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  1. J

    Dragon to sit on Union Jack?

    Look, unless you've been to whales, or had the sorry experience of actually meeting a sheep molester, you can't comment.
  2. J

    Dragon to sit on Union Jack?

    Fucking taffies ruin everything. If they have to be on the bloody jack, why not in a corner or something, instead of the bloody center. Immigrants, i tell ya.
  3. J

    Endgames Suck [probable SPOILERS]

    Anyone complete Kane and Lynch yet? SPOILERS: I thought both endings were decent, perfectly capturing the underlying themes of sadness in the game, and as acting as the final reminder that Kane has barely a shred of decency in him. The daughter death ending is was very enjoyable...
  4. J

    Killap's Fallout 2 unofficial patch - final version

    Good to hear man, your a credit to the community. Out of interest, are mods like "B-Team" compatible with this patch?
  5. J

    Behemoth’s Skulls and Fallout 3 wallpaper

    Looks god awful. Could they have not just used Harry and Lou as reference instead of creating this tactics inspired abomination... Only redeeming quality is the fact he's wielding a fire hydrant, for some reason i like the idea of it being used as a weapon.
  6. J

    What are your favourite fictional characters?

    Lance - Apocalypse Now Alexander De Large - A Clockwork Orange Bob Paige - Deus Ex Jock - Deus Ex Dexter Morgan - Dexter Television / Novel Series Garret - Thief Series Sander Cohen - Bioshock Mike Toreno - San Andreas (Leave me alone) Bill - Kill Bill Volume 2 Private Joker - Full...
  7. J

    Stalker Weapon Mod, Need Help

    It not occur to you to post this in general gaming?
  8. J

    Steam Team

    Well for gmod, we could of course simply build... or... Now this is going to sound immensely sad, but it actually has quite a following: We roleplay, using a mod, we all have jobs, places of residence, stuff to, it's great fun. There is a fallout style roleplay map which includes shady sands...
  9. J

    The wonderful world of artistic Lobotomy

    Hello mate, sorry i went earlier. I got quite interested in this topic and had a look around, found this, rather amusing:
  10. J

    Steam Team

    Aye i was thinking about some sort of arranged thing earlier. Many people got gmod 10, out of interest?
  11. J

    Screw GTA 4

    No need be a dick head, anyway, this should be exciting for those who enjoyed the original, several of which are on this board.
  12. J

    Screw GTA 4

    Mafia 2 Theres already a cool trailer and a number of screen shots out. If this is any where near as good as the original, I'll be a very happy man indeed! It's being made by the same developers, so this could be brilliant.
  13. J

    No Mutants Allowed and hot, steamy... Steam?

    Come on guys, at least idle in the chat a bit.
  14. J

    Meanwhile...a REAL console noob is trying to...

    That is just fucking staggering. I'm sorta disappointed he isn't badly injured, for being so fucking stupid, and at the age of 14... Christ almighty.
  15. J

    BioShock PC demo officially released

    Just letting you know, it's available on steam as well. Just played through the demo there, and well, it's all i hoped it would be. Creepy, but not creepy enough to make the game "hard" to play. The difficulty is hard to gauge, as it wouldn't let me play on the hard mode, i found medium...
  16. J

    NMA Cribs

    I think you look rather like Jebus actually. Also, is that monstrosity really on your head, it's bugging me because i can't tell whether it's a Photoshop jobby or not.
  17. J

    What is your favorite perk/trait?

    Perhaps it's from being here along time, or maybe i'm just bitter or something, but doesn't all this done to death fallout discussion just get bloody tiresome? Oh err sorry, your thread, err... Gifted and Bloody Mess, not very role playing i know, but that is the sort of thing i go for on a...
  18. J

    GTA vs RL

    Woah thats really cool, i gota go to LA sometime.