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  1. C

    Doom by Bethesda??

    Doom 4 was in conception before Bethesda even acquired id Software.
  2. C

    Bioware/Victory Games C&C: Generals 2

    There was nothing wrong with the phrasing. He pointed out that you made it sound like it could still be part of some franchise -- just not their own (Bioware's).
  3. C

    If Quake was done today...

    That's very much because it was *not* how FPS games played back then. What you see is a footage of the infamous world-record speedrun of Quake, showcasing a plethora of physics mindfuckery that is very, very far from conventional gameplay. While I agree with the basic notion that FPS games had a...
  4. C

    Afterfall aiming for... 10 million preorders?

    Afterfall InSanity pre-order is being offered for $1. If they reach 10 million preorders, the full price of the game will stay at $1, and they will send the earnings to charity. Uhhh.. Okay. This is a very big "If", and given their track record this is almost as absurd as your common Nigerian...
  5. C

    Bethesda suing Notch Heh.
  6. C

    Fallout Archaeology: Ancient Fallout 1 advertisement

    Probably borrowed from some Baldur's Gate project, much like the Deathclaw (Tarrasque).
  7. C

    Deus Ex Human Revolution

    Hong Kong's voices were stellar next to Paris. Oh god, that was dreadful.
  8. C

    How would you create a Fallout Movie/TV series

    I'd remake A Boy and His Dog, I guess.
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    Dark Engine Source Code Leaked
  10. C

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

    Sort of like the Oblivion face generator? Hmm.
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    Dark Engine (SS2, Thief) Source code leaked

    Apparently, the source code for the engine and modding tools of Thief 1/2 and System Shock 2 has been found on a second-hand bought HDD. Not sure how much it interests frequent visitors of NMA, but this is incredible news to fans of those games for all the new modding possibilities it offers...
  12. C

    All Roads graphic novel 12-page preview now available

    Some foreshadowing for the plot, I suppose. Pretty nice, overall. Not too flashy, either. I'm assuming page 12 is essentially the world map.
  13. C

    All Roads previewable on iTunes

    Hey, no problem buddy. I agree that flashy doesn't work with Fallout, but I think the issue stems from New Vegas feeling a good deal more like a retro-futuristic game (based on shots and previews) and not so much like a post-apocalyptic game.
  14. C

    All Roads previewable on iTunes

    It wasn't so long ago that everyone was complaining that modern games are "too brown/gray"...
  15. C

    what is your favorite game dialogue voice overs?

    Most importantly, he did the Lou in Fallout.
  16. C

    [FO1] Can't repair the water pump

    I remember getting stuck on a few adventure games back in the day and having to phone the publisher for hints. *wistful sigh.*
  17. C

    Fallout's Forgotten Revolution

    I think you guys are confusing "meaningful choices" - which both games have at about a similar dose - with "linear": Deus Ex is a linear game in the sense that you will always go through the same order of events (more or less, depending on your choices) and have the plot revealed through a set...
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    World Cup 2010 South Africa

    Germany is cruising along to the finals while trampling all over Argentina. All that South American noise thus far has proven to be just that -- noise. Messi? Messy.
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    The E3 is around again ! How awesome is that !

    Uh, dude, this will happen in any hardware with a disk spinning in it if you start flipping it around.
  20. C

    The E3 is around again ! How awesome is that !

    All those cover-based third person shooters begin to seem more and more like glorified Arkanoid remakes.