War imminent with Russia

Bah, Russia makes a base in Crimea because we own it now, and it's near our border, and suddenly WW3 is happening. When America does it, miles away from it's soil, no one cares.

To be fair, both Russia and the US would have vested interest in lying about how aggressive Russia is being. It's just about who you believe.
Nuclear war is stupid and won't happen. But conventional war? That would be awful. Societal collapse would suck right now, my knee is not good enough to be a proper raider right now.

I can put you in the back of the trailer and pull you around but you're gonna have to earn your keep and man the quad fifty. Just don't go 360-ballistic with that thing, the car up front isn't a tank. Focus on the 'six o'clock', you know, rear guard.

Russia is aggressive to their next door neighbors. America is aggressive to everyone not their ally.
To be fair, anyone that isn't at least tangentially allied with the US is an enemy, because we have ties almost anywhere. It's hard to not have a relationship with every country when you're a superpower.

Everyone saying "Nuclear war won't happen" has a point, except Trump has repeatedly not ruled out using nuclear weapons against the Islamic State or in Europe. He's someone looking at politics from the outside, and from a completely different stance. Scarborough says Trump asked why we shouldn't use nuclear weapons. If he really is that rash, don't rule ANYTHING out. Just one of our hundreds of ICBMs could wipe out ISIS, but the cloud that it kicks up would come all the way back to the US. Meanwhile Hillary would be more willing to start a conventional war (which I have no idea how it would end), but we shouldn't rule out her rashness either.

Whatever the case, MAD is becoming more and more like a challenge than an ultimatum. The people in the US government aren't necessarily evil, but they are childish and may act on impulse. Russia isn't much better, and neither is China. We could very well see a new use of nuclear weapons in war during the next conflicts. Even now, the odds aren't anything like 50/50, but it is becoming at least slightly more likely.
Why hadn't Russia or China tried very much before you may ask?

The last time China got all uppity was during, SURPRISE, a democrat in office. I mean sure, Bill wised up EVENTUALLY but thigs shouldn't have gotten that out of hand in the first fucking place.

It is VERY simple, our president is a fucking coward. He is strong on ISIS but weak on literally everything else.

Every time there is talk about the U.S. defense budget, someone is guaranteed to mention how we are some mighty kickass machine and overspend. But yet, Obammy acts like a little bitch when Putin starts flexing. Obama is a total pussy when China starts acting up and fucking with their neighbors over islands. We have all the capability and Obama acts like we have the military strength of a much smaller country.

Cuba yells at Obama and all of a sudden he is all , 'end the embargo and close gitmo cause I'm scurred'.

Iran is like, 'You better give us money motherfuckers or we are going to build a bomb. The only way to stop us is by invading us.' Of course we ignore that N. Korea built some bombs and we didn't invade them or give them BILLIONS.

Obama be like, 'Yes, right away, we will un-freeze billions in assets as long as you promise we can inspect your shit. Don't worry, I will make sure to stipulate you get plenty of advance warning before an inspection comes so you can prepare accordingly. As an added bonus, you can send all your new found money to buy arms from Russia and China, infusing their regimes with cash flow while strengthening yourselves to boot. America gets the shit stick again but no one can say I never listen to my competitors or not act in THEIR interests while fucking ourselves up the ass.'

If we show FORCE, Putin and Xi wouldn't do shit. Looking weak never helps.

I mean be reasonable to certain levels but never, EVER, forget who is top dog.
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Why is it any response to a strong POLITICAL approach, WAR.

Iran wants money, NO. We do not need to invade you, or do much really. Just keep sanctions in place. This is EXACTLY what we are doing with N. Korea ATM. There is no WAR.

Cuba lift embargo. NO. If you want better relations with us, we need assurances you won't pull some Cuban Missile Crisis stuff again. Otherwsie we will just keep up the same old shit until your own people get sick and tired of you for screwing them over, all because of Fidels pride. War doesn't factor in this at all.

Russia. Sanctions are a bit weak, IMO, more can be done in the form of continuing sanctions and letting the Russians bleed themselves in Ukraine. This can be done with men or just in the form of eating up money and weapons, things Putin can ill afford to lose. No war here.

China. TBH, we shouldn't have to move in a carrier fleet. China starting building manmade islands and other shit because they sensed WEAKNESS in Obamas political actions and language. No war here.

Bush apologized to the Chinese over the plane incident but he didn't prostrate himself/America on the floor either.

Putin and Castro are already hurting. The fall of the Soviet Union did more than we ever need to do militarily. Just let them throw them scream and yell till they go hoarse. They will come around eventually or get left in the dust.

Same with the PRC. China hasn't pulled stunts since back in the 90s. Only when a democrat gets elected and they sense weakness, they started doing what they are doing. Be fair, but let the Chinese know that Taiwan and Japan are not to be fucked with.

It is like any competitive situation. Someone stops training and their reflexes slows. That's why athletes need to be at the top of their game, period.
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The US should be a hegemony cause... MURRICA YEAH!!!

They've repeatedly shown themselves short in matter of international relations, causing further chaos and problems.
Saying nuclear warfare will not happen simply because of how stupid it is makes no sense. First off, war, in general, is stupid, no matter how high the scale is. Secondly, at one point, nuclear warfare almost happened, so it is still entirely possible. I cannot fathom why anyone would argue, "it's never going to happen" when we are basically forgetting how limitless stupidity is.
Well, no one used chemical weapons during World War 2 because they were aware of its destructive capabilities and were afraid of their enemies using them in retaliation. It'd make sense if the same thing happened with nukes.
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Interestingly enough there's nothing about all this in german media, at least not anywhere I'm reading. But I've also been on vacation, so maybe I just didn't notice.
And Putin has also repeatedly shown that he really doesn't give a shit about the Russian people as long as maintains power.

He rose to power on actions of good, but, like Chavez, he relies on bravado, force and finger pointing to stay in power.

Just because we didn't do a very good job in the ME doesn't mean we should just say fuck it all, here you go Putin/Xi.

FYI; This message is for other people than Dr. Fallout. He and I are diametrically opposed and that isn't going to change. Dr is a Russian wanting a more badass Russia. I am an American wanting to make sure we stay that way and Putin is never given the chance to do significant damage to us.

Prime example is abandoning NATO, forcing countries to go into the forceful Zangeif bear hug Putin offers regularly.
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Bah, Russia makes a base in Crimea because we own it now, and it's near our border, and suddenly WW3 is happening. When America does it, miles away from it's soil, no one cares.
Maybe because you invaded and annexed a country for no reason at all. At least the Americans cook up some random bullshit reasons when they do it.
Saying nuclear warfare will not happen simply because of how stupid it is makes no sense. First off, war, in general, is stupid, no matter how high the scale is. Secondly, at one point, nuclear warfare almost happened, so it is still entirely possible. I cannot fathom why anyone would argue, "it's never going to happen" when we are basically forgetting how limitless stupidity is.
Because nuclear weapons are a game changer. They put the leaders at risk too. Nuclear weapons do not prevent conflicts, and this is what you're talking about, as the Cuban Missile Crysis for example was a conflict, not a war, sure it was close but with a lot of luck it was also prevented because Kennedy, his Brother and Krushchev made the right decisions at that time. It is known as a paradox, but it makes a lot of sense when you think about it. It is born from the idea of the game theory - look it up if you want. Of course a nuclear war is always a possibility. But you could also win the lottery, if you play it long enough. However, it simply is not a very likely scenario, because most world leaders, don't lack self preservation. One of the problems is, when you're talking about mechanisms. Seriously, I suggest watching Fog of War. You have to listen to the people that have been actually there, to understand it and why Hass and I see it as very unlikely today.
Maybe because you invaded and annexed a country for no reason at all. At least the Americans cook up some random bullshit reasons when they do it.
I don't know, because the Crimean people wanted to join the Russian federation (check the ethnicity, we have a shit ton of Ruskies there).
I don't know, because the Crimean people wanted to join the Russian federation (check the ethnicity, we have a shit ton of Ruskies there).
I am confused. Doesn't that mean that the Russian people there wanted Crimea to be Russian and not the actual Crimean people? :confused: Isn't it like many Spanish people would start living in Portugal and then wanted Portugal to become Spanish? Or Australian people start to live in New Zealand and then wanted New Zealand to become Australian? Etc.
I am not informed of what actually happened so I can't say anything about it, but saying it like you did sounds fishy :eyebrow:.
I am confused. Doesn't that mean that the Russian people there wanted Crimea to be Russian and not the actual Crimean people? :confused: Isn't it like many Spanish people would start living in Portugal and then wanted Portugal to become Spanish? Or Australian people start to live in New Zealand and then wanted New Zealand to become Australian? Etc.
I am not informed of what actually happened so I can't say anything about it, but saying it like you did sounds fishy :eyebrow:.
Do you even know what the actual Crimean people are? They're Tartars, basically Muslim Mongols.