Все умрут, а я волномут
The whole game is because someone shot it in the head and we are swearing on a carcass.Let's be honest. The entire character creation system was butchered.
The whole game is because someone shot it in the head and we are swearing on a carcass.Let's be honest. The entire character creation system was butchered.
Let's be honest. The entire character creation system was butchered.
Tbh, Fallout was born with Isometric and Turn-Based combat in mind. It was what made it truly possible to become great in the first place, as the intention of the devs under Tim Cain back then. Van Buren could've been VERY great, or whatever Fallout game that was meant to be by Troika if only Bethesda didn't threw more money at the IP *sigh*but I would still be very, very upset if they went back to the isometric style.)
Not quite. Doing nothing right is still better than doing so many things wrong even with that one right. It's still an achievement to be a complete failure when compared to doing one thing right and doing everything else wrong. The latter just makes the failure seem like some effort was put into it and the result was due to more factors going wrong rather than abject incompetence.Fallout 4 has to better than Fallout 3, because 3 did absolutely nothing right, while 4 at least did something right. Doing only one thing right is still always better than doing zero things right.
Well, there's still Wasteland 2 (which, in my mind, is the origin story of the Mojave Rangers, simply under a name/timeline that wouldn't twist Beth's tits) and Wasteland 3 has been teased by Brian Fargo a few weeks ago. Just wait for the toolkit to come out (if it ever comes out, that is) and you can bet there will be Fallout remakes / reboots using Unity engine. Which could be great.A return to isometric turn-based would be welcome if only to get rid of the audience Bethesda drew in by dumbing down FO4.
Actually for me Fallout 3 had more things right than Fallout 4:Fallout 4 has to better than Fallout 3, because 3 did absolutely nothing right, while 4 at least did something right. Doing only one thing right is still always better than doing zero things right.
(That said, I have a bias towards shooters. I would love a game with the shooting and crafting mechanics of Fallout 4, but with the RPG mechanics, dialogue system and writing of Fallout: New Vegas. The worst-case scenario for me is a continuation of the Far Cry-ification of Fallout, but I would still be very, very upset if they went back to the isometric style.)
Not at the job he was hired for.I'd rather have a half-decent shooter than the mess that Fallout 3 was.
He's still better than the guy without any sort of skill.
Darn I have been playing TTW for so long that I forgot Fallout 3 had perks every level, sorry about that. I stand corrected@Risewild Most of what you said is correct except for the part about perks every level and the SPECIAL stats being harder to raise. In Fallout 3 you were awarded a perk every level, which some people prefer btw. There is a very popular mod for New Vegas that gives you perks every level. The SPECIAL thing depends on what DLC you own because if you have Broken Steel you can boost every SPECIAL stat to 9 when you hit level 30 if you get the perk for it and you also have bobbleheads that increase stats. The bobbleheads part doesn't bother me but that Broken Steel perk is stupid and broken (forgive the pun) and I never take it because of that.
EDIT Another thing that Fallout 3 does better is the ending slide. Last I played the game I played an evil character but made the good choice at the end to sacrifice myself, kind of a darth vadar moment I guess. And the narrator acknowledged that playstyle and supported it really well. I kind of thought the ending narration would've been more awkward if I did that but it actually wasn't.
We actually need 34 levels:No. 10 on all special within a couple of hours in fo4 is a load of shit. Average score in fallout 4 is 4. 6x7=42. You need to level up 42 times to max out speciaö in fo4. That is hardly done in mere hours. And if you level up to 43 without picking a single crafting or damage perk. Well... Have fun fighting bullet sponges.
Marry who exactly? We don't even get spouse-synth that was cut because... Why?marry