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  1. Operation Wignut

    War imminent with Russia

    We have to maintain appearances, while Russia really doesn't. I feel like Russia would be much better off with a more isolationist policy, the same way I think the US would be better off as well. Feel free to debate this, but it seems like Russia is trying to become a world power again. But they...
  2. Operation Wignut

    War imminent with Russia

    To be fair, Hillary has a blood record too. Except we didn't annex anything? You're conflating entirely different crimes. Acquiring new territory is a thing of the past, it's antiquated, barbaric, and against democratic principles. No matter what the 500 individuals have to say, disrupting...
  3. Operation Wignut

    War imminent with Russia

    732 people actually took the poll this time! (1200 sample size multiplied by 61% response rate) Still not even 0.1% of the population. And yet they get to dictate to the world what the opinion of all of Crimea is. And yet the poll doesn't accurately portray them either. I don't actually care...
  4. Operation Wignut

    War imminent with Russia

    "Western-funded poll" No. Gallup is an independant research foundation BASED IN the US, but is touted as an objective organization because of it's lack of partisan funding and it's focus on polling abroad. That's the only organization that polled this particular subject. "No matter how you...
  5. Operation Wignut

    War imminent with Russia

    You said the media and many politicians jump on Putin whether it makes any sense or not. The media, as much as I'd like to believe, is not one giant entity. There's plenty of pro-Putin journalists and publications here in the US. I just wanted to dispel that notion, and may have jumped a bit too...
  6. Operation Wignut

    War imminent with Russia

    "bomb Assad" Wait, what? I'm gonna need a source on that one. And yet you think it's a one-sided story here, for some reason. The US has plenty of Putin fetishists, in the general public, in the media and in politics (most notably Trump). A lot of more radical conservatives can rally around...
  7. Operation Wignut

    Gun Control

    Necessary for what? Sources? EDIT: Not being aggressive, just wondering.
  8. Operation Wignut

    Gun Control

    We don't have militias in America anymore per se. What we have is the National Guard, which focuses on protection from enemy invasion and acts as Reserves to the real US Military, as well as State Guards (aka State defense forces), which are only in a few major states, that act as protectors of...
  9. Operation Wignut

    War imminent with Russia

    That's a non-sequitur used when you don't understand another position. We live in a world of grey morality, and everyone has a purpose for doing what they're doing. If the nukes launch, it certainly won't be because someone in power wanted to shower the Earth with deadly fireworks.
  10. Operation Wignut

    Gun Control

    Well, if the common citizen can no longer purchase weapons that are outlawed, then companies will stop producing them en masse, and it will become harder to buy them legally. No longer will criminals or the mentally unfit be able to buy high-powered rifles so readily. Or at least that's an...
  11. Operation Wignut

    Gun Control

    Which is why people like Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and George Washington emphasized conscription of every citizen (at that point) in the Militia. The Militia was supposed to be an alternative form of defense from a standing army, one that would serve to protect the home country but one...
  12. Operation Wignut

    Gun Control

    Well, if you want to appeal to original implication... "The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they...
  13. Operation Wignut

    War imminent with Russia

    Is this about it? Krim, Ukraine und Russland: Angst vor einem neuen Krieg Russland und die Ukraine - Das gefährliche Spiel des Wladimir Putin Der Konflikt in der Ukraine: Steht ein neuer Krieg bevor? That's from putting Russia, Ukraine and Krieg into the news search.
  14. Operation Wignut

    Gun Control

    "A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined..." - George Washington, First Annual Address, to both House of Congress, January 8, 1790 Perfect example for your side. Although it may comfort more to know they were having this same discussion back then.
  15. Operation Wignut

    War imminent with Russia

    I mean, what do you want him to do? Fly jets in restricted airspace? Send aircraft carriers next to China and Russia?
  16. Operation Wignut

    Pro life or Pro choice

    Are you insinuating I'm a troll? Your post is confusing me.
  17. Operation Wignut

    Pro life or Pro choice

    I'm just idealistic and a bit too opinionated for my own good. It's not like this is my first time on a forum or anything. I promise I'm usually well-behaved.
  18. Operation Wignut

    Pro life or Pro choice

    Now I know why @MutantScalper got irritated at me.
  19. Operation Wignut

    Gun Control

    The other side of the coin, however, is the emphasis of "Free State". In the context of Originalism analysis, the Founding Fathers had just gotten out of a war that they believed was caused by tyranny of the government. The Articles of Confederation, The Constitution, and subsequently as a...
  20. Operation Wignut

    War imminent with Russia

    To be fair, anyone that isn't at least tangentially allied with the US is an enemy, because we have ties almost anywhere. It's hard to not have a relationship with every country when you're a superpower. Everyone saying "Nuclear war won't happen" has a point, except Trump has repeatedly not...