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  1. Radiosity

    Dear denizens of NMA: in need of communist references in Fallout

    If you unironically identify as either of those? Then yes, I don't even consider you human.
  2. Radiosity

    Dear denizens of NMA: in need of communist references in Fallout

    I hope not :/ I wouldn't want to have to hate and despise the man responsible for one of my favourite franchises.
  3. Radiosity

    Fallout 76 Nukes Lore and Releases

    What are you even doing, Bethesda... edit: got a bit further in and... wow, Beth's bankrupt designers have even stolen the awesome Ghost People concept from Obsidian. Make something new once in a while, ffs.
  4. Radiosity

    Dear denizens of NMA: in need of communist references in Fallout

    Bethesda is incapable of nuance. It's all or nothing. So any vague commie undertones in the series' lore is turned up to a million by Beth. Black. White. Those are the only options in a Bethesda world.
  5. Radiosity

    MATN Fallout 76

    He's already indicated on Twitter that it's coming at some point :(
  6. Radiosity

    MATN Fallout 76

    Considering Jon worked marketing himself before going full-time on Youtube, you'd think he'd be a bit more aware of being played by the likes of Bethesda. Which just reinforces my opinion that he's fully aware of what he's doing and just doesn't care. Too lucrative to stop now.
  7. Radiosity

    Why does Bethesda make everyone essential?

    Yep. Honestly, his Fallout 3 kill everything run is still one of his best series. Sad that he's moved away from content like that now. Still waiting on his Fallout 4 YOLO, that's one I really want to see because of just how garbage that game is with shit like random damage and rads. I'm amazed...
  8. Radiosity

    MATN Fallout 76

    It's no coincidence that his views started drastically shifting towards pro-Beth (and being WAY less critical of their games) around the same time as Beth started inviting him to their house to play games. That was around Dishonoured 2's release. Then they flew him out to West Virginia for the...
  9. Radiosity

    Why does Bethesda make everyone essential?

    Case in point, the BoS member who's essential (haha) for Liberty Prime's movement... and whom Bethesda didn't bother adding the essential tag to.
  10. Radiosity

    Your Wasteland 3 Wishlist

    A new wasteland, something different to desert for once. A frozen Canadian kind of setting where you have to deal with cold and other elements instead of water or whatever would be nice for a change.
  11. Radiosity

    Fallout 76 Nukes Lore and Releases

    Rimworld just hit 1.0 full release. Go play it, it's great. I'm closing in on 400 hours already :o
  12. Radiosity

    Fallout 76 Nukes Lore and Releases

    Gotta love how the photo mode has an FOV slider but the game itself doesn't.
  13. Radiosity

    Fallout 76 getting review bombed

    Wait, Bethesda even bothered putting a rating system into their launcher? Cus the game isn't even on Steam, so... where is this happening? Linkies, pls.
  14. Radiosity

    Obsidian is looking to be acquired by Microsoft.

    I agree, but it's also true that the likes of Divinity and Underrail both exist, so I wouldn't exactly say Obsidian is the last bastion.
  15. Radiosity

    Obsidian is looking to be acquired by Microsoft.

    The people primarily responsible for New Vegas being one of the best games ever already left the company, so really, it's not like it matters.
  16. Radiosity

    50 Minutes of 76

    "I don't understand why he doesn't fix it. " Probably because he's spent the last two years working on the massive expansion coming in the next few months.
  17. Radiosity

    Fallout 76 - My Impressions

    ... wow. I actually wrote construction power armour into something I wrote for Fallout 4. It was a parody in a similar vein to this, not serious at all. Trust Beth to take something intended as a joke and make it canon.
  18. Radiosity

    50 Minutes of 76

    Hey, at least Beth managed a cursory hand wave on the caps this time, that's... progress. I guess.
  19. Radiosity

    50 Minutes of 76

    At least there are some Youtubers out there who'll rake Bethesda over the coals for their shitty game:
  20. Radiosity

    50 Minutes of 76

    For anyone who hasn't heard yet, there's actually a quest where you effectively become Batman. No, I'm not joking.