Strange rituals anyone?


Keeper of the trout
It just struck me: The thought that my Fallout 2 replaying includes a lot of almost ritualistic stuff I do, that has no practical merit, apart from my own immersion.

I am, for example, compelled to collect the "Tragic" cards, as well as Cats Paw's magazine - the latter way beyond those needed for quests. Other collectibles are .223, microfusion cells, and super stimpacs, collectibles as in I won't sell if I find. The ammunition I'll simply stop picking up, once I have more-than-enough, and the super stims I only need to use when fighting Frank Horrigan, because of his tendency to smash my health to nothing in a single turn.

I will almost always get 3 Day Passes for Vault City, one for me, one for Vic and one for Sulik, cus you know... otherwise they wouldn't be allowed to enter! So I say!

Also - each companion that survives my ordeals, I will eventually retire, and with the RP installed, I will give them some mementos, and then take them somewhere I deem to be a suitable home for them. Mementos may include cig packs, marijuana, shades, coins, watches. I'll usually remove Vic's armor, cus he's done using armors, back home in Klamath :D
Sulik on the other hand I will leave by the entrance of his tribe, usually with his power armor. Myron I'll only use to find EPA, and then bring him to the doctor of Vault City, and leave him there. Robotic companions I tend to leave at the Vault City gate, increasing their guard strength!
Marcus obviously belongs back in Broken Hills, with his new armor and cool plasma rifle! Upgraded-Marcus!

And finally Cassidy, the guy with no real home on the map, I consider him someone who'd be offended to be retired like that, so... he gets to tag along with me to the bitter end!

In case either of them die (and I choose not to reload), I will check their inventory for any important stuff, but usually let them keep their weapons and armor. It will come in handy for them, once they have crossed the River Styx.

Maybe not so much a ritual - but I cannot save and quit unless I am in a perfectly safe spot. This goes for most of my role-play gaming. Even if I know that a mid combat or mid exploration save is technically safe, I need the knowledge that my character has "gone home for the day" or at least is in a safe place :D

I probably have other odd little rituals, but I can't remember them now. With Fallout the first I haven't plaid it often enough to develop these habits.

Et tu?
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I always give condoms to my squad. Also try and make sure everyone has a lighter. I even cheated in a few extra pairs of mirrored shades a few times. I just sort them to the bottom of their inventories. I'm probably forgetting a few useless items I always try to distribute; it's been a while since I played.

I also like to go to bars and actually get my team drunk and stay there.
Same for the hotels/inns/whorehouse.
Hah condoms! I hadn't even thought of that. In fact, the cheapskate I am, I only accept the freebies offered :D
That one in The Den, she wants 200 caps! And I sincerely doubt shes squeaky clean that one!
zegh8578 said:
I will almost always get 3 Day Passes for Vault City, one for me, one for Vic and one for Sulik, cus you know... otherwise they wouldn't be allowed to enter! So I say!
Oh wow, that sound like something that RP should include.

I you ask me, I most likely kill all the companions in some dark alley at night. Like, you know, after Tycho helping me defeating Decker I just slaughter him just behind Maltese Falcon.
In every my replay on Fallout 2 , in San Fran's Brotherhood Base I stocking in lockers absolutely strictly separated : weapons , munitions for these weapons , every single armor , explosives , things like : condoms , keys , holodisks , pass cards , rubbish of pocket :) e.t.c . Rituals ? Oh I have my rituals.
Ghoster, I have done that on very, very few occasions :D Very few! Usually Vic. And he deserved it...

Prosatanos, that's a good one too. Only in my more recent plays have I begun to miss a "home" for my character, apart from the car. One can't live in a car! I have tended to settle for one of the Broken Hills homes. In fact, I often leaned towards making Broken Hills my "base", the place I leave my companions when I need to free a slot, for example
Broken Hills is good place too , It's some kind quiet and comfort to feel like a home , but my favorite place still is base in San Francisco , two floors ,room with big computer ,room for the squad to rest ,there is kitchen. I feel so comfortable there.
zegh8578 said:
Ghoster, I have done that on very, very few occasions Very few! Usually Vic. And he deserved it...
Oh, but they did deserve it, every one of them; at last I am the Vault Dweller (or his descendant) and they are not, that's just reason enough, isn't it?
The only thing I really do that qualifies as a Ritual is running around with weak armor and weps whenever I'm in no real danger (like in a town) in the original 2, it's usually leather armour and a revolver, and in Fallout 3 and NV, Merc Gear (usually Merc Adventurer) and a combat knife or basic rifle on my back.
With fallout 3 and vegas well mainly vegas i would use the home in novac as my base and would have a different locker, draw, fridge for different things and also i dont know if this is a ritual or not but i would like everytime some died i would reload and start again and also try to get the conversation things done.
The only thing I really do that qualifies as a Ritual is running around with weak armor and weps whenever I'm in no real danger (like in a town) in the original 2, it's usually leather armour and a revolver, and in Fallout 3 and NV, Merc Gear (usually Merc Adventurer) and a combat knife or basic rifle on my back.

Ah ha yes, I forgot about this. I get my entire team in combat leather jackets as soon as possible and run the game from there untill we really need to change it. Anyone that looks like a clone gets leather armor(mkII). A HUGE thanks for the NPC project.

The last game I played did'nt really "start" until I had Vic, Sulik, Cassidey and Myron all in leather. Then I went back and did quests as a bunch of wasteland tunnel snakes.
Scramjet, that is something I tend to do in FO3. Or, if wearing power armor - remove my helmet, when I am in a civilized setting.
I also tend to do the same sorta thing as I mentioned earlier in certain situations where I can afford to act like a badass. For instance, when I was working as the Sheriff in Redding and whenever I went to kill a New Reno mob boss I would do it while wearing my leather jacket and using my revolver. Or in FO3 where I escaped from Raven Rock using only my unique Merc's Adventurer outfit (which boosted melee) and a Combat Knife.
I try to wear the combat leather jacket as long as possible. Boost DR in the prizefighting ring, get the dermal impact surgery ect...
In Fallout 3 and New Vegas I don't use VATS because I hate it. I like to take off my armour and change into normal clothes when I'm in a safe area like a town or something. Then I put my armour back on when I go out adventuring. I also like to dress my companions in clothes that I feel make sense. Like Boone for example, I give him Elite Ranger Armour or some variation of it but I don't give him the helmet, instead he keeps the beret and sunglasses. I like to leave Cass in her default outfit. I also like to decorate my homes a bit by putting my stuff on display. And I always put a teddy bear in my bed because I'm a big softie.