Lonesome Road coming September 20th + weapon pack DLCs

27 new weapons, 29 new ammo types and 40 new weapons mods. All for a couple bucks. Holy cow, Obsidian is being far too kind to us.
I find it amusing to see accusations in hive mind in a thread where different groups of people are obviously of very different opinions on this pack. Hivemind my ass.

Tagaziel said:
Even if it's 4 Euro, I'm still buying. That means I miss out on two ice cream cones. Big deal. I've seen less content offered for a similiar price. Dawn of War II wargear DLC all cost 2,49 Euro a piece and they're a fraction of what the GRE offers. Brink customization DLCs cost 1,50 and they offer merely a handful of purely cosmetic changes. Or maybe Hearts of Iron III add-ons, that are, again, purely aesthetic addons that add more sprites to the game and are 1,99 Euro a pop (and there are about 30 of them?). Though the most insulting are CoD DLCs: eg. the Stimulus package, which contains the privilege of playing a few new maps for the price of 13,99 Euro.

Right, so because a ton of different publishers nickel and dime their customers with cheap DLC, it's ok if Obsidian does it too.

For Frith's sake, Tagz. I agree with you there's no need to personally attack people for buying DLC, it's your money, your decision, but you're being as bad and dismissive about it as the other side. Are you honestly arguing that you can't see how the attitude of "If I pay $10 bucks for OWB it makes no sense to pay $4 bucks for a gun pack" makes sense to some people?

Nobody's holding a gun to your head not to buy it, but how about you let the people who are more careful with their money either because they have to or want to keep their dignity, ok? Your lazy outright dismissal is insulting. People have the right to criticize pricing, you know, and Obsidian does not get a free pass just for being Obsidian, NMA is better than that.
For console gamers this is really cool.

Since I am on the PC, I will wait and see, but I will be getting LR.
Nobody's holding a gun to your head not to buy it, but how about you let the people who are more careful with their money either because they have to or want to keep their dignity, ok? Your lazy outright dismissal is insulting. People have the right to criticize pricing, you know, and Obsidian does not get a free pass just for being Obsidian, NMA is better than that.

Who said anything about a free pass? If this was horse armor (AKA 2 mostly cosmetic models, useless anyway since you can easily get an invincible horse), I would rage at Obsidian like anybody else. But this is a relatively considerable amount of content, 25% more weapons and almost double the amount of mods present in the game, for a pretty measly 4$. I agree that the fact other companies overprice similar DLCs (8$ for a lame reskin, Relic? Really?) is not an excuse for Obsidian doing the same, but I don't feel it's overpriced, at the moment at least. It won't be a day 1 purchase, but if it ends up adding fun weapons into the game then I will get it.
whirlingdervish said:
ramessesjones said:
Lexx said:
Wait, so 4 pre-order packs for 2 dollars are more worth to you than 27 weapons + ammo + mods + other crap for 4 dollar? :>

Assuming they are available at the start of the game, yes. I've played through the game several times now (I tend to do a lot of shorter runs through the game to experiment with a lot of different character types) and really could use a change of pace at the start of the game. Later in the game there is already a huge variety of equipment to use. Also, $2 is less than $4.

I might change my mind on Gun Runners if the challenges are interesting or the weapons and ammo types are more unique than expected or fit well with a character type I'm trying, but for now I don't have any obvious use for it.

So you actually want to start the game with all that?


You should hold out for a mod that puts a button in the middle of the HUD that just says "WIN" on it.

The _ONLY_ parts of my playthroughs of FONV that were drastically different (and enjoyable because of it) were the beginning parts of the games where I had to make something out of nothing and scramble to do so in the wastes with a newbie character who's stats and lack of gear forced me to find other ways to play than running right through groups of enemies and blowing them apart.

by level 10 or so, that challenge and the fun that went with it is mostly gone, weapons abound and you can kill almost every human that comes at you with a variety of builds.

Starting off with all sorts of fancy weps and armor that you spent money to get outside of the game seems even less useful to me than the stupid canteen which ruins the entire dehydration mechanic right out of the box.

Agreed that the pre-order stuff does make the early game too easy, though I'm wondering if they'll fix those weapons (Sturdy Caravan Shotgun doesn't benefit from Shotgun Surgeon, for example).
The item packs look cool. Four bucks for 27 weapons is a really good deal, and it's cool that they're offering up pre-order bonuses to people who didn't get a chance to get them before.

Also, whining about it not being free seems pretty asinine considering how much content comes in the core game, and most of the DLC packs. Especially since none of it is really required to have a complete game. It's not like, say, DXHR, where the DLC is stuff like multi-tools and satchel charges that fill a specific niche that nothing else can fill.
Well im not so sure about the Couriers stash pack because i like it when the beginning when your scraping by from weapons and ammo to use or sell. I will most likely get the Gun Runners arsenal but i hope the guns will be, like, worth 2 gold bars each o.O. That would even it out for me and make me decide heavily on what to buy. Also i hope the new ammo will include some option to craft AP and HP bullets.
Brother None said:
I find it amusing to see accusations in hive mind in a thread where different groups of people are obviously of very different opinions on this pack. Hivemind my ass.

I didn't mention hive mind, I mentioned the general look of the thread, where criticism is accompanied by hyperbolic dramatisation.

Right, so because a ton of different publishers nickel and dime their customers with cheap DLC, it's ok if Obsidian does it too.

For Frith's sake, Tagz. I agree with you there's no need to personally attack people for buying DLC, it's your money, your decision, but you're being as bad and dismissive about it as the other side. Are you honestly arguing that you can't see how the attitude of "If I pay $10 bucks for OWB it makes no sense to pay $4 bucks for a gun pack" makes sense to some people?

Nobody's holding a gun to your head not to buy it, but how about you let the people who are more careful with their money either because they have to or want to keep their dignity, ok? Your lazy outright dismissal is insulting. People have the right to criticize pricing, you know, and Obsidian does not get a free pass just for being Obsidian, NMA is better than that.

I respect that view, but what I'm getting at is that GRA is being dismissed as Horse Armor (by you too), without actually examining what it contains. You compare GRA to OWB, despite the fact that they are intended to fill two different niches.

OWB is a full DLC, complete with another world, characters and fat loot to take back to the Mojave. It's also an integral part of the DLC story arc. All priced at 10$.

GRA is a gun pack, yes. Because of that it costs much less than, say, OWB, priced at 4$. And since it cannot offer a new world or characters, it focuses on varied loot. This is why I compared it to other DLCs that serve a similiar function (increasing variety in game without functioning as an expansion pack) and pointed out that when compared to them, GRA offers much more bang for each buck spent.

I'll also compare it against F:NV DLCs.

Dead Money adds 9 new weapons and 5 DLC weapon exclusive mods.

Honest Hearts adds 11 new weapons, 6 DLC weapon exclusive mods and 4 DLC exclusive ammo types.

Old World Blues adds 18 new weapons (though all not entirely unique, I'm including Christine's rifle, which is basically a pre-modded sniper rifle and all the diff. variants of the science glove) and 6 weapons mods unique to DLC weapons.

In comparison, Gun Runners' Arsenal adds 27 new weapons, 40 new weapon modifications for vanilla weapons and 29 new ammo types for vanilla weapons.

I'm not "lazily dismissing" concerns about pricing. I simply believe that Obisidian is asking a fair price for a fair amount of content useful in the vanilla game, especially when you consider the mod-starved console version of New Vegas.
Tagaziel said:
I'm not "lazily dismissing" concerns about pricing. I simply believe that Obisidian is asking a fair price for a fair amount of content useful in the vanilla game, especially when you consider the mod-starved console version of New Vegas.
So you're saying that the Gun Runners pack is 40% of the investment that the DLCs are? That's rediculous. We all know that making new weapons, weapon mods, and ammo types is a fraction of the work of making a full DLC. $1 would be reasonable with $2 being the max acceptable amount. That's being generous too since I'm sure that it wasn't 10% of the investment of a standard DLC for Obsidian.
Tagaziel said:
I respect that view, but what I'm getting at is that GRA is being dismissed as Horse Armor (by you too), without actually examining what it contains.

Comparing it to Horse Armor is hyperbole. Pointing out $4 is too much for a pack that better publishers are giving away for free is fair.

Tagaziel said:
You compare GRA to OWB, despite the fact that they are intended to fill two different niches.

So? That impacts the skewed price point how? This isn't like comparing the amount of hours I get from a book to a film, of course the pricing is going to be different there. But when we're actually talking games, I can compare pricing directly. If I buy 12 $4 dollar weapon packs, from Obsidian and others, do you think I'll get the same amount of new experience out of it as I would a single game? Hell, and on their side of it, they're just adding a bunch of new models and reskins. New bullets doesn't cost anything, new mods are minor. It's not a lot of work they're putting in it to ask 10% of what I usually pay for new games, or 40% of their large DLC price point.

I hope I don't have to point out why looking at how many weapons the other DLC have is asinine. The new weapons are only one of many features you get in said DLC.

Your fairness argument works only in as far as people are willing to pay this. And it's true, that's how economics work. But guess what, people can also be unwilling to pay it, because the pricing makes no sense to them. The secondary problem is when people think "it's only 4 bucks, for fuck's sake" and don't consider that ignoring a few of such purchases means a brand new game. In fact, that's exactly what you said.

So, the first point is, it's your money, and you can decide for yourself whether the pricepoint is fair or not. The second point is that this model is structurally flawed, as you yourself pointed out, and Obsidian should be above becoming a part of the problem.
the GRA also adds 40 new weapon modifications for existing weapons, 18 new new recipes, and 29 new ammo types, Sawyer said that they wouldn't just be a bunch of reskins. 4 dollars for that is not much, you are adding some hours of gameplay of screwing around with the new equipment, if you are not into that you just don't buy it, this si not Horse Armor, not even close. That "if I purchase 12 of those" just seems a pretty dumb argument, as you are just going to extremes.
Walpknut said:
the GRA also adds 40 new weapon modifications for existing weapons, 18 new new recipes, and 29 new ammo types, Sawyer said that they wouldn't just be a bunch of reskins.

You do realize recipes and ammo types are even less than reskins, right? They don't even get models. The other DLC all added new weapons, mods and recipes as well, but if someone asks you "are they worth playing?" would you generally list weapon mods or recipes up high for reasons to get the DLC? No, because they're such an insignificant part of the gameplay experience.

Walpknut said:
That "if I purchase 12 of those" just seems a pretty dumb argument, as you are just going to extremes.

Really, why? That's how this works. They give you small purchases so you don't notice quite how much you're spending and how little you're getting in return.
There's also the fact that the new weapon models, judging by the screenshots, are significantly less detailed and good looking than the weapons in the original game. They look out of place and amateurish. Not cool, Obsidian, not cool at all.
Brother None said:
Really, why? That's how this works. They give you small purchases so you don't notice quite how much you're spending and how little you're getting in return.
And that is what I hate the most. And why I never ever was a fan of DLCs.

It reminds me to a developer which had the idea to get games out like "modules". Singleplayer, multiplayer etc. all with a different pricing. So you don't pay 50$ for the whole game but like maybe 30 for the singleplayer and 20 more if you want multiplayer. Sounds nice. But who said they will make a "fair" pricing ? 4$ here 5$ there and some 10$ more and suddenly you find your self paying much more then it is actually worth.

People are right. They can do what they want with their money. Its a usual business. But that still doesn't change that its overpriced. And complaining about that is absolutely viable.