Yeah, it's not like "he hates you no matter what", because in context of the world, he doesn't have the OPTION to hate you, no matter your decision. In-universe, the courier only ever did one thing, ever, and there's only 1 series of events: what happened. Ulysses just hated what the courier represented, because of very good reasons. OUT of context, since it's a game, and it gives us choices, and we can replay it and try different choices, it can seem as if "he hates you if you do this, OR this, OR this", but that's just looking at it out of context. Indeed, Ulysses is the Courier's nemesis, but he's even more than that. He's a dark opposite of the Courier; what the Courier COULD have been, because they both walked such similar paths, yet found themselves so vastly far apart, in the end. He HAS to be antagonistic towards your character, no matter what, simply because that's what his character represents. But he's well-developed enough that you can still empathize with the guy.
That's why he's my favorite Fallout "villain" RIGHT behind Horrigan. =) Ulysses rocks!
Also, the reason you may be finding it so difficult to find videos or information regarding what Ulysses says if you "side Independent" is because of how the game determines this for the purpose of Ulysses. Because you CAN go very far down a particular path, but circle back before you make certain commitments and end the game with another allegiance, AND because the Independent route is the ONLY route that's physically impossible to NOT do, the game has a difficult time calculating that you've "made up your mind" to go Independent. By the time you reach The Divide, you might have already done a SINGLE NCR mission, which would give you NCR fame, and suddenly Ulysses will believe you've decided to side with them once and for all. To get the Independent dialog, you not only have to avoid ANY fame, but... get the RIGHT "fame" for it to trigger. It's super particular, so you don't see many players getting it.