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  1. T

    New premade chars

    Well I have and idear for three... But balansing them is not my "Area of Competense" Cause I play with the same Char every time I play Fallout...
  2. T

    New premade chars

    It´s a shame to trow a F2 MOD prog away, even if it is useless...
  3. T

    New premade chars

  4. T

    Mod Ideas..

    It makes sense but I´m a rookie on modding so I dont know how to do it. But if I could I would...
  5. T

    The basics of Script

    Is ther anyone who know were you can find and learn the basics of Fallout 2 Scripting for newbs the learn insted of asking the same annoying question over and over... "How do I script that" "How do I do this" "What dose that do" "How do I make that" Gez I get a headache just...
  6. T

    Intro movie and Splash screens

    Thanks... Edit: I know that prog, I tried it B4 but it diden´t work. Maby I did it wrong...
  7. T

    New premade chars

    Aw shite... Arent there any converters causs I hate HEX...
  8. T

    New premade chars

    How do you make new premade chars like Chista or Narg? I know that Smackrazzor did one...
  9. T

    Minimal hud mod?

  10. T

    Intro movie and Splash screens

    Hey guys, I´m back with yet another annoying question. I was thinking of having new splash screens for my MOD and was wondering how to convert .jpg to .rix and visa versa... And is it hard to make a new intro movie? A simple one like a screen fading up with some text and then fading...
  11. T

    big mix mod

    Sounds nice...
  12. T

    Minimal hud mod?

    How do you make new Ammo calibers???
  13. T

    Elevator systems in FO

    Any posible chans you whant to help me make five scripts???
  14. T

    Elevator systems in FO

    That´s an idear... By the way do you make new scripts by any chanse?
  15. T

    Elevator systems in FO

    A big question mark grows over my head... I know what the file is... Damnit I can´t remember I something that resembles to that "controller" you speak of...
  16. T

    Elevator systems in FO

    The green hexes you are refereing to ar known in the mapper as Partial Scripts and do not have any editable pro files that I know of sins pro files are items and screnery and so on... The Scripts are saved in .ssl (or .ssl :? ) in the script folder in the mapper dir and you need 1 Fallout...
  17. T

    A new MOD

    Yeah I know annoying as hell
  18. T

    A new MOD

    Well the thing was I disscovered that the files where read-only cheked and therfor the mapper screwd me