Josh Sawyer, Mike Laidlaw, Strix Beltran, Paweł Sasko, and Lis Moberly go deep on writing and playing RPGs
80-minute discussion with five veteran RPG designers
Apple Podcast
Direct download...
Here is an article about it:
Canadian state funded total conversation mod
"Originally released in 2017, the Fallout Tactics mod, The Sum / Nous Aurons has found newfound attention with Kotaku's(opens in new tab) reporting that the anarchist art project received funding from the Canada Council for the Arts, as well as the...
"The freebie fury continues on the Epic Games Store today with not just one but three great classics: Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel."
And all those RPGs made prior to that, late 80s, early 90s etc were not as story focused at all like RPGs has become today, where story and choose your own adventure has taken priority over combat and tactical gameplay.
They are not, and choices and consequences is a fairly new thing in RPGs where as the main focus used to be combat, and systems.
Though I guess it depends on what era you grew up during.
A Fallout-inspired post-apocalyptic RPG in space with an extreme focus on role-playing. Inch wide, miles deep - intentionally short yet surprisingly deep and branching adventure with multiple gameplay styles. Combat 100% optional.
Hello y'all I am making a summary of the past year so please dump your favourite news from 2022, game releases, scandals, interesting tidbits, violent outbursts, anything goes as long as it is gaming/fallout/rpg/post-apocalypse-related
"Raphael Colantonio and Peter Salnikov talk to programmer and game designer Tim Cain, co-creator of Fallout, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, Outer Worlds and other cult classic RPGs."
How to understand your professional limits and what to do next;
Reactive worlds: when the game strikes...