War imminent with Russia

No, they do have the right to enter into wars when one side is violating international treaties in the interest of adding more land to their imperium, though.


Like Iraq? The various governments in South America that were overthrown from US backed coups and military interventions only to be replaced with Dictators?
Shit dude, are seriously trying to make the UN out as the bad guy? Yes, the UN buckled under pressure from the super-powers a couple of times, I never said the UN was perfect, I said they were entirely in their right when they supported South Korea.
As if you didn't live under Russian government Dr. Fallout. When your tzar who happens to be former KGB colonel ask you whether you are happy, you better be happy! Or else.. :)

Haven't been some important persons with high political profile opposing Putin's policy murdered recently in Russia?
Haven't been some important persons with high political profile opposing Putin's policy murdered recently in Russia?
To be fair, Hillary has a blood record too.



Like Iraq? The various governments in South America that were overthrown from US backed coups and military interventions only to be replaced with Dictators?

Except we didn't annex anything? You're conflating entirely different crimes. Acquiring new territory is a thing of the past, it's antiquated, barbaric, and against democratic principles. No matter what the 500 individuals have to say, disrupting worldwide treaties is something to frown upon. I don't support the US doing it, and I don't support Russia doing it. Also, did you just try to defend North Koreans in a previous post?
Sure, I doubt anyone could connect these murders with president directly, since monitoring opposition and taking such actions is not his job at all. That's what lesser administrative in government hierarchy is for, namely FSB.

The point is that you are either happy with president in Russia, or dead. Such as investigative journalist Yuri Shchekochikhin who was killed by a dose of radioactive thallium, as proved by a sample of his skin taken by his family members and send to London for analysis. Nobody kills this way with exception of NKVD/KGB/FSB. Or Paul Klebnikov, another journalist investigating big financial fraud with traces leading to Kremlin and high FSB posts - shot and killed. Or Anna Politkovskaya, human rights defender and author of many books, openly criticizing Putin and his policy during Chechnyan wars, shot and killed in her apartment in Moscow. And so on.
Except we didn't annex anything? You're conflating entirely different crimes. Acquiring new territory is a thing of the past, it's antiquated, barbaric, and against democratic principles. No matter what the 500 individuals have to say, disrupting worldwide treaties is something to frown upon. I don't support the US doing it, and I don't support Russia doing it. Also, did you just try to defend North Koreans in a previous post?
Except technically we didn't annex Crimea, we made it 'independent'.

The new way of doing things is through setting up puppet governments that act as military alliances and help further the interests of the invading country. It's just as shit, but it's not 'antiquated, barbaric and against democratic principles', well not by law anyway. Also, I find it both retarded and presumptuous to put law on invasions and international politics. There's not such thing as just war, only national and international interests.

How did I defend North Korea?

As if you didn't live under Russian government Dr. Fallout. When your tzar who happens to be former KGB colonel ask you whether you are happy, you better be happy! Or else.. :)

Haven't been some important persons with high political profile opposing Putin's policy murdered recently in Russia?
You've obviously haven't lived under Yeltsin and the fall of the USSR. Trust me, Putin isn't the best but he's a lot better then what we've had before. Also, he's not the craziest option out there...
You've obviously haven't lived under Yeltsin and the fall of the USSR. Trust me, Putin isn't the best but he's a lot better then what we've had before.
I trust you, since I was personally helping Chechnyan refugees during the second Chechnyan war, when Putin was prime minister of Yeltsin's cabinet.
I trust you, since I was personally helping Chechnyan refugees during the second Chechnyan war, when Putin was prime minister of Yeltsin's cabinet.
This is the biggest appeal to emotion I've seen. I can't honestly tell if you're sarcastic or you actually mean it.
That's a mere fact - I was grown up person when Yeltsin ruled and long before Putin became the president, so I'm well aware how Russian government looked like before Putin. Frankly, I don't care about anyone's emotions in internet discussion and never did. :salute:
That's a mere fact - I was grown up person when Yeltsin ruled and long before Putin became the president, so I'm well aware how Russian government looked like before Putin. Frankly, I don't care about anyone's emotions in internet discussion and never did. :salute:
So... no sarcasm?

Because I hope you don't come up with anecdotes how it was better... millions and statistics would disagree.
No, don't worry! Since I lived in Czechoslovakia occupied by Soviets, I'd rather come up with anecdotes how it was much worse actually. Russian government sucked big time, and it sucks even now. :smile:
No, don't worry! Since I lived in Czechoslovakia occupied by Soviets, I'd rather come up with anecdotes how it was much worse actually. Russian government sucked big time, and it sucks even now. :smile:
I was discussing... ugh. I was discussing how Russia under Yeltsin was worse then it was under the Soviet Union and this has improved thanks to Putin. But sure discuss how shitty our occupation was and that old jam.
What's your point then? I criticize current Putin's policy as pretty oppressive, since journalists and political opponents are removed for their uncomfortable opinions left and right. Your argument is that this was much worse before Putin, I do agree, and now you're accusing me for drawing this thing in the past? FFS it was you who mentioned the past in order to make point how good leader Putin is! :smile:
What's your point then? I criticize current Putin's policy as pretty oppressive, since journalists and political opponents are removed for their uncomfortable opinions left and right. Your argument is that this was much worse before Putin, I do agree, and now you're accusing me for drawing this thing in the past? FFS it was you who mentioned the past in order to make point how good leader Putin is! :smile:
I don't disagree. My point is that Putin isn't the worst option, and he did improve some things. You're going into the Soviet Union, I'm referring to the 90's and 2000's.

In a conventional war with the Russians the Americans would crush them.
How does this have any connection with anything? Are you just baiting me now?