Search results

  1. Knight Captain Kerr

    The True Purpose of the Unity

    I didn't think he wanted to absorb everyone. I thought he wanted to covert people into Super Mutants with those that aren't converted not breeding and eventually dying out. Then they would all be the same race and as far as he is concerned be united under one banner and no longer fight amongst...
  2. Knight Captain Kerr

    V:TM - Bloodlines

    I played it for the first time (in full, last time a few months back was stopped due to game-breaking bug) not that long ago. Anyway I already liked World of Darkness and I absolutely loved the game. Played as a high humanity Female Toreador Anarch. Mainly used Persuasion, Seduction...
  3. Knight Captain Kerr

    Neo Nazis in Fallout

    A Fascist group could be done well. But Neo Nazis? Eh, I don't think having Neo Nazis are that great of an idea. WW2 was pretty long ago by 2077, let alone after that. Still we already have the Enclave, they have that totalitarianism and purity of race thing down. Looking at the other extreme...
  4. Knight Captain Kerr

    Strange rituals anyone?

    In Fallout 3 and New Vegas I don't use VATS because I hate it. I like to take off my armour and change into normal clothes when I'm in a safe area like a town or something. Then I put my armour back on when I go out adventuring. I also like to dress my companions in clothes that I feel make...
  5. Knight Captain Kerr

    Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics free for 48 hours

    Alright, thanks. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to. Never know maybe Zenimax will come to their senses and start dealing with GOG.
  6. Knight Captain Kerr

    Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics free for 48 hours

    I actually bought them all off GOG a few weeks back. Still, I'm certainly telling my friends to get them. They have no excuse now. I heard that this is because GOG is losing the license to sell Fallout at the end of the month. Which might also mean I can't re-download it from them. Does anyone...
  7. Knight Captain Kerr was a hoax after all

    I always take things that aren't confirmed announcements with salt. I thought it might be real but didn't assume it was. It did kind of fall apart after that nuclear winter timer came to an end. Still, hat goes off to the person who made it, it was well done. Fallout 4 is almost certainly in...
  8. Knight Captain Kerr

    Has the Fallout series ended for you, Bethesda/Fo3 haters?

    I don't hate Fallout 3 or Bethesda so this question probably wasn't directed at me. But no, the series hasn't ended for me. I still like Fallout 3, despite its numerous flaws. I prefer 1, 2 and New Vegas. I think Fallout 4 will be good, and it isn't unlikely that is will be better than Fallout...
  9. Knight Captain Kerr

    Is their any reason to surrender to the NCR?

    The NCR are one of the best groups in Fallout to surrender to. Lots of groups would just kill you on the spot. In New Vegas we see people are tried in court (Rose of Sharon Cassidy's Quest), people being put in prisons (admittedly a lot of them break out) and the NCR having rules against...
  10. Knight Captain Kerr

    Fallout 1: Which is harder, Master's Vault or Military Base?

    I usually do the base first and then the church. As a result when I start the base I have worse gear and it makes things harder. I can go into the church later with a turbo plasma rifle. But neither is exactly easy, I find that whichever I do first is harder.
  11. Knight Captain Kerr

    What's your opinion on Tactics?

    I think it's okay. It's not bad, just alright. I prefer 1, 2, 3 and New Vegas, although not in that order. And I haven't played BOS (I kind of want to, despite it being so bad) but I'm fairly confident I would like Tactics more. It's a tactical squad based game, and it really does show that it...
  12. Knight Captain Kerr

    Companion you hated most on a personal level?

    I liked pretty much all of them. My favourite being Boone. The only one I didn't like was Lily. I found her to be annoying and not very useful as a companion.
  13. Knight Captain Kerr

    Laser vs Plasma

    In the classic games and 3 I prefer Plasma. I love the Turbo Plasma Rifle. In New Vegas I like Laser more. It is faster and more accurate. Although I do like some of the Energy Weapons that aren't Laser or Plasma like Gauss or the Holorifle.
  14. Knight Captain Kerr

    Like rpg zombies and turn based combat?

    I've been looking forward to this game ever since I heard of it last year. I hope I can get it DRM free. I was looking forward to Shadowrun Returns but it being Steam only has put me off it. For now anyway.
  15. Knight Captain Kerr

    Doctor Who

    There are a few ways to go about the regeneration limit. But I do hope they do something to explain it then just pretending it isn't there. You could have River giving regenerations be the explanation, say that the limit got reset at the start of the time war, you could have trying to get more...
  16. Knight Captain Kerr

    The Last Of Us

    I got it when it came out and I've finished it. I was already a fan of the Uncharted series so was interested in a new Naughty Dog game and as you can guess I like Post-Apocalyptic stories. As others have said it is linear and story driven. I really found the characters growing on me as the game...
  17. Knight Captain Kerr

    I come here to stay sane...

    Personally I don't see how people liking different things is that much of a problem. I think Final Fantasy 13 is crap but I know plenty of people who love it. Doesn't mean I have to. To each their own really. There's tonnes of people in the world and plenty of them that like the same thing you...
  18. Knight Captain Kerr

    The Acceptance and or Tolerance of Homosexuality in Vaults

    Well the majority of vaults weren't designed to last a generation so it doesn't really matter in those cases. And overall they weren't meant to save anyone. There were 17 control vaults actually designed to act as advertised. But control vaults only had to last a few decades before going topside...
  19. Knight Captain Kerr

    perk every level or every 2?

    I fall into the camp of a perk every 2 levels. It is better that way. One annoying thing in 3 was the lack of being able to keep a perk point and use it later. A few times I would level up and not really want any of the perks I could pick so I would just have to use a perk point on something...
  20. Knight Captain Kerr

    Fallout 3 pacifist run?

    I did it to an extent but you do have to kill things. I had to kill a radroach in the tutorial and about seven super mutants in project purity. You can do a lot of the side quests without killing. But the main quest can't be done in full which is a shame. But it is worth doing in New Vegas...