 3 and NV. Maybe they'll realize what they've been missing...
  3. Villejh

    CHA 1 + magnetic personality, can't recruit Cassidy

    I recently played a character with 5 Intelligence, 2 Charisma and 0% Speech but Cassidy still joined me, so he doesn't really care about those stats.
  4. Villejh

    CHA 1 + magnetic personality, can't recruit Cassidy

    Could be a bug in the character editor. I suggest increasing your Charisma to 2 (it won't make your character any more powerful aside from the possibility of getting a companion, so don't worry about that).
  5. Villejh

    I'm finally plugging the last gap in my Fallout series experience.

    Lore-wise? No, I don't think it's necessary since it's only semi-canon and the story isn't extremely important in the game. You won't miss out on much. Gameplay-wise? Yes. At least play through the first mission and see for yourself if you like it. I personally didn't play beyond the first...
  6. Villejh

    Is there truly any reason to attack anything other than the eyes?

    Well, I sometimes go for the legs to prevent critters from running off-screen or to keep melee-only enemies (like Deathclaws) at bay. The only time I really used headshots was in the Reno boxing ring to get K.O.s. Never really bothered with hits to the arms. But overall, you're right. Aimed...
  7. Villejh

    Your favourite New Vegas character?

    From the vanilla game: Caesar, Boone, Raul, The King, Rotface :-D and Doc Mitchell. From the DLC's: Joshua Graham, Ulysses, Elijah and Dean Domino.
  8. Villejh

    What I want to see implimented.

    To be completely honest, I'm not terribly excited for Fallout 4. I mean, it's Bethesda, what can you expect? However, there's plenty of things I'd like to see implemented and improved in Fallout 4, and if even some of these become a reality, it would make me a lot more hyped for the game. -...
  9. Villejh

    Creepy fallout stories

    Can't say I've found anything too unnerving in any of the Fallout games, but one thing does come to mind: Lone Wolf Radio. For some reason that location in NV kinda spooks me. All the writing on the walls like "everyone's dead" etc. Also, I think there was a creepypasta about that location too...
  10. Villejh

    Do you still use CDs?

    I have all my games through Steam and Origin, but I'm an avid collector of music CD's, and I listen to most of my music from them. Guess I'm lucky that my home town has 2 well equipped record stores.
  11. Villejh

    Fallout 1 VS Fallout 2

    Fallout 1 will always have a special meaning to me, as it was my first experience with retro RPG's and led me to play games like Wasteland and Planescape: Torment etc. However, I do prefer Fallout 2 simply due to the higher replayability value. I do like the atmosphere, story and characters in...
  12. Villejh

    What the player looks like to npc's

    It's 8 AM. Just another routine day guarding the main entrance to Vault City. Or it was, until this outsider and his friends came in. The group featured a tribal wearing odd purple robes and a bone through his nose, an overweight guy in leather armor and the bartender from the Courtyard. The...
  13. Villejh

    You know when you played the Fallout series in the wrong order when...

    82. You spent hours trying to find Bobbleheads in Fallout 1. 83. You were disappointed when you couldn't find Cannibal Johnson in Navarro. 84. You thought Bethesda came up with the idea of Vault 106 and Obsidian with Vault 34. 85. You thought the plasma rifle looked wrong in Fallout 1 and 2. 86...
  14. Villejh

    Fav weapon...why?

    Fallout: I have to say the Super Sledge. Nothing more satisfying than whacking Super Mutants in the groin with it... Fallout 2: Bozar Fallout 3: Gatling Laser Fallout New Vegas: Q-35 Matter Modulator
  15. Villejh

    Any creative roleplayers out there?

    I've had a lot of fun with my latest character - a cold-blooded mercenary, who is not necessarily a bad person, but who is willing to get his/her hands dirty, so long as it pays. - Gender: Your choice, but a male character may suit the role a bit better. - Race: Any - Appearance: Preferably a...