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  1. M

    Fanatic for the Enclave - Glory to the Enclave

    Perhaps I should've elaborated more - to me, the concept of the main villain being the army of mutants is kind of cartoonish, even with Master's and Lieutenant's depth, I always prefered the Enclave because they were humans. Monsters that looked like humans, you could say, but still humans...
  2. M

    Fanatic for the Enclave - Glory to the Enclave

    This thread is basically dead, but I'd like to add my two cents. The Enclave was the best villain Fallout ever had. Not the Unity - despite how interesting the concept and Master were, that faction was still typical, cartoonish villains. Not the Legion - they were something fresh...
  3. M

    How much of the game is in your head?

    At first I used to play the good guys, then I got bored and nowadays, when I'm replaying Fallouts I go for the mercenary-like attitude ("Oh, you need help? How much is it worth to you?") with money/valuable items as my motivation. I once replayed FO3 as a total douchebag to have fun of its dumb...
  4. M

    Replaying Honest Hearts

    I've recently replayed HH for, I think, fourth time and I never get bored with it. Mostly because I consider Zion as a break from Mojave; yes, you still have to fight your way through, but it's more open and exploration oriented (as opposed to Dead Money which would set you on one path and...
  5. M

    Does anyone remember ANY Fallout 3 characters?

    There are little to none memorable characters in FO3. I think Desmond Lockheart and Ishmael Ashur were the only ones that seemed interesting to me.
  6. M

    Do you have hope for the next Fallout?

    I'm actually waiting for both FO4 and Wasteland 2. I plan to get both games, but I'm pretty sure W2 will turn out to be far superior to Bethesda's new, ahem, Fallout.
  7. M

    Ermahgerd photersherp

    So I was bored and decided to derp around in Photoshop and eventually turned this: into this: Let's say I was Fallout inspired.
  8. M

    Is NV too much NCR-Sided?

    Even if it's officialy stated that Horrigan is somewhat dumb and the language he uses is mimicking his superiors and/or propaganda broadcasts, but still - he speaks in a cohesive manner and the Enclave sends him on the mainland with a squad he commands. Given that the Enclave operates on a...
  9. M

    Favorite DLC Weapon

    Protonic Axe and overheated Saturnite Fist, loved these. Also, Graham's signature pistol, I liked it as a weapon on critters and light armored enemies I didn't want to waste more precious ammo on.
  10. M

    Campaign to bring the next Fallout to New York

    I always imagined that if a nuclear war really happened, DC and New York would be those two places in the US that would be bombed flat and reduced to a radioactive crater. Since Beth's Washington looks more like after an earthquake, I assume they'd do the same to NY, which I wouldn't like to see.
  11. M

    Fallout: New California

    Personally, I wouldn't like to see any other Fallout set in California, or any other region that's been used already. I still wish to see either Alaska or Louisiana as a setting.
  12. M

    Lets be fair...

    And being intelligent. I wouldn't be surprised if Marcus actually read something about Latin/Rome. He obviously didn't have a direct contact with the Legionnaries, if I remember they shoot Ghouls and Muties on sight. A "plothole" I was wondering about after reading about Ulysses: it is stated...
  13. M

    What happens to freed slaves?

    They die eventually, since Capital Wasteland is a "cruel and inhospitable place".
  14. M

    Lonesome Road ending Reputation check

    As already mentioned, reputation with either faction is a key factor here. When I was going independent and talked to him, he started babbling about NCR, as at that point of the game I already had "idolized" reputation with them.
  15. M

    who did you side with on your first playthrough

    Did you end with Caesar or Lanius as the head honcho of the Legion? Because the latter is even worse than people would think. :P
  16. M

    Your favorite protaginist?

    Shame on me, I totally forgot about the G.E.C.K, you got me :lol: However, I still find Chosen's origin as the least plausible among other protagonists. Hell, even the Lone Wanderer makes more sense to me. But maybe I'm too sceptical about tribals, though.
  17. M

    Your favorite protaginist?

    The problem with Chosen, the way I see it, was that the developers repeated the same motive of, let's say, a saviour (like in the first game) but couldn't decide whether the new hero should be a savage or a civilized man. I think putting tribals in a post-apo fiction is justified, but as with...
  18. M

    Your favorite protaginist?

    1. The Courier - because, as he tells Ulysses "I believe one man can create... or break a nation" (or something similar). The fun thing about him is that he's not saving the world but instead shapes and secures the future of Vegas and Mojave. Also, he's got the best speech checks in the entire...
  19. M

    Fallout Freestyle (poetry)

    Y U NO GIVE NEXT SUGGESTION?! Meh, I'll have my own, 4chan style: visiting Megaton for the first time. Now this is the story all about how My life got flipped, turned upside down And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there, son I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town...
  20. M

    Fallout Europe? Poland? Why the fuck haven't I known about it before? :o Gotta get my hands on it. Even if the game is crappy, I just have to. Post Nuclear Fucking Poland I'm not sleeping tonight, too excited. :crazy: