Search results

  1. Radiosity

    Can a game's fanbase/over exposure ruin the game itself?

    Especially when they've already stated it'll be different to the original. I mean, anyone with a brain knew it'd be real-time combat of some sort and likely lose the overmap and similar things, but for me a lot of the enjoyment came from stuff like the ATB battles and roaming the world map. On...
  2. Radiosity

    Elder Scrolls Six predictions

    Add? I think you meant 'remove'? ;)
  3. Radiosity

    Fallout 4 rewritten

    That's the beginning to basically every Elder Scrolls game ever, so it'd fit Bethesda's MO. To be honest, I'm surprised they haven't tried it with Fallout yet. Especially when Van Buren was meant to start with you as a prisoner, really surprised Bethesda didn't steal that along with everything...
  4. Radiosity

    Vault Tec Workshop

    "Maybe they could release a workshop that would let me build a DLC worth a damn." My favourite Steam review so far.
  5. Radiosity

    Fallout 4 rewritten

    Good thing I fixed the Muties in Fallout 3 so this can actually be a thing :) Also, some nice ideas there.
  6. Radiosity

    Overseer in a Fridge DLC

    Even when they try this they fail because they have no idea how to build emotional attachment without resorting to cheap tricks. 'Assumed Empathy' is the term for what they mostly engage in, assuming you'll feel emotions and an attachment because 'blank'. As an example, in Mass Effect 3 the tag...
  7. Radiosity

    Are factions a good, or negative component for Fallout?

    Factions don't exist in 3, it's a shallow and boring world that makes no sense and has no reason to exist or for anyone to do anything. New Vegas, on the other hand, has many factions, each with their own quirks and personality, and most of which the player can join. Without factions, as...
  8. Radiosity

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    Well, I have more free time now... but I also have no income. Trying to go freelance while also writing a book and a novella serial work keep me kinda busy, and I really need to focus on what's going to put food on my table ;p But eh, I'd like to try and get a post or two written in the near...
  9. Radiosity

    Reconstructing Fallout 3 Retrospective Series

    Hey, sorry, didn't see this reply. If you can tag me or quote a post the forum will notify me there's a reply :) Thanks for the comments! No problem on you not being sold on certain things, they're just ideas and could feasibly work for other things, as you say (like a standalone game in...
  10. Radiosity

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    He means my series, see my signature for the link. I've been reworking Fallout 3's godawful world into something more logical and coherent (though I'm a bit behind due to being busy with other things right now).
  11. Radiosity

    Elder Scrolls Six predictions

    Fallout 4 without guns.
  12. Radiosity

    *gasp* MrMattysPlays being critical of Bethesda?

    Yeah, I stopped ages ago as well, Youtube just recommended it in the sidebar so I figured I'd check it out :)
  13. Radiosity

    *gasp* MrMattysPlays being critical of Bethesda?

    Never thought I'd see the day, though you can hear the damage control near the end, lol.
  14. Radiosity

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    Watch these, they should give you some idea.
  15. Radiosity

    Fallout 4 GamingSins

    So... kind of like the format I'm using. And will in fact be using for Fallout 4 once I'm done eviscerating 3 :) Also, try Dartigan's channel for a much superior game sins experience, he's a got a better voice and much better delivery (seriously, check out his Final Fantasy 13 one at the very...
  16. Radiosity

    Can we honestly say Fallout 4 is better than Fallout 3?

    Perks in Fallout 3 were largely irrelevant in any case, didn't matter much that it was every level when it was mostly just +10 to x stat and similarly boring crap. NV fixed that by adding a bunch of useful and fun perks (Shotgun Surgeon + And Stay Back + Riot Shotgun = aww baby).
  17. Radiosity

    Can we honestly say Fallout 4 is better than Fallout 3?

    Since we're talking Dark City, have a totally off-topic yet kickass track that samples the movie: And on Fallout 3... yeah, that game's story and world have such systemic problems it'd take more than a 'speculative approach' to fix them.
  18. Radiosity

    Fallout 4 quest appears to be "heavily inspired" by New Vegas mod

    They already sort of did this with the Wasteland Workshop DLC. You can capture monsters/enemies and have them fight, after all.
  19. Radiosity

    I Wanna Shake Things Up A Bit

    Pretty partial to RTS, especially Warzone 2100 and the earlier C&Cs. Also arena shooters, specifically UT/UT2004. Yeah, I seem to gravitate towards genres that no longer exist to any great degree. I'm old, leave me alone ;p Anything by Bethesda over the last 8 years. Fortunately I've only played...
  20. Radiosity

    Fallout 4 quest appears to be "heavily inspired" by New Vegas mod

    Pete Hines: "I took a look and it's totally coincidence, guys. You can trust me. Honest. I don't have a stake in this at all." This is equivalent to a murderer taking a look at the body and telling the police, "Well, I took a look at the evidence and it's pure coincidence. I can go now, right?"