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    Lonesome Road coming September 20th + weapon pack DLCs

    So you're saying that the Gun Runners pack is 40% of the investment that the DLCs are? That's rediculous. We all know that making new weapons, weapon mods, and ammo types is a fraction of the work of making a full DLC. $1 would be reasonable with $2 being the max acceptable amount. That's...
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    Lonesome Road coming September 20th + weapon pack DLCs

    Bullshit. $4 for the amount of money that went into that DLC is plain extortion, even more so when you look at Valve with their free updates to L4D1 & 2 (new campaigns) and TF2 (which now has a cash store). This shit should cost a fucking penny, maybe a nickle.
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    Earthquake in DC

    He was a normal person who had lived on the west coast with a reasonable reaction to the quake. He clearly wanted to wait out the minor tremor and continue with the press conference but all of the panicky locals wanted to run out of the building.
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    New Counter-Strike announced

    I actually think that it has a lot of replay value between the different difficulty levels (including realism) and versus. Granted, it pretty much requires you to have a group of friends to play the game with to beat it on the realism expert and versus is similarly best with experienced...
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    Bethesda suing Notch

    I'm not so sure that Zenimax's legal department is so evil, they seem to enjoy filing frivolous suits so they may be incompetent but it's all approved by upper management.
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    Bethesda suing Notch

    No, you have to sue over things that actually violate your trademark and/or copyrights. Frivolous lawsuits do nothing to establish a case history of protecting your mark.
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    J.E. Sawyer's five hard lessons on RPG design

    Agreed. Different builds should result in different paths through the game but those different paths should offer more or less equal rewards. As Lexx said, the rewards do not and usually should not be the same but should be of equal gameplay value. If anything, the rewards should be tailored...
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    Sleep paralysis

    I've had it happen to me a couple of times. One time I was still dreaming while awake (hallucinating more or less) while the other I was on my side and my arm or shoulder hurt so bad that I shouted out in pain until I could roll over. I went through a period of that happening in my sleep and...
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    J.E. Sawyer's five hard lessons on RPG design

    His five rules are definitely good for single-player RPGs. It's not a broken mechanic but it is a bad mechanic. Honestly most PnP games have poorly designed dice mechanics anyway as you end up with a skill check that is impossible for some characters to fail and for others to succeed. Sawyer...
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    New Counter-Strike announced

    The Scout and auto-snipers are balanced versus the rest of the weapons, the AWP is not. It's the only weapons which does 100+ damage to the torso, armored or not. I'm so used to playing with it that it's not a big deal but it's still unbalanced. In what way?
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    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    I'd say it has less to do with the AH being a bad idea and more to do with shitty design when it comes to drop rates. Bullshit. Blizzard had for years before their revamp and it never pushed them to the brink of bankruptcy because all of the games were hosted on the end users...
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    New Counter-Strike announced

    Other than the AWP it's a well balanced and interesting game. The level design was pretty hit and miss but definitely improved with the rest of the game. It also really needed a built in team flip after a set number of rounds or time instead, more or less like they do in competitive play...
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    New Counter-Strike announced

    I liked the added weapons in 1.6, specifically the riot shield sans bugs. That said, I preferred 1.5. I never could figure out how wall shots worked in CS:S (and I played hundreds of hours of it) and I preferred the bullet spread/accuracy in 1.5. Oh I have a great idea, lets have weapons...
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    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    If D2 drop rates are anything to judge by then this isn't as unlikely as I would prefer. Top teir loot is a bitch to get in most games and I'd be absolutely shocked if D3 is any different. Granted, the people most effected by this would be the PvP community. I hope the drop rates are...
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    Bethesda suing Notch

    That's doubtful given the fact that the case is clearly frivolous in terms of infringement. It appears to be an attempt to get a better settlement than what Mojang was offering (ie money instead of ensuring no possible confusion with sequels) or to overturn a trademark being issued that...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    They used to make a number of them with the Mech Assault games and StarSiege, my personal favorite. The mechanics have evolved well in the Front Mission series, I've only played about half of 1 and all of 4 but 4 is really well done. A buddy of mine started playing Tactics Ogre a few months...
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    NMA Fantasy Football 2011: Can You Feel That Hybrid Rainbow

    If there's an open slot I'd be happy to jump in. Tried my hand at it for the first time last year and took second in a money league with my buddies.
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    OnLive gets a launch date - June 17th

    Make that 20 years for the states. Fiber-optic to the majority of households in the states is a long, expensive way off. Steam and it's offspring are the wave of the future for now
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I actually prefer it to RTwP since it allows you to take your time and respond to what's going on but it everything happens in real-time when you take actions. I'd say that it's a superior method of combining turn-based with real-time than RTwP. The item-collecting gives me mixed feelings...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Enemies can only move when you move or a set amount after you attack (so that they can counter attack) and some move far more than others. Where you attack also matters for weak spots (I think) and for the items that you can cut/break off of them (tails, shields, carapaces, etc.). I'd wager...