All Roads graphic novel 12-page preview now available


This ghoul has seen it all
Staff member
Now that the preview of the graphic novel has been made available, we have it here for you too.<blockquote>

Thanks, Incognito
Some foreshadowing for the plot, I suppose. Pretty nice, overall. Not too flashy, either.

I'm assuming page 12 is essentially the world map.
Heh, I would of felt ripped off if I bought the collector's edition just for this. Its alright, I guess, but the writing is all over the place. I know its to create a bit of foreshadowing for the game itself, but the chunks of writing that are there sorta made me feel there are things said in between that are missing.
ZeusComplex said:
Heh, I would of felt ripped off if I bought the collector's edition just for this. Its alright, I guess, but the writing is all over the place. I know its to create a bit of foreshadowing for the game itself, but the chunks of writing that are there sorta made me feel there are things said in between that are missing.

Did you ever read a comic before?

Anyway, great comic. :clap: Like both the art (nothing special and functional for the most part) and really like the writing. :D
I had a feeling about that. I sorta feel dumb for my previous comment. Though I'm plenty curious about the rest of the novel now.
Personally, I think it's really really good. Start of a graphic novelist career for MCA?:)

I'd love to see more stuff like this in the future. Especially about earlier days of the Wasteland.

EDIT: Also, Benny seems to be much more of an interesting character than expected.
God damn Khans, always causing trouble. It's inevitable that they'll end up getting thrashed yet again by a Fallout protagonist.
Incognito said:
Personally, I think it's really really good. Start of a graphic novelist career for MCA?:)

I'd love to see more stuff like this in the future. Especially about earlier days of the Wasteland.

EDIT: Also, Benny seems to be much more of an interesting character than expected.

Chris Avellone is a award winner comic book writer, I kid you not.
Incognito said:
To note, this is NOT the entire novel, just the first 12 pages(out of 60 or so)

+- 60 pages doesn't make a graphic novel. Maybe it would be better to call it what it is: a comic. And not a very good one at that either. It's mainstream stuff, inked the way Marvel used to ink during the nineties. The style is not reminiscent of classic Fallout at all. Big fail in that department. But yeah, I guess those things don't matter anymore nowadays, do they? As long as there's a lot of sand and rocks and badass looking people, it's Fallout, eh?


They could have at least hired an artist and inker who had a fifties style, it's not like they're so hard to find nowadays, is it?

Also: meh at the "Never Forget". Seriously. Low.
alec said:
Incognito said:
To note, this is NOT the entire novel, just the first 12 pages(out of 60 or so)

+- 60 pages doesn't make a graphic novel. Maybe it would be better to call it what it is: a comic. And not a very good one at that either. It's mainstream stuff, inked the way Marvel used to ink during the nineties. The style is not reminiscent of classic Fallout at all. Big fail in that department. But yeah, I guess those things don't matter anymore nowadays, do they? As long as there's a lot of sand and rocks and badass looking people, it's Fallout, eh?


They could have at least hired an artist and inker who had a fifties style, it's not like they're so hard to find nowadays, is it?

Also: meh at the "Never Forget". Seriously. Low.
What does 50s style comic art look like? My oldest is from the 80s. Is there a big difference?
Whaaaaaaa!? I expected a novel, like an ordinary book! With lots of information, and stuff like that. And huge walls of texts. I wouldn't mind some pictures.
(apparently I ignored the difference between "graphic novel" and "novel")

Hype level for the novel dropped from 9.4/10 to 4/10. (note: anything more than 0/10 is still some amount of hype)
Blackened said:
Whaaaaaaa!? I expected a novel, like an ordinary book! With lots of information, and stuff like that. And huge walls of texts. I wouldn't mind some pictures.
(apparently I ignored the difference between "graphic novel" and "novel")

Hype level for the novel dropped from 9.4/10 to 4/10. (note: anything more than 0/10 is still some amount of hype)
That is pretty fail-tastic
OakTable said:
My God alec... I'm wondering if you are subtly trolling us all.

I'm not trolling. Look at that comic. What exactly is so Fallout about it? The sand? The raiderlike dudes? Casinos? Or just the fact that it has Fallout printed on its cover? And comes with a "Fallout game"? To me this looks like any other mainstream comic I've ever seen in my life. The drawing style is stock Marvel style. The colouring is completely here and now. Why would that be? So it can be sold to the same public? Because this is what sells nowadays?

How about they had done it in 1950s EC comics style for a change? How about they skipped the Photoshop brushes and went for the flat colour panels that the fifties excelled at? Is that really asking too much? Don't forget that the original games had art that was reminiscent of that era, shall we? And don't forget that there's still artists around who draw that way (the Curse of the Weird series were very much like 1950s EC comics, for instance).

I regard this as a missed opportunity, but hey, that's just me, you know? To me it would seem very normal and logic and creative to do it that way. But okay, whatever. :roll:

Expresate said:
So.... Chris Avellone has no say in the Fallout universe?
Something he has too much say. And the content of text balloons alone doesn't make the comic. Plus: the dialogue really ain't that good. Seriously.
Expecting this comic to have 1950s-style art is like expecting Fallout: New Vegas to have 1997-style graphics.
alec said:
OakTable said:
My God alec... I'm wondering if you are subtly trolling us all.

I'm not trolling. Look at that comic. What exactly is so Fallout about it? The sand? The raiderlike dudes? Casinos? Or just the fact that it has Fallout printed on its cover? And comes with a "Fallout game"? To me this looks like any other mainstream comic I've ever seen in my life. The drawing style is stock Marvel style. The colouring is completely here and now. Why would that be? So it can be sold to the same public? Because this is what sells nowadays?

How about they had done it in 1950s EC comics style for a change? How about they skipped the Photoshop brushes and went for the flat colour panels that the fifties excelled at? Is that really asking too much? Don't forget that the original games had art that was reminiscent of that era, shall we? And don't forget that there's still artists around who draw that way (the Curse of the Weird series were very much like 1950s EC comics, for instance).

I regard this as a missed opportunity, but hey, that's just me, you know? To me it would seem very normal and logic and creative to do it that way. But okay, whatever. :roll:

In my opinion the story matters more than the pictures.
So you guys are being serious? If someone were to remove the cover pages and let you read this stuff, you'd be all: "Wow, this reminds me so much of Fallout? And the style is really a match made in heaven, it totally evokes the feeling of comics the way you'd expect Fallout to present these things: fifty-ish, a mix of old school futurism and nostalgia. "


There really is no point in pointing out the obvious, is there?

Ausir said:
Expecting this comic to have 1950s-style art is like expecting Fallout: New Vegas to have 1997-style graphics.
It is? What a curious way to look at things. There's this guy, Chris Ware, he does that all the time: emulating old comics, old styles, mixing it with the new. Seth does so as well. You know why? To evoke a certain feeling that can not be told through modern means. It's called: being creative. But yeah: that's not exactly Obsidian's strongest point, is it. They already need to recycle old material and abandonned ideas to actually finish their baby.