I come here to stay sane...


Vault Senior Citizen
Just been looking at various youtube comment pages and other websites and just seen a horror-load of "FO3>FNV" "Skyrim's my favourite RPG" "FO3 is the Greatest Game EVER" "Old Fallout gamers need to stop being such nostalgic losers and understand FO3's brilliance" etc, etc.

I don't expect anyone to comment on this thread but I just wanted to say to everyone here that this site keeps my gaming head sane. It's one of the few communities I've found that actually understands what an RPG should be, that storyline and writing is important, not necessarily gameplay or graffix (though gameplay can of course have an important effect) And of course the most important thing about this site is that you actually denounce Fallout 3 and other new Bethesda games for the boring sandbox (empty, soulless) simplistic "games" that they are.

It's just nice to know that, regardless of how much bs I see on the internet regarding Fallout and Bethesda, I can come here to escape. Thanks everybody, and good night.

(and yes I have no idea what the fuck this is. For some reason I always feel the need to thank people who've helped me in some way. Make of this weird cheesy thread what you will :oops: )
I only play Fallout 3 more because it both has the Enclave and presents the nation's capital.

However, Fallout: New Vegas is by far a much better game (not saying Fallout 3 was bad or good), but New Vegas brought back many classic features that were left completely non-existent in Fallout 3. Not to mention, Fallout: New Vegas feels much more like the classic Fallout games. It does need some serious improvement in optimization, but I'm hoping the next instalment will be even better.
Amen. And Enclaveforever, you do realize there are original enclave members and armor in NV.
yeah i start to boil every time i see something liked that. darn youngins and games catered to them. i never bash fo3 openly or anything, it is what it is, but

i saw someone say something trying to make positive of fo4 potentially being exclusive for xbox one by saying 'well at least there's still wasteland 2 for the pc' and some kid said something like, 'but that's old fallout :( i want the new style fallout!'

just wanted to rip my hair out and force feed it to him.

always makes me happy to come here and remember there's still people who appreciate good gamin'. so yeah, add my thanks, too.
God I hate Xbox.

If it has to be a console game, at least make it for the PS3 (can't afford a PC fast enough for games like FO:NV on the PC).
pyroD said:
Amen. And Enclaveforever, you do realize there are original enclave members and armor in NV.
Yes, and they are sane, non-genocidal people, that's why he dislikes them :D
^ Good Post.

EnclaveForever told us in his opening thread that hes basically a racist genocidal maniac, or at least sides with them.
I signed up not to long ago (about half a year ago), but the truth is I was lurking these forums since 2005 for the longest time (and I believe I even signed up once or twice, but always lost my internet right after), and just now managed to sign up with a stable account.

So I feel I have been here much longer. I have two "homes" on the internet. This, and www.supermensa.org.
BigBoss said:
^ Good Post.

EnclaveForever told us in his opening thread that hes basically a racist genocidal maniac, or at least sides with them.

Those poor...poor...virtual wastelanders! Oh the horror!
well-known stranger said:
just wanted to rip my hair out and force feed it to him.

Oh I know that feel :wink: i just made this post after seeing that sort of crap and just wanted to murder someone. It also infuriates me that nobody seems to get what an RPG is anymore. SKYRIM IS NOT AN RPG. It's action adventure, similar to legend of zelda except slower paced and boring, or at least i thought so anyway.

The worst thing was when people were saying "you play the role of the Dragonborn so it's a roleplaying game" AAAAARGH

Anyway, thanks for the positive responses guys (including yours EnclaveForever...I guess :| )
EnclaveForever said:
BigBoss said:
^ Good Post.

EnclaveForever told us in his opening thread that hes basically a racist genocidal maniac, or at least sides with them.

Those poor...poor...virtual wastelanders! Oh the horror!

Eh, regardless of game or not you promoted the genocide of a selective group.
Earth said:
Oh I know that feel :wink: i just made this post after seeing that sort of crap and just wanted to murder someone. It also infuriates me that nobody seems to get what an RPG is anymore. SKYRIM IS NOT AN RPG. It's action adventure, similar to legend of zelda except slower paced and boring, or at least i thought so anyway.
No, Skyrim is not even a adventure. Its just Following-arrow-running-action game.

For zelda, I heard it's kind of Adventure and puzzle game. funny thing is that lots of old-schoold RPGs include Fallout and wasteland, is feel like puzzle adventure game like that except for rule to be RPG.
Personally I don't see how people liking different things is that much of a problem. I think Final Fantasy 13 is crap but I know plenty of people who love it. Doesn't mean I have to. To each their own really. There's tonnes of people in the world and plenty of them that like the same thing you do. That's why forums like this exist.
Knight Captain Kerr said:
Personally I don't see how people liking different things is that much of a problem. I think Final Fantasy 13 is crap but I know plenty of people who love it. Doesn't mean I have to. To each their own really. There's tonnes of people in the world and plenty of them that like the same thing you do. That's why forums like this exist.


Word for word.

I liked Oblivion actually... not so much Skyrim (ok, it wasn't horrible, but the Bethesda producers should be brutally murdered in the third degree for fucking up such a legendary series).

I mean, how do you go from Daggerfall-Morrowind-Oblivion to Skyrim?

Developers always want to try new shit, which is fine. But when they try to take a game and completely re-model it from the inside out, this is where they fuck up.
Knight Captain Kerr said:
Personally I don't see how people liking different things is that much of a problem. I think Final Fantasy 13 is crap but I know plenty of people who love it. Doesn't mean I have to. To each their own really. There's tonnes of people in the world and plenty of them that like the same thing you do. That's why forums like this exist.

That's why I'm saying it's just nice to find a place to chat. Every other Fallout website just seems to be filled with FO3 fans, and as I spend a lot of time on Youtube, you can understand why my sanity slowly collapses somewhat (so many arguments..............)

To each their own sure, but the majority always have the loudest voice, and are the most difficult to ignore. This thread was just saying to NMA thanks for giving my Fallout brain a place to rest (and escape) :mrgreen:
To each their own, but that's what subjective things are about. You can say "Fallout 3 is a great game and I like it a lot" and that will be fine. But if you start a discussion about how it's a great RPG, you are wrong, and you become annoying if you try to justify it being "a great RPG" with things that have nothing to do to actually being an RPG at all. That's not a matter of taste, it's a matter of definitions.

What I mean is, being a great game is a matter of player's priorities and taste. For instance, there is no need of consistence or of a great plot to be a great game. But it must be consistent to have a great plot.
I can see how people trying to defend the plot just because they liked the game (probably because they are not focused on the plot, and that's alright) becomes pretty annoying.
I have seen people claiming they care the most about plots in videogames, yet the think Fallout 3 has a good plot or even "character development". It's a funny thing, all videogame fans (I refuse to use the term "gamer") tend to think they are smart JUST because they like videogames, but most of them have no idea what game design, or quality writting are.
I think people were just fascinated that it was an open world first person "RPG". Let's face it, most people who bought the game weren't aware of the originals, and wouldn't be bothered with why there was a "3" in the title.